If those young bitches are so superior and great,
why aren't the world's billionaires having sex with them, every other day a new and fresh one?
Could it be those billionaires know something we don't?
If those young bitches are so superior and great,
why aren't the world's billionaires having sex with them, every other day a new and fresh one?
Could it be those billionaires know something we don't?
Money doesn't make you happy. Neither does random women.
but they are
they do fuck every day different one.
they often kill them too
they are
you must be some special kind of idiot to think this information would be open to public or easy to prove
I love cumming in my gf she's 7 years younger than me, the thing is though, since she's a zoomer she's really bad with time and I have to remind her to take her pills
Because billionaires prefer them younger.
billionaires don't have sex.
the retention of sex juice is what makes you successful.
real shit.
Billionaires prefer them younger.
Sodomizing young boys generates more traumatic energy for their egregore to feed on.
These bitches would enjoy it too much.
When I get to heaven, I want a harem of fifty new virgins and one old slog for every time I wake
>Implying they don't do exactly this
They just don't make it public. They pretend to have one girlfriend/wife in public, but secretly they're fucking a different 18 y/o (often even younger) every day.
When I get to heaven, I want a harem of fifty new virgins and one old slog every time I wake
This. Not thinking about sex makes you more successful in Capitalism. There are obvious many exceptions to this rule however. Like nigger horny athletes, actors, "musicians", etc. But for the regular educated Joe Shmoe, it works.
They're more worried about keeping power and status over you fags and building a legacy with a pure woman he most likely has already made a family with.
pretty nice feets
bit big though
Is that T43?
>why aren't the world's billionaires having sex with them, every other day a new and fresh one?
Do you think the most powerful people on the world would tell you if they were? They don't even tell you their names.
jeff bezos is fucking hookers every night
That's an awesome bit of woodworking there.
I have had both and I can assure you that together these two things can make you quite content for a number of decades
Then it's something wrong with you.
>Could it be those billionaires know something we don't?
It is called work you lazy bastard.
Ever ONCE try looking at the average daily schedule for a billionaire.
What "young bitches"?
Am I supposed to know what the fuck you're talking about?
that phone
that laptop
how old is this pic, she would have hit the wall by now.
Billionaires typically date women half their age or younger.
>why aren't the world's billionaires having sex with them, every other day a new and fresh one?
you realize there are entire secret societies centred around child sex slavery right?
Fuck yeah winamp. She has good taste in players, I'll make a good husband for her.