Contribute $100 worth of value each day

>contribute $100 worth of value each day
>boss pays you $30 a day remind me why LTV is incorrect?

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You overvalue yourself

>Contribute 100$ of work
>calculates nothing on training, company expenses, etc depending on job

If you have a problem with ur pay argue for more

The $100 of value only exists within the context of the larger enterprise, and is granted by the larger enterprise. The same amount of the same kind of work done alone is worthless because it doesn't have the thrust to make it to the market on its own. This is the price we pay for technologically advanced goods and services: they take large organizations to distribute.

(though of course, the bureaucratic overhead demands of large organizations can bloat until diminishing returns renders this sacrifice worthless, and you get collapse)

>It's only possible to carry out your $100 of work because of the work and risk undertaken by other people
>You sacrifice part of the reward of your labour in exchange for benefitting from the labour of other people

Wow, it's almost like every organisation of human activity fundamentally involves the mutual co-operation of everyone, except under capitalism it's voluntary.

businesses are greater than the sum of their parts

If you were self-employed you could pay yourself $100 a day.

Overheads are needed to pay for all the other costs of running a business. If you think you can go freelance go for it.

>What makes it worth that much
>I don't care how hard you worked on it, if it's a pile of shit or I don't like it I'm not giving you much unless there is an added benefit.

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