Red pill me on picky eaters

It seems im meeting more and more people who "can't" eat fish or vegetables(especially broccoli). They also tend to not like various things like dairy.

Are these people faggots? Poorly raised? Never had a hungry day in their life?

Or is there an actual basis for rejecting these foods like genetics or illness?

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boomers are spoiled brats

Nonwhite subhumans literally can't eat milk based products.

Also broccoly tastes like fractal recursion. I don't like fractal tastes.

I dont eat fruits or vegetables, but I think its because of some sort of eating related trauma from when I was a toddler. Being the first child to a young couple basically means youre an expirament. My brother 7 years younger is fine and a perfectly normal eater

Its mostly both, they have always been given what they wanted and so feel it is an insult to themselves when some one refuses them.

I don't eat fish because it smells and looks like shit. And vegetables are just gross.
My diet is the following
>Breakfast: Four peanut butter cups
>Lunch: Grilled cheese sandwich and bag of chips
>After lunch snack: Bag of goldfish crackers
>Dinner: Box of macaroni and cheese

How fat are you?

Parents don't introduce foods they don't like, and fast food has taken over.
But if you don't like cheese, you're a commie

They are picky brats that were never beat or starved.

Your first day of kindergarten can be tough user, hope it gets easier for.

Most Americans are incredibly picky eaters. Guess that is what poor parenting and being raised on fast food does to you.

I'm 6 foot 1 and 125 pounds

I like most things. Hate brussels sprouts, though


I don't eat seafood and I'm very picky about any meat on the bone due to fat content. The chewy texture of fat makes me want to puke. Nothing beats a homemade burger though (typical I know). Love vegetables too. Especially cauliflower and brussel sprouts. Don't eat fast food either.

>Are these people faggots?

Fats the best part. Love a steak with some fat on the side, first bite I take.

They are either retards who need something to feel special, or were deprived as a child (like peanuts) and their body never figured out how to properly process the food. Because many Americans just eat protein and carbs.

they are vegans or manchilds

Just to try to understand better, have any of you ever spent a hungry day in your life/childhood? Or do you all come from middle to upper class families

Everyone is a picky eater
People just complain when you dont like mainstream things but I dont see them lining up to eat bugs

Grainfed faggot

Yes. This is natural selection selecting out low IQ genetic losers.

From what little I've gleaned from a cursory look into picky eating it's a real phenomenon. To many people putting foods they don't like in their mouths is akin to putting feces or poison in their mouth. They have a strong revulsion reaction to many normal foods. I don't know if it's environmental or genetic, I didnt dig deep on it. I'm fucking glad I'm not a picky eater though, some of them are so bad it has a huge impact on their day to day lives.