/PAL/ - Paludan General - Election Tomorrow Edition

>PALUDANWAVE IS OUT: youtube.com/watch?v=LpUMEF6lyQo

Is there a chance Jow Forumsudan will go beyond the polls?

Attached: paludanwave.png (1267x671, 556K)

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Yeah, I think there's a very good chance that he'll get a lot of silent votes. It's hard to say. He could get anywhere between 2% to 12% of the votes if you ask me. The party is polling around 2% at the moment, which is just enough to get the party elected. So either way, I'm pretty sure that they'll make it.

What is the general sentiment towards him from DF voters?

Mixed, I guess. Those who like him the most probably consider voting for SK, and those who don't well, I don't know. The problem with DF is that the party has become too normie/establishment in recent years. Too polished and boring. So I think the main reason DF suddenly starts polling so badly as they've been, is because people will vote for SK, but saying they're voting for the Social Democrats, because it's kind of a taboo to be voting SK here.


stuck between voting for the conservative party because they seem to be the only "right" wing party that cares about the environment and hard line for obvious reasons.

what to do

Mengelo er bare den bedste!

Stem Stram Kurs. Tro mig, alle de andre partier, giver ikke en skid for dig. Det handler om penge og globalisme, og flere og flere indvandrere. Det eneste parti i Danmark, der kerer sig for danskerne, er sgu Stram Kurs, også selvom Paludan er en skæv personlighed. Tro mig, du vil ikke have, at Danmark ender som Sverige eller det der er værre. De eneste der kan og vil stoppe det, er Stram Kurs.

Se blot Belgien, hvor de nu har et decideret Islamisk Parti. Det kommer nok også snart i Danmark, hvis ikke Alternativet allerede er blevet det. Prov at læs denne artikel fra i dag:


Det beviser bare igen igen, at Paludan har ret, når han siger, at “almindelige” rettroende muslimer ikke anerkender Ahmadiyya-muslimerne for værende rigtige muslimer. Det er egentlig interessant at se, hvad der sker med Alternativet for tiden. Resultaterne af deres egen politik/naive tilgang illustreres til fulde i og med, at partiet er ved at blive overtaget af muslimer. Det der sker med Alternativet i ojeblikket, er præcis det samme, der ville ske med hele Danmark, hvis de fik magt, som de har agt. Og Konservative er jo ret beset ikke meget bedre. Det vil gå lige så galt med dem - bare i et langsommere tempo.

If I could vote there I'd pick Stram Kurs in order to push the discourse in our way, it will help Sweden as well.

>conservative party
You mean the one lead by a nigger fucking faggot? Hahahahaha so conservative

Thanks for the support, and yes, that's true.

Sending my energy to SK but it looks like the left is gonna win, is this good or bad? Mette talks hard in immigration but is the Danish far-left gonna support that?

What's the best choice for tomorrow guys? Dansk Folkeparti, Nye Borgerlige or Stram Kurs? I'm not sure...

It's very bad. And yes, that's the big question. I don't think she's going to be tough on immigration at all. She's full of shit and only did it to steal DF voters. Her deception is partly the reason why DF has more or less collapsed. The emergence of both SK and NB of course also plays a role.

Was this the guy that told a BBC reporter that Britain was a shithole country because it imported muslims?

Bump, (you), aesthetic, liked and subbed.


What happened to the demonstartion at Blågåards plads today? I cant find anything about it, was it cancelled?

Stram Kurs, without doubt. If you're tired of the establishment, muslims and want to rustle their jimmies, then it's SK.

Also remember, that DF are a sideline party, they never take responsibility. And NB are like LA on their economical policy. Don't forget that Promille Vermuth is married to a rich cocksucker. She doesn't care about the little man. They're the anti-immigrant banker's party.

The only party for the people is Stram Kurs. Rasmus is one of us.

Paludan is literally ourguy, he's been using Jow Forums language more and more, calling the politicians normies and betas in debates, and using terms like based and sojaboy

I fully agree with the criticism of NB's economic policy, I don't want libertarian nonsense. And DF is too moderate. But at the same time they've pulled their entire discourse and the paradigm in their direction. Denmark's come a long way. Just compare it to Sweden... the difference is all thanks to DF.

The counterargument, of course, is shown in Rasmus' videos - does DF's work even matter if all of these things still happen in Danish streets? But I'm afraid that Rasmus, with his style and blunt, honest tone, will cause mainstream parties to shy away from further steps to prevent mass immigration as they will deride him as too radical. And if DF lose too much, we could get an SV government or a left-wing government in which S relies on all of these left-wing parties rather than on DF.

In principle SK are absolutely closest to me and I am impressed by Rasmus. He absolutely is our guy. I just hope it's also the most wise choice in the long run.

It very much took place.
Don't know why SK didn't cover it via the usual livestream on Youtube, but BT and all the other major news outlets have coverage from Blaagaards plads today.

Don't vote Conservative. They don't even want to leave the refugee conventions. Without these conventions DK can never fully end mass immigration. At least vote SK, NB or DF.

Did anything special happen?

Huh, weird they didnt cover it - seems like the few clips there are were very good optics localeyes.dk/a122135-1234-anholdelse-udloeste-ballade-ved-paludan-demo-civilklaedte-betjente-trak-stavene/

Someone who has a link to a TV2 livestream, so you can see the party leader debate at 20:00?

opret dig dog bare og opsig efter debatten.

