/jwg/ Jehovah’s Witnesses General

“It’s all fun and games until you’re raised as one”

fuck this cult

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The only Jehovah witnesses I know are black, they knock on my door a couple of times a year and I tell them I'm Muslim and they leave without even inviting me to their church.

why are they a cult, they are pretty tame compared to other religions

Correct, user. There is a HUGE black sub-culture in the JW’s. But the religion tends to be segregated. In some areas they’re white as fuck, but others, 100% black. they have no problem with race mixing and are basically anti-white Mormons.

what do you know about Jehovah’s witnesses?

You probably got shunned for being a degenerate and now you made this thread to cry about it

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I was raised in it, I rejected it though.

>can’t salute the flag
>can’t get your dick sucked
>can’t vote or express patriotism

Shut up faggot.

>shun their kids (lowest retention rate of any major religion)
>baptized when you’re like 12 or younger
>baptized means you literally cannot leave religion or else you are FUCKED especially if you’re raised inside of religion.
>In other words the rules start applying to you when “baptized”
>hide known PEDOPHILES
>cannot have life saving medical procedures done, blood transfusions is against the law
>my mother could get in a wreck and DIE unnecessarily due to the above statement
>if you ever just don’t frankly believe in the religion, you can get banned and shunned.
>no “sinning” required to get shunned

>no birthdays (bannable)
>no Christmas (bannable)
>no halloween (bannable)
>no ester (bannable)
>no Mother’s Day (bannable)
>no Father’s Day (bannable)
>no holidays, ever.

>no voting, if you do, guess what? Banned.
>no standing during national anthem
>no singing any patriotic songs
>no flag salute
>no joining police
>no joining border patrol
>no joining army
>no joining navy
>no joining Air Force
>no serving in military whatsoever
>no expression of patriotism allowed whatsoever
>no opinions on politics allowed whatsoever
>no nationalism allowed whatsoever
Your only allowed identity is a grey golem conglomerate set by the Watchtower.


I moved to a different area and one day nicely-dressed white people showed up at my door. Spooked me, I thought it was the FBI or IRS or some shit, because I'm used to JWs always being black.

lol no one gets (((banned))) they just recognize that you won't repent and are a possible threat to the faith of others. You can always come back to them though, no one just gets rejected forever.

You forgot no beards and strick sometimes unfathomable dress code

t. Completely ok with emotional hostage of members

unironically kys

Unfathomable? Just don't look like a complete and utter faggot or degenerate. I can name the dresscode right here:

No overly short skirts or revealing tops for woman, stay modest

No skin tight clothing for men, keep a good size. Again, modesty aswell

Who the fuck is Jehovah and what did he witness?

Sure if you haven't passed off the local grand wizard elder otherwise you gotta either suck his cock (figuratively or sometimes literally) or you gotta move away so you get a (sort of) new start under some other power hungry ass

Jehovahs are some of the worst people that I've ever met.

??? No one is being held hostage, infact my JW mother is always around non-believing family, just practices caution when things get political or extreme

I’m boutta BTFO you nigger

>no watching R rated/adult movies, even if you’re an adult. If you’re caught you will literally be shunned by entire family.
>no watching even tame, literal child tier magic shows or movies.
>complete control of what media you’re allowed to watch
>micromanagement of your life by a *corporation*

And now onto the bedroom/relationship rules!
>no oral sex whatsoever, even between consenting men and women who are married. bannable.
>no anal sex (b-baste!! XD) even between consenting men and women who are married
>no masturbation between married men and women
>you cannot jerk off with your wife, lol
>only stimulation of penis allowed is the vaginal walls of your wife (b-baste!! XD)
>no premarital sex (b-baste!! XD)
>when dating, you must have marriage in mind.
>when dating, you must have a “chaperone” so basically never be completely alone with the female so you don’t have premarital sex
>no masturbating alone (bannable)
>no porn (bannable, shunned by entire family)

Unless the local elder body decides they have a stricter view like no colored shirts for men or your hair is a Mm too long. He'll even heard of people being told sideburns weren't allowed

“HOLY SHIT, based!”
“Woah true Christians!!”
“Wow, I WISH I could do that!”
“Can I get a based in the chat?”

