
What was Jow Forums's reaction to Obama winning the presidency back in 08?

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It was lit af back then. Everyone was happy af ngl



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Jow Forums was actually a board of intelligence back then and supported obamay

everyone hated Bush and the Cons where especially annoying during that administration. We were all (((hopeful)))

Lame communist nigger but there was hope this would lead to blacks ceasing their whining -LOLNOPE... Obama made race relations worse by making blacks upity and convincing them whitey still holding them back

Jow Forums didn't exist in 08 you fucking faggot.

>Jow Forums
I don’t mind newfags, we were all new once, but maybe do some research before starting new thread?

THIS modern Jow Forums has been reshaped by racists from stromfront

It was called /b/

I love being spied on for political purposes and having private info leaked by a government that never accounts for it. It's great to weaponize the NSA FBI CIA . What a wonderful new standard for an unaccountable police state. It's going to be awesome when we leak your sisters abortion instead of some private divorce records like Obama did to become senator and like the hidden cameras he planted against mitt romney.

And /b/ was shilling Ron Paul.

on old /b/ most of us were just happy hillary didnt get it. she tried. nobody knew the dark future that laid ahead.
t. paul wars veteran.

this i miss progressive Jow Forums before the raids :(

I thought it would finally shut up all the niggers who complain that the black man has been kept down.
To my astonishment, it only caused the nigger grievance list to grow longer

tell us more about the cameras

Seriously what are you going to say when your mamas medical history is leaked for you trying to win a democrat primary? You going to say that's wrong then? lol

With all this sneaky government spy stuff coming out... seems a little suspicious now

It was never that way here newfag. I've been here through 2 marriages. Jow Forums has always been anti establishment NEVER leftist

lmao we already know everything bout u senpai

Not true. Typical Niger rewriting history.

It was terrible, the decline started at that time.

Tell me newfags and shills aren't this dumb.

I still remind me of the day Osama Bin Laden got killed. Moot went crazy and played the team America theme on everyboard.

They're not just used against evil bad nazis. He kind of made it normal to do that sort of shit against the left too. Look into how he became senator. It's an M.O.

You think you can lower the bar on basic civility and you won't get shit like Hillary cheating bernie in the primary? Leftists never think the alinsky shit gets used on them too. Fucking watch though.

Is it summer already? Because it sure smells like summer in here

I started on /b/ watching 2011 london riot streams. so disappointing how low we've sunk

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So you've been here since last summer?
Jow Forums has always been this way faggot.
The only difference is that now you have a
bunch of faggots and niggers larping as "ex-Trump supporters".
It's gay af but it's what they're into I guess.

Probably. But you're next. Just like the CEO of firefox. Just like Obamas democrat opponent. One day your leftist ass might run for something as a dem, and instead of a debate about what you can offer versus what your old guard dem opponent can offer, you'll get a letter in the mail and it will be pictures of your sisters abortion and you can thank Obama for that sort of Alinsky shit.

They'll Joe the plumber your Obama cheerleading ass. When you think you're going to get a good faith debate about substance you're going to be audited. Oh and don't worry, If they can't find something they'll just make it up too. Thanks Obama!!! Hope and change!