Post em and r8

Post em and r8.

Attached: canvas.png (800x1200, 219K)

Other urls found in this thread:

post the link libfag

Pretty old but still accurate.

Attached: 20190418_003052.png (1078x1898, 792K)

> 0/10

Fucking Monarchy?

>117 questions

Attached: 1529783475939.jpg (1024x993, 70K)

you damn monkeys

Whats wrong with monarchy faggot?

Sucking dick of inbreed teens

Letting a parasitic class of people benefit without any work contributed is absolutely fucked.

Attached: 1494463245396.jpg (203x240, 13K)

Not to mention absentee property and allowing one individual to effectively own everyone else including you faggot.

Better than sucking inbred baby dicks

> a fucking limey
fucking inbred.

Absolute monarchy is pretty based. Leviathan has some good points.

Attached: canvas4.png (800x1200, 206K)

so excessive abstractions of law and order are good things to you? allowing the state to heavily monitor and manage people's lives. which includes yours.

commie faggot.

>Things that happen in Britain and America are bad
>This proves that absolute monarchy is bad

capitalist pig

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-29-19-03-31.png (720x1280, 268K)


Attached: download.png (800x1200, 214K)

I'm all over the damn place.

Attached: download.png (800x1200, 213K)

commie faggot. kill yourself


well, you're a commie faggot, so....

Hey anons, please do tell me why I'm incorrect

Attached: politiscales.png (800x1200, 197K)

Based test OP

Attached: D333C74F-C42C-4FD3-8A4A-C42656C5E1F6.jpg (690x1023, 219K)

Why do you hate trees so much?

Reminder that if you don't have the Illuminati badge you are NOT based.

Attached: Meme Test.png (638x899, 161K)

Attached: politiscales.png (800x1200, 233K)

Attached: eeee.png (800x1200, 220K)

Plus monarchy
And complotist

Attached: Screenshot_20190526-230039.png (1080x2160, 366K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190526-230049.png (1080x2160, 490K)

Its good that i am based

Monarchist niggas be lookin like

Attached: howdidyouknow.jpg (720x888, 29K)

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I didn't find the test all that useful. My answer for most of the questions was "well, it depends on what else is going on".

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-04-16-33-55.png (363x646, 87K)

Give me back my flag

Still better than democracy

Look, an indecisive leaf with no strong political convictions.
Post me in the screencap.

Attached: Screenshot_20190604-174045.png (1080x1920, 418K)

Old but still more or less relevant
>I have no idea how the fuck i got such a low ecology scale tho im actually absolutely in favor of a clean environment and doing more or less whatever necessary towards stopping climate change

Attached: political scale.jpg (615x808, 58K)

Attached: Philosophy8.png (608x804, 141K)

What does this fucking mean

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Rate me.

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Attached: rite8.png (1576x1235, 510K)

>Using the (((political compass))) instead of the much superior sapplycompass
You disgust me

Hello bean man

Attached: 20190512_121940.jpg (789x1134, 262K)

literally who

Attached: 5464.png (1000x658, 3K)

wow the site didn't even produce an image correctly
thanks for wasting my time s*rb, bring back the bogomils

Yea that sometimes happens, i forgot where why and to whom but it does, just ss it again in a different manner and it should work

Attached: new compass sapply.png (1023x701, 150K)

based and redpilled

Attached: 1528536466650.jpg (529x557, 38K)

I just found the questions overly simplistic and contextless. And also, I believe that whether a given system will work or not depends strongly on the character of people in a society. Cultures and ethnicities have different personalities, and something can work well in one place yet be a disaster in another. Pic related. Plus I've traveled a lot and seen it first hand.

So that's why my answers are so "neutral". Whether or not some system works depends on the people and the fine details of implementation.

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im still the same

Attached: download (4).png (800x1200, 235K)

Attached: AAAAAAAAA.png (447x376, 10K)

You need illuminati badge to be based
Is sinple words

Crazy serb


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e jbg sad

Everything I lacked during my childhood.

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How'd I do?

Attached: Screenshot_20190604-150117.png (1440x2560, 557K)

Shit I'm having illegal opinions again.

Attached: IllegalOpinions.png (536x718, 119K)

Absolument basé

Based bro


Attached: politiscales.png (800x1200, 235K)

>55% Laissez-faire
>64% Kapitalismus
Heil Hayek oder was?

Mine from february

Pretty based

Attached: politiscales feb 2019.png (800x1200, 203K)

>Kommunismus und Überregulierung

131 IQ

Attached: DF05E141-7451-4913-8287-23CE61A26617.png (640x1136, 215K)

100% Vichy France. Uber based my dude.

>and r8.
Mossad thinks it's 'hip'

Im hardly a capitalist, see my OP.

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is this better than 8values?

I like mine, quite accurate.

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What would you call my ideology Jow Forums?

Attached: fatherland family revolution.png (539x687, 108K)


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88/100, too much communism

r8 me faggots

Attached: MyPolitiscales.png (800x1200, 219K)


Attached: political views.png (622x805, 152K)

Insufficient discussion on ecology

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Just realized that I'm pretty much a centrist.