Some antifa faggots got arrested

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Sejr - V


>t. Poul Erik Skammelsen

Anyone else going to watch the debate?

yup, tv2 usually gives him more time to talk, could be good


Yeah, me too. I think Paludan will shine tonight.

Can we foreigners see the debate from somewhere?

why do they always put Paludan next to the anti-abortion ginger? lol

Attached: ginger 2.png (1366x768, 1.56M)

link to livestream?

Paludan is an actual kike. Will he save you from the refugees the kikes at his synagogue are bringing in?

A real conservative supports sound environmental policy in order to pass on our homelands as cleanly and orderly to our descendants as we got it from our ancestors. Don't be a neoliberal.

Climate policy is nonsense. Preventing pollution and caring for your homeland isn't.

I thought this would be the right channel - but it's showing some weird regional debate, so I dunno, the real debate might come on freeintertv.com/view/id-1148

that's a lot of words just to say you're a faggot

but really, what are the other parties doing in denmark? how are they destroying the environment? polluting all air, ocean, burning down the entire forest?

TV2 Bornholm

god I hate those youth party members, literally just drones

why would anyone illegaly stream TV2 Bornholm? lol

I saw him walking past my window today. I havent been on Jow Forums for some time, what do you guys think about him and his party?

the closest to /ourguy/ as we're gonna get, definitely browses pol

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Le polls

Attached: Danish_Opinion_Polls_30_Day_Moving_Average_2015-2019.png (1159x501, 195K)

I guess TV2 Bornholm it is, atleast bornholmsk is easy to understand

holy autism

krölleböller are based

hes not a kike tf you talking about?

Morten Östergård is such a little bitch

Attached: radikale.jpg (800x826, 368K)

Have Jow Forums been doing anything to help him?

That aside he could improve his image if he lost some weight

>Det beviser bare igen igen, at Paludan har ret, når han siger, at “almindelige” rettroende muslimer ikke anerkender Ahmadiyya-muslimerne for værende rigtige muslimer.

Lige præcis ovenstående bekræfter alle islam-kritikere og bestemmer, endeligt, at "Moderat" islamisme er lig med EXTREM islamisme.

>That aside he could improve his image if he lost some weight
The butter is strong with this one. Would be helpful if he switched to keto.

No way, he looks like an irl pepe at this weight

Attached: paludan pepe.jpg (598x546, 319K)

Not sure will depend heavily on their ability to maneuver politically, it can just as easily blow up in their face, because the returning Social Democrats cannot tolerate the far-left immigration policies.

bliver altid nervos når han skal sige noget

every time Paludan talks the other politicians start shitting bricks kek

Every time he talks the other politicians start shitting bricks lol

unintentional double post, fucking Jow Forums shitting up again

Paludan is clearly the most alpha guy of the entire bunch. He has that zero fucks attitude.

Paludan is fucking awesome. Can't wait for them to discuss immigration, hehe.

I want her to not abort my babies

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The Stram Kurs leader used his first speaking time to say that he believes children with ethnicity other than Danish are more violent than ethnic Danish.

He's just saying what everyone is thinking

Paludan is asked which group should be prioritized within welfare.

- The Danes must, of course, answer that.

He believes that the other 12 party leaders forget to look at which children in the institutions of the TV 2 documentary created problems. Specifically, he believes that one should look at the number of educators in areas with many foreigners, since he believes there is more violence in those areas.


Lügenpresse works fast:


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Jeg synes, at hun er en af de der typer, der er grim-smukke.. Smuk lige ved forste ojekast, men jo længere tid man kigger på hende, desto grimmere bliver hun.

Kan jeg streame dette nogen steder??

Is Morten Östergaard a female to male tranny, everything he says is cringe


Pia Olsen Dyhr always sounds like she's about to cry.

Oy vey, you must pay more vat's, it's for the climate goy

Jizzabella Arendt.

Nu-males have low test.

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beautiful robust ginger phenotype, maybe it's cuz she looks like one of my ex's i dunno, but she's the perfect baby machine

Hun har fede knæ

oy vey, we'd lose 5 billion if we lose our refugees, even though they cost us 35 billion??? 300+ IQ

Horte i lige Mullah Oestergaard?

"Stram Folkeparti".. Han sagde "Nye Stramme" eller sådan noget i forrige debat på TV2. Han gor det med vilje, den lille forræder.

>we deliver roads
OKAY, even Somalia has roads Pernille

Det er 100% signal politik. Intet reelt at komme efter.

Så gir Persille Skvupper og Promille Vermuth den gas, haha.

Præcis. Ligesom al deres politik. Skræmmende, at man kan opfoere sig så joedisk.

>Muh intelligent foreign workers
is there a bigger myth

>muh climate
here we go again

someone stop this old boomer

what if Greta got gangbanged by Muslims?

>literally a brain damaged homosexual sexual predator who flies kekistani flags and uses terms like 'normie', 'beta male' and 'basedboy' in debates

>in debates
more like in parliament, sweaty

It's all so tiresome. Håber fucking der kommer en ny lille istid, så det kan lukke roeven på dem. Men så begynder de vel også at påstå, at det er pga. muh climate.


Thulesen Dahl finally with a based answer for once, making the climate bitches scream

what have you done/sacrificed to protect your country? Paludan has more courage in his little toe than you in your entire body.

He is always pretty good at debates

the 0,1% of international c02 number is such a good meme, shuts the bitches up

too bad it's a boomer party

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