What did Apollo Space Program protesters mean by this?

> When 200 black protesters marched on Cape Canaveral to protest the launch of Apollo 14, one Southern Christian Leadership Conference leader claimed, "America is sending lazy white boys to the moon because all they're doing is looking for moon rocks. If there was work to be done, they'd send a nigger."

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Acknowledging their race is only good for manual labor? Wow, niggers have gotten worse, back then they at least knew what they were good for. Too bad the Mexicans one upped them relegating a small minority of the black community to only being success if they kick ass in the sportsball world.

>If there was work to be done, they'd send a nigger."
um lets try again
>if there was low iq shit that they ran out of everyone else for and i didn't need a astrophysics degree they wold send niggers

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>is only good for manual labor
Are they though? Have you met many hard working black people?

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> Nigger astronauts
What could go wrong?

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$8 to feed a starving nigger 48 years ago? $8 could buy enough chitterlings and greens to feed a whole ape colony for back then.

Wow. They truly are not the same species. And now look at them, their intellectual hatred and indolence and violence is celebrated.

> Niggers starving in America
I'll press X to doubt on this one.

It's called societal pressure, you get more of what you're willing to tolerate.

The niggers are convinced that NASA is the greatest threat to their whole "we'z allowed to rape each other and breedz as much as we'z can with whitey feeding us" culture.

Didn't you see Hidden niggerz ? It was black womenz with comudahz branz who got us to da moon. Stupid white males dindu nuffin.

Whitey on the Moon is such a good redpill. This is celebrated, but most whites should be shocked to hear it. We simply want different things.

And now every nigger is wearing a NASA shirt how ironic.

Reparaaaaashuuuns (woke Bongos edition)

Is that why black employment globally is probably lower than every single other race, per capita? Have to fucking enslave them to get anything done, so they were probably scared of sending niggers to the moon out of fear they would manage to fuck it up or refuse to come back for arbitrary reasons.

And NASA is now one big diversity department without even their own rockets to fly.

Attached: nasa.jpg (281x180, 14K)

Funny this is the white man's reality now he is singing about while niggerz wear NASA shirts and all want to be scientist and shit they goin to college.

Blacks absolutely hate NASA, as it is a competing government program that sucks up money for very little return, just like welfare. They see every dollar spent for space stuff as a dollar they could have gotten instead. Since NASA is so white, it makes it an easy target for them.

You have to understand that the entire mindset of a negro is one of entitlement. Their entire race existed in Africa as one that just took whatever they wanted whenever they wanted, as Africa provided limitless resources to them with minimal effort. They inherently believe that anything they want should be theirs, as nature has guided them on that path. If they couldn’t pick it up and take it, they resorted to violence.

This is why no majority black society will ever be successful. Once they have to start working for something, they resort to violence unless guided by someone else. Zimbabwe is a great example.
>whites build society and include blacks
>blacks feel like they deserve it
>they use violence to get rid of white leaders
>leftover whites only successful ones left
>blacks feel like they deserve it
>attack and remove white farmers
>nothing is left but poverty
>blacks feel like they deserve what whites used to have
>nothing left to attack
>Rely on mother Africa to provide (through gibs)

Apparently it was back in the 60s also remember da white man wudah never got to da moon without dem black womenz

We should send niggers to the moon.

Wow, even in the '60s niggers were obese.

Insert pic of every nigger wearing a NASA shirt today. Stupid boomer.

Typical idiots, the space program does more for society than welfare and everyone who's thought about it for five seconds knows this.
Don't believe me? Look up common technologies derived from Apollo mission tech, there's a huge list, least of all including cordless tools.

America has been subverting by christcucks and their neo-Judaism.

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>NASA is so white
Not so fast.

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Well ya we have freeze dried ice cream now

>the space program does more for society than welfare
mostly they just steal the money and show you CGI of nonsense

The Nazis in the secret base said we couldn't.

They haven't done shit except being woke cucks in decades.

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There's a good book about blacks and the space program that takes it's name from the song.

You wanna know how I know you're a brain dead retard?