Remember, and this is vital..
You are BORN into this. You don’t get to choose to be like this. You’re forced. Forced. You’re FORCED from birth to be this impossible standard of holiness. You don’t convert, or SAY that you want to turn your life around, and finally be a true Christian. No. You’re EXPECTED to do this. And if you don’t do it? You’re banned from your family, friends, often even employers who are Jehovah’s Witnesses.

And now to BTFO the most common JW apologist arguments.
>“they keep their women in line”
Objectively false. Women are only subject to men in theory, not in practice. The only thing women DONT do is preach during the church sessions or hold positions of authority at church, which basically does nothing else but make the work load on all the males higher.

>”they don’t allow homosexuality”
If you believe every single JW is a gay basher, you would be sorely mistaken. Many JW’s secretly or even openly support it in some manner. It’s not that extreme. And even if some do, so what? Everyone thinks gays are gross.

>”they don’t allow sex before marriage, baste!!”
Teenagers raised in it do it anyway, often times. And those who don’t are perma virgins who think sex is gross and won’t ever marry you. Ever.

>”cute girls XD”
They view worldly guys as literal sub-humans, aka. everyone on Jow Forums or Jow Forums. You don’t have a chance to even meet the basic requirements. there’s plenty of male teenagers born in who will snatch them all up before you.

Everything is cult

jesus fucking christ you can do whatever sexual position you want, and whats the fucking use of jerking off with a wife holy shit you fucking jewish nigger


JW kid here. Lemme tell you some of the shit I had to put up with
>No Christmas, Halloween, or literally any other Holiday. Those are Pagan holidays and Santa counts as a false idol
>Not even Birthdays, not your own or other kids
>Literally every other religion apparently worshipped Satan
>Not allowed to watch Care Bears, the villain had "red demonic eyes"
>got a cool beanie hat with a red eyed bull on it in 1st grade, the eyes were sharpied Blue the next day
>No TV shows with Pirates either
>one weekend out of the summer, get dragged to a weekend long convention in a rented hockey stadium. Sit in seat bored out of my fucking mind all day
>no bloody meat. I had to bring my own weiner just in case whenever the school had a barbeque day
>no depictions of magic. I had to read some shitty dime novel in 5th grade novel study instead of Narnia
>didn't get to go on fieldtrip to see the movie either
>forced to read the weekly watchtower article every Sunday

these faggots knocked on my door the other day but i was smoking the herbal jew so i didnt answer

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you’re obviously not apart of a heavily JW family then. your situation is the exception, where most likely only one or two members of your family are JW’s. Often times it’s the entire fucking family which can become abusive and shitty.

i personally knew a family of them that covered up the sexual abuse of a child. and still stayed JWs, like none of it ever happened. and would still tell you that YOU were a sinner and they weren't

>Sir, it says here you made a post saying "fuck kikes and fuck jannies," care to explain yourself?

lol they don't bash gays, they bash the shit done in bed between the fags

If you are born into it the only way put is to be willing to cut ties with all of your family and friends. You have to start a new life from scratch.

ask them about the occult style egyptian pyramid beside the grave of founder charles taze russell. you'll get some interesting responses.

russell was a full on egyptologist and occultist. a simple research of his life will show you that fact.

Sorry user you have Stockholm Syndrome :(

this is a good example of the real personality of a JW apologist. they are nasty people and they'll lie right to your face, too

Most think their shit don't stink and look down on anyone they think they are more "spiritual" than including other members of the congregation

My entire extended family are JWs,have been since way before I was born. I grew up around that shit until i was about 13. They're seriously all terrible people. Hypocrites of the highest order.


I had two JWs knock on my door the other day. They seemed nervous and socially anxious as hell, and told me something about the meek inheriting the earth. I was nice to them but it was the least effective pitch for me to checkout the bible I could have imagined. They were both white.

that's been my experience too. shocking really, since they fancy themselves as so special and chosen. horrifying examples of hypocrites, for sure

As long as it gets me a brainwashed qt girl, I'm good with it.

