What's the appeal ? Why would they do this ?

Why don't they want to remain cute girls ? Why do they want to be men ?

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Jewish brainwashing.
No matter how many they look they will never have a real benis.

Because they're mentally ill.

Yeah but why do they want one ?

They think it's easier. top kek i'm so lonely

attention. Victim points. Mental illness. People used to just get tattoos.

Penis envy is a very real and scary thing. Men are superior in every way, shape, or form. Men lead, women follow. Envy can arise from this simple fact of nature. We need to beat our women, kill them even. They need to learn their place again.

I think those werewolve Dracula teen movies messed up that generation

>woman removes all her privileges by turning into a white male in current year

>wait, come back everyone! I was a woman, I'm not a normal male, I'm just like you!
What do you mean by normal? Pfft, typical white male.

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i would have paid $19.95 for dvd of pre-op bruce jenner fucking chastity bono

penis envy. Few women just realise that they're inferior and want to be men. I support it because then I can beat them without repurcussions

RIP cute pointy boobs

My long distance girl friend started wanting to be a guy, wanted to be referred to as "he" etc.

I invited her to an incel server and let her see how it is to be a dude

mental illness

Because they're filling in the gaps that modern man have left.

cuz we live in a mofuggin clown world bitch ass nigga

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Can I MtM? Will the government pay for it?

get laid little man

tfw that girl doesn't have gyno but you do

Let's be honest though. Would you rather have a penis or not have a penis? I'm going with penis.

Hardcore neckbeard jew nigger right here. Tryin to stir up shit for no reason. Your girlfriend probably beats you, beta, funny because she’s probably just a fleshlight

Because her Dad was a piece of shit and couldn't protect her

She seems till made pretty Good gains though. I Wonder what her program looks like.

Because they don't know how hard men have it compared to women

What did she think? It sounds like paradise to me but I'm already a guy.


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Literally this.

>Ive fucked 4 girls that claim to be "Lesbian/Bi"
>2 were just straight up with me and told me they occasionally crave dick cause they're not satisfied by chicks.
>1 was a good friend who had a lot of drama around her sex life, but wanted me to fuck her because she mentally pictures my cock as being hers (i guess she meant her perspective), more than the act of banging.
>the last one was a chick who liked guys but also told me she needs to get a load in her once in a while if she was seeing girls cause didn't give her that when they came.

Pretty much what I've gathered, lesbians crave the culture (read: High School-tier drama/attention that being gay gets you) but are ultimately frustrated in many ways cause they cannot genuinely get off after a while. Its almost as if they're genetically engineered for sexual activity but are lying about needing a dude to get them off to a physical extent because it will make them look weak or like a traitor in their community, possibly ostracizing them.

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Rape victims. They want to distance themselves from being on the recieving end of sex as much as possible.

Sure. You'll have to get your dick chopped off first and grow a fake one on your arm though.

Feeling completely powerless as a female. This dumb cunt probably watched her mommy get beat by daddy on the daily. Instead of working through it in therapy like semi-sane people do, bitch gets a sausage roll surgically attached to her cunt and claims she/he/it is magically cure and empowered.

I just want the gyno surgery and free roids :(
Why can't I grow a new foreskin on my arm instead? Wouldn't that make me even more M than I am now?

>They want to distance themselves from being on the recieving end of sex as much as possible.

False. Or at least from the girls that have rough pasts that I have been with.

They usually just like being abused. And a select few are sex workers because they strangely desire to be the 'object of someones desire', so much so that they literally jerk dudes off for money just because it makes them feel wanted.

I guess some are transitioning as reaction to assault, but most are just really damaged, horny chicks.

why do ftms pass better than mtfs, every mtf i’ve seen looks like a drowned sewer rat with that creepy dreamworks smirk

Foreskins are immoral, you filthy goyim.
And real penises are sexist. What's real progressive is pic related.
FtM trannies are probably a special kind of crazy.

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I really enjoy RLM and really enjoy that image.

Will they pay for MtFtMtF or MtFtMtFtM?

Man, talk about blowing out a roastie



With Rich Evans being out in the world, im not sure HOW women could even want to be with anyone else but him.

Think about it. Political and media changes have been telling women to become men for about 75 years now, every decade they push harder. It's amazing they haven't put chemicals in the water to make women grow giant dicks and start fucking men at this point. Every single film has a powerful wymyn beating up some man. All through school they are taught that being traditional woman is stupid and a waste of your life and that women who behave like men are heroes. They get attention and praise for this. Politically they are pushed into the work force because it's difficult to find a guy who can make enough money to pay for you and a child. The whole female gender has been targeted and demented. Why do they do this? The better question is: Why isn't anyone conservative creating a streaming service to provide normal content to people? Why don't they create...literally ANYTHING for anyone conservative? If you don't conserve your culture, this is what happens.

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No doubt. See The one that wanted to visualize my dick being hers was on hormone therapy at one point in her teens (probably late 90s/early 00s cause they barred her from doing anything else but hormone therapy) and it really messed her up. Like neurologically. Her clit was HUGE, her tits looked like they had melted off, her body was a weird mix of mashed potatoes and iron muscle. She was a mess. Attractive, somewhat, but her body was as messed up as her psyche.

Really, all she wanted was more dick.

All the perks of a bro and when you are done doing bro shit you can bang and it would only be 50% homo. She can ride you while you rub her flat chest and run your fingers across her chiseled bod as you release your seed into her eggless cavern.

>put chemicals in the water to make women grow giant dicks and start fucking men
I wish a nigga would

she was fuckable.

>would rather be a woman than a man
I got news for you, OP

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ikr that's a p. nice rack. life's just not fair.

Second post best post. This thread is over.

why are cis men so insecure

Their condition correlates with autism. And a hall mark of autism is low empathy and social understanding, meaning self reflection is impossible for these people. And as a result they ascertain various identities for existential comfort. Not knowing the nuance of each, of course.

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says autism the race

It's all true though? Edward Dutton even made a video on it.

See: m.youtube.com/watch?v=_AHCk6K4WYU

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anime and boybands, all ftm are fujoshis