Attached: 1531515143247.webm (150x150, 101K)

The OP probably found out about the mysterious hacker known as Jow Forums through reddit too. No wonder the post quality is in the toilet.

im the poster you dumb fuck its called cross platforming

This is just like someone posting gay porn and then another person screencapping the source and then calling them a faggot.

More like
>They really bought all the shit I told them, they love me no matter how I shit on them LOL

im just trying to diseminate meme material and faggots are trying to shill hard

the image of trump having the queen smile is a powerful image and the left are SEETHING

you are just mad america is there for the uk i bet you really thought you had us under the thumb eh hans? topkek

But she isn't in jail.

If it panders to the Boomers it is Globohomo. Every aspect of this cultural shift has occurred to the Boomer. Has been directed at the boomer. Trump is controlled opposition. Designed to subdue tea party movement. Tea party movement had the true spirit of Liberty. What we have now is just shadows.

Attached: boomerTrump.jpg (500x289, 17K)

Where are all the liberty memes? Just a bunch of vulgar, degenerate shit. They're having a giggle watching you engage in such depravity and at the same time preach cleanliness. The wool has been pulled over your eyes and you cannot see the contradiction in your own actions.

Break free.

Attached: leaveandfindpeace.jpg (1877x2792, 533K)