In a straight up war would leftists or right wingers win?

In a straight up war would leftists or right wingers win?

Right wingers
>more physically fit
>have weapons
>have loyalty to their people
>have the support of a good chunk of the armed and police forces

Left wingers
>have niggers on their side
>have the support of the media and pop culture

So who would win?

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right wingers
>dependent on gasoline
>have weapons they should have used a long time ago
>loyal to the (((USA)))
>police and armed forces just follow (((orders)))

left wingers
>white so niggers aren't on their side
>civil unrest means censorship so publications can't get pushed to the public

the left wing would get massacred, and then the cuckservatives and remaining left wing would fight the far right

>Right wingers
>more physically fit
Thats a laugh. Every time I leave the comforts of my deep blue city, all I see is fat fucks

The issue with the right is it’s incredibly hard to get them to take action. when they do it’s game over. but being the side of law, order, stability. they don’t do much violently.

also yea the left has the entire black population.

All it’ll take is one of these rich Jews to buy a million AR-15s and empty out the millions of blacks in prison.

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All what you said about Right Wing is pure bullshit, in general physically and mentally they're not too different from their leftist rivals also who would win?Simple answer, leftists because they will be used as cannon fodder by Russia so they can bring back Soviet Union and occupy USA, they will get a lot of training and armament till the end of the war when they will be sent them in Vorkuta alongside the right wingers and then you NEETs can work for first time ever in your lives of lazy and whiny little bitches for 10 years 24/7 with your balls freezing and getting beaten by the guards because you autists started to fight like little girls with leftists like at Charlottesville instead to work.

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This right here is the cold reality coming soon. Tho I’d rather a soviet empire than this degeneracy.

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fuck off boomer
you're not fooling anyone with your phoneposting

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did that thing say it wants to beat up hells angels? lulz. want to see it try.

It would be a slaughtering.

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Walk into any gym and ask the people using free weights who they voted for.

Then go up to the yoga room and cardio machines and ask who they voted for.

At least 8/10 the guys using free weights are more conservative as compared to the faggots doing yoga and cardio. And in the inner city that's who you'd be fighting against.

The dudes doing cardio and yoga are still way more fit than the fat fucks doing burger-to-mouth training 24/7 is my point

Wars are won through Logistics, Geography, and Personnel Management. The Right has all three.

Lol no they're not but ok.

Let's say you're right and the faggots are able to outmanuever the right-wing by running, who owns most of the guns? You still want to be on the side with yoga mats and Priuses or with ar's and pistols?

>more physically fit

Not to mention that all the cyber nerds that know hacking and cyber security are usually right leaning.

It's not a fair question. Right wingers are like the 98th through 80th percentiles of wealth and ability to get shit done. The 99th percentile is far wealthier, and they control the remaining st through 79th percentiles, who are all idiots. Tough to handicap this one, but I would bet on the right wingers, mainly for their real-world know-how. Have you ever seen a liberal fix a toilet (calling the plumber doesn't count).

probs the right..all depends on the leader desu and if people are willing to die for their cause too many pussys around today who are all talk.

That type of "fitness" will not be relevant in this war.

Having support from the media doesn't do anything. Most people don't give a fuck about it and/or don't believe anything they say. The media has lost all credibility

I will be honest I look fat. It's because I am fat. I have l love handles, and I have man boobs
The funny thing is I am also a construction worker that works in 110 degree heat all day.

I know for a fact I could out last you in a combat scenario.
I don't know anything about you, or who you are, but I feel very comfortable making that statement.
Bring it.

The problem is that people think having a bunch of guns means anything. If you're stupid, can't shoot, and have no tactical knowledge you're gonna get raped. Most military veterans are right wingers meaning they have at least basic combat skills unless they were in the combat arms or special operations, then they have intermediate to expert combat skills and most likely real world experience. So a bunch of untrained niggers and tranny commies wouldn't stand a chance

>I will be honest I look fat. It's because I am fat. I have l love handles, and I have man boobs
>The funny thing is I am also a construction worker that works in 110 degree heat all day.

>I know for a fact I could out last you in a combat scenario.
>I don't know anything about you, or who you are, but I feel very comfortable making that statement.
>Bring it.

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>niggers instantly turn on leftists