Pride Month Infestation

I don't know whether I should put this on here or on /vg/. It's going here.

Have you anons been quite literally anywhere online and seen gay shit spattered about all your favorite sites?
Not even my bing bing wahoo is safe.
Now tell me, Jow Forums. Is this utter explosion of faggotry really necessary? And why isn't there a straight pride month? Even better why do we need months for these sort of things to begin with?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because immoral corporations will appease child molesters for their business

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no its relevant ur fine

thanks, user.

yeah u heard about snapchat and their new motto? Love has no disability, sexuality, gender, or age? im so desensitized the faggot shit kinda doesnt dent me, but the last word. the FUCK?! well we gotta remember, we live in a time wherein a pedo is trying to make it to american office (back rub biden).

Wait, you serious?
I didn't see that, though I've certainly been seeing it everywhere else.

yep its pissing many off.

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Burn a fag flag at a faggot festival this Summer.
Make sure to wear a ski mask.
Know the local police response times.
Scope the place out first.
Know what you're going to be yelling as the flag burns.*
Have your escape routes planned.
Do it when the police aren't nearby.
Consider leaving your phone behind if you're worried about being tracked.
Work quickly and safely.

And don't forget to bring a gun in case you're put into a self-defense situation and need to defend your free speech and prop comedy act.

If you need a fag flag, drive around a rich neighborhood until you find a house flying the flag.
Wear a ski mask to prevent an CCTV's getting your face.
Park your car far away and walk over to the house to get the flag in the dead of night.

*"This flag is being burned in solidarity for all the children who have been sexually and mentally abused by the faggot community."

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im just waiting for China to wipe us all out. they're, sadly, humanity's last hope

In order to influence generations of people you have to start with children.
It's literally in the Protocols For The Elders Of Zion, read a book you dumb nigger

I'm waiting for the future race riots and genocide that multiculturalism will spawn

Fuckin' commie.
Plenty of other places reject the gay, including us here in the US. We are certainly within our constitutional rights to call out the gays en mass.

Is Nintendo offically fagging the squid?

Is Pride Month Here just To Appeal the Triggered Millennials?

Maybe it's because I've decreased the span of sites I visit compared to last year but I haven't really noticed that much this year compared to last year. I was prepared to see SCP doubling down but they didn't even put up the gay logo this year (which isn't to say that site isn't still deterioriating).

its just a sentiment man. i have high hopes for white resurgence, but it doesnt look good. we've become soft. remember nations and societies always change. 100 years from now china or whatever itd be called then might as freedom loving as we are now. i cant stand them but i do love theirs and japans intolerance for faggoty bullshit

No, but I believe their community is.
Nintendo are the ladds trying to fight it.
Don't you remember how they removed that one "trans rights" stage from the ssbu community tab?
They removed it because they didn't want the ssbu community to become political.
Even if they're okay with the faggotry, they know that it's an issue that could tarnish their company.

>Going to other websites
Fucking normies

I was born legit intersexed. Into adulthood, my dick and balls are tiny and I have breast tissue. I'm hairy as fuck and a manly man.

Fuck the LGBTQ++ bullshit. I've never supported them. They spread their idealism by force and can't let people be themsrlves. Child molesters and rapists.

Round them up.
Gas them.
Hang them.
And force their allies out of the USA.

Whew. Splatoon 2, minus lack of voice chat, is the comfiest game currently out. Art and Meme community took a hit with Miiverse dying but its not all bad. And Nintendo purposesly havent changed their, if anything gets too many reports its delet, policy so we can police content ourselves basically.

I was on the fence about corporate rights, and totally muh freedumbs last year. But this pushed me to the gas side. These companies need to be held accountable

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You can report users that post LGBT and furry shit on Splatoon and Nintendo will ban them.

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Pride comes before the fall.
You will see the normies turn on fags.

they're purely apolitical over there and will ban on sight


Just posted this.
Wonder how fast I'll be given the hammer.

Attached: gayfrogs.jpg (1280x720, 63K)


This, the Big N refuses to even touch any form of politics, especially cause they have a lot riding on the younger audience. In theory you could purge Splatoon entirely of degenerates

not this time, cia nigger!