>U.S. Supreme Court on Monday denied review in Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos v. New York City Police Department
>The lawsuit was brought in 2015... the organization was seeking a court order compelling the NYPD and city Health Department to enforce ... public health and animal cruelty laws against the Jewish pre-Yom Kippur ritual of kaporos ...
all that work just to remain disconnected from God synagogue of satan
Owen Powell
Never forget Simon of Trent. He shall be avenged.
Camden Stewart
>The supreme court is half kikes
Gavin Thompson
it's ironic because the covenant of physical circumcision is supposed to mean they're entirely bound by the law. Paul goes on a massive rant in one of his Epistles in the Bible about this, how they enforce the ritual but abide by none of it. He wrote that letter close to 2000 years ago and it's been happening since.
Jeremiah Ramirez
Paul should know. He worked for the other side.
Daniel Mitchell
meanwhile everyone complains about the Christians.