Burgers will be triggered by this.
Burgers will be triggered by this
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Delet this, Lef.
That's worth some money
>The second amendment was made hundreds of years ago. The founding fathers didn't think of these modern weapons
That's a cool piece.
When I was metal fishing once I found a badly damaged gun like that. Never found anyone who knew how to restore the thing though.
I'm not going to lie, that is a fucking badass concealed carry.
If some cunt pulled that on me in a pub i'd buy him a beer or five.
i mean, yea
for multiple reasons
assuming this isn't a replica, why were you carrying around an antique firearm for no reason and risking damaging it
two, why were you carrying a firearm in a cucked country that treats its citizens like cattle and strips their rights away and is the laughing stock of the world because of how batshit insane the people running it are
Why ... leafs why
Guns like that aren’t even considered guns in ‘Murcia. I could carry a dozen of those bitches concealed and not sign a bit of paperwork.
>Never found anyone who knew how to restore the thing though.
Post some pics with good OPSEC and Jow Forums can probably help you out.
In some places they're still considered weapons and are subject to laws governing the same.
i hope they destroy that horrible tool of death
well flintlocks can still kill, carry 12 on you loaded and you're ready to go, have someone back you up for reloading.
And when this guy says "guns like that," it goes for replicas of antiques as well as actual antiques.
>mfw these aren't even considered firearms in the U.S. and you can purchase them without any paperwork
>construct 12 flintlocks out of plumbing pipes
>find a buddy who does the same
>form a band of trash pirates
>conquer bongland in 10 hours because police can't do shit
Yarr, matey.
>implying you wouldn't be mercilessly spooned
This is canada
That slipped my mind. How weren't assault spoons banned yet?
Because OP is always a giant faggot.
meanwhile in america I can carry a AR15 pistol under my jacket legally
>Dat trigger discipline.
>points the barrel toward the earth
'Murica. Fuck yeah.
i just... can't...
Holy shit, eternally BTFO by that ID
That belongs in a museum.
My 10 year old son has like 3 of these, him and his friends play pirate with them outside HAHAHA
Can’t imagine getting busted for possession of that. What a cucked country.
lol that’s not even a firearm in the us, leagally speaking
but they will never come after all guns that just conspiracy shit
That is a nice pistol. Percussion cap, to boot. What a loss.
Not a flintlock.
>What a cucked country
You have no idea.
it looks nicely maintained
im not an expert one bit but it looks nice if pic is related
>Durham regional police
Is this the UK or Canada? I literally live in a town called Durham but we don't have a regional police force and that's a Canadian leaf in the logo.
Plus we have a loophole for historical firearms where that'd be legal.
Is this the UK or Canada? I live in a town called Durham but we don't have a regional police force.
why isn't this a gif?
nigga there's a town in the US called Durham too i was so confused
it's a percussion lock pistol. did he have a percussion caps and ammo too? Otherwise it's at worst, a paperweight.
Look at the leaf in the police emblem. Dead giveaway.
I am triggered by this.
>not carrying atleast 4 blackpowders ready to rock
That does it, I'm "marching" right over there to eat all of your food.
>Burgers will be triggered by this.
You can conceal a full length AR, too. Its just not feasible do to size without wearing a trenchcoat.
Is this one of those guns that you have to fill with gunpowder and light a fuse?
we need to bring back the dual dueling pistol look.
I'm triggered by this.
I live in Oshawa I wonder what bar it was lol
>fill with gunpowder
>light a fuse?
Meanwhile, in Australia, even fake guns are considered real under the law.
Durham, North Carolina is just as cucked as Canada.
>assault spoons banned
Not that kind of spooning, comrade.
This is true. A middle school in Durham just hosted a drag queen striptease show recently.
>Burgers will be triggered by this.
NGL. This really hurts. Hurts right in the freedums.
The only things they really couldn't have imaged are:
>mechanical machines that move of their own power and can carry a Cannon.
>Flying machines that move of their own power and can carry cannons, firearms and lethal fireworks.
>Nuclear weapons carried by giant metal tubes of fuel that reach toward the stars before returning to a target on earth.
Anything else is a logical extension of the basic weaponry they had available at the time they wrote the second amendment (yes, even automatic firearms).
So okay, no nukes, no tanks and no jets/helicopters.
However, they did create a clause in the constitution that explicitly limits the ability of the federal government to have a standing army. Only states can have armies. The feds are limited to a standing navy and a training program for the officer corps.
>Oshawa, Canada.
I don't really know what the gun laws are like there, but I can guess they are fucking awful.
I think that’s one of those reproductions from the 1970/1980’s... the wood is not very nice
Well, aaaccctuuaalllly, in 1769: "machine à feu pour le transport de wagons et surtout de l'artillerie" ("fire engine for transporting wagons and especially artillery").
>lol that’s not even a firearm in the us, leagally speaking
>giving me something I wanted all along
Stop making me hard you fucking faggot.
imagine what would he do with a bumpstock attached to that thing
You could buy one of those in the US without an ID. You should be triggered.
I don't understand the pic. It says arrested for having a firearm, but that is not a picture of a firearm.