How do you solve homelessness in a humane way?

How do you solve homelessness in a humane way?

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give them jobs.

And you don't think this has been tried ad nauseam?

The last time we proposed a final solution people didn't like it

give them rehab and housing in exchange for labor

spread tainted drugs in homeless camps and watch them die an masse.

Outlaw cardboard and markers.



Give them homes

Kill refugees, kill addict homeless, give jobs left behind by dead refugees to homeless

Mantadory forced labor while providing communal living spaces.

Does he have a receipt for that shopping cart? That's the real question

There are places where buildings are empty and the area depopulated. Move them there.

captive bolt pistol executions are humane

clearly not

You don't. Most of them are garbage. "Free spirits" who don't want a normal life. In Stockholm you are guaranteed a roof over your head as long as you're not violent. Still beggars everywhere.

Film I worked on hired local homeless to play, well, homeless people. (chaperoned by homeless outreach workers) We gave them clean toilets, they were smeared with feces and blood within an hour. We placed trash cans every 12 feet, and they still chucked garbage on the ground. I have no respect for people with no respect for themselves.

Our cia did this to niggers several times

By the look of that guys face he wants some one to put him out of his misery, so how about hobo fights death match edition. Maybe the physical training will but them on the right track and they don’t make the fight?

you boomers just dont like seeing the aesthetics of the failure of capitalism

Death sentence for drug dealers followed by an all out blitzkrieg in finding them. Almost all homeless people are just hopeless drug addicts. Even the mentally ill ones really just fried their brains on meth. I’m employed dealing with these shit heads

if the neccesary time for full time employment was lowered to, say, 32 hours a week, then businesses would need to hire more people, creating more jobs.

Give them all massive rain barrels. There's a home.

Step 1: Make it illegal to camp in the open in cities or to be homless so that homless people are criminals
Step 2. The punishment for beeing homles is resocialasing courses and a home, if they dont want they go in the army
Step 3. Profit - in form of clean streets

100% of homeless people are addicted to DRUGS. It's not a HOMELESSNESS problem, it's a DRUG problem. The solution is to deport all jews to Madagascar.

most of them refuse homes because they prefer the street due to fear of the government.

Not even shitting you it's why the cali housing bill failed to pass because it would of been a waste.

There's at least two types of homeless people. The quiet types, and the loud types. Reach out to the quiet types, try to help them. Sometimes they just refuse to work, make them see why they should. If they absolutely refuse? Depends. Do you sense any good in them? If not, then that's the end of it. They're as good as done. What can you do?

The rest of them simply can't exist within a civilized society. You don't have to eliminate them, but they should certainly be removed.

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>dude just give the screeching crack addict on the corner a job
Liberalism is a mental illness.

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By sharing with them the gospel. Only they can solve their problems by placing their faith in the Lord and turning their lives around.
>Nothing else has ever nor will ever work.
Prove me wrong, you can't.

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>become international cartel dealer
>put cyanide in drugs

Killings of drug dealers without due process.
Reopen the asylums (send trannys too).
Make-work projects for the competent.

Three points

1. Foreign homeless

2. Mentally ill homeless.

3. Salvageable individuals

send them to albania

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does that include pharma company CEOs?

form a company owned by the government. Pay them money to work. If they refuse to work, kick their ass outta the fucking country with a shout of. "Fuck off freeloaders we dont need your smelly ass here any more"

There has always been a percentage of the population that just drops out of the system.
Because of depression, mental problems, family problems, work problems, whatever.
They just don't want to integrate anymore.
That's why they turn to alcohol or drugs - they have given up on life.
Why would you turn violent on these people? That's like kicking a dead horse. Disgusting idea.
Just leave them alone and offer them help if they want.
You cannot solve their problems.

They also need to be crushed. Not necessarily treated just like dealers, but they are complicit in this too.

Mbylle gojen, budalla.