Finally decided I wanted out when I basically almost got removed for practicing oral and anal sex with my own wife...

their girls view worldly as sub-human so good luck faggot

Lol most of them cream their panties over any “bad boy” they see because most of the guys are basically faggots

all religions are cults tho

It’s more about the level of control this particular one exerts over every aspect of your life. Beyond most modern day religions

all religions and spiritual groups are clearly not equal. anyone who makes such a claim cannot be taken seriously

Yeah i was raised in that shit
Got molested when i was like 4 or 5 by another JW who was 16. Ended up thinking one day "wait, wtf" and told my parents, luckily i didnt turn gay from those experiences due to my 200 iq brain.
Then my cunt mom was like "i dont want to make him register as a sex offender, itd ruin his life!" And he went generally unpunished.
Every time i went to the meetings id just draw shit on my litttle notepad, i was just never into it.
Eventually at like age 10 my mom dad and a good portion of my family btfod and left the cult.

Fuck those fucking halloween wannabe niggers

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No, they really don’t. You’d be surprised how female this religion is. The girls follow all the rules to a T. They will NOT marry you, trust me lol.

Fine, let’s go biblical on it then. “Do not go beyond what is written” something Jesus said to his apostles regarding the Pharisees.

So them entering the bedroom affaires of a married couple is very much that. Also the no pants for women at religious meetings, no beards for men, and the coercion of the young into joining all are on the list of beyond. So shove it up your dirt road.

Motha fuqah I was a whiteness for 30 years. Don’t tell me what I do and don’t know about these fucking loons

lol dude I WAS AGREEING WITH YOU. they're way more cult like than other sects of christianity.

Probably hung out with the bad association then.

Sorry, misunderstood. I just get so sick of their bullshit being defended because “Dey gud boys, Dey dinnnt do nuffin, they was at church and on dem programmes”

Nah, most of my “friends” are Elders or servants now. A few were even in bethel for a while. I did all the good kid things, followed all the rules no porn, no “bad” movies. My dad was a servant. All the things, but the hypocrisy I saw every day and the abuse of power told me all I ever needed to know.

Ok then. Well 2/3rds of the JWs are female so my point still stands. It’s easier for females to remain in the religion.

sounds like a good way to get a based wife

Of the girls I grew up with, I think a whopping 3 are still “in the truth” and I’m originally from an area with a high population of JW’s maybe in other areas it is less so but from my experience and my wife’s. About 60-70% of the youth walk away

Go ahead, join. I’m not your therapist. It’s your life to ruin lol

They are against blood transfusion.

Is this a slide thread?

Something something not allowing blood transfusions and organ transplants.

No blood or blood parts. Transplants are okay

>baptized means you literally cannot leave religion or else you are FUCKED especially if you’re raised inside of religion.
Reminds me of Islam.

So your argument is that the modern world is superior to the traditional christian one?
All of your points are the exact same ones the degenerate jews used to destroy our cultures and countries. There were many problems, but the one thing everyone here agrees on is this: modern society is much, much worse.
The excuses you made for why it was bad are buried under an endless wave of child murder, pedophilia, perversion, degeneracy. In other words, your misery under a christian theocracy is acceptable collateral damage compared to the unspeakable horrors of modern secularism

I said they're all cults, not that they're all equal.

>all religions are cults

sure, you're free to use your own personal definition of a "cult"

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Look at this shitfest of pre-assumed hand-wringing.
Is as far as the thread should have got, but 60 replies later, no-one has asked the person with actual experience one single question. Just shouted "actoids at him.
Meanwhile, the faggot who challenged him over his expertise
had 5 further posts, noe of which were seeking clarification on anything and Op is a
>1 post by this retard
The fucking state of you muppets.
I was raised a Jehovah Witness, and I did the same as Walked out when I was old enough. He's right about all his posts and you faggots can't handle it, so you try and tell him/us about the "real" JW's.