Niggers are professional complainers

Slavery was too good for them.

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>Slavery was too good for them
Western Slavery was a walk in the park when compared to Middle Eastern Slavery practices.

It is petty to place one of those item separators for the implied reason.

It is equally as petty to complain about it on twitter just for you black friends to give you praise.

I use these because the cashiers are fucking retards

I wish the niggers would take their "stan" and their "glooks" and all the other made up nigger newspeak and fuck off to Wakanda

imagine having no job and trying to understand what it is like to do the same thing over and over. You don't even pay attention to your surroundings anymore its just the same THING OVER AND OVER.

Sheeit mah pro gramz iz inz

wrong, jews are. they taught niggers everything

She rolled her eyes???? HOW DARE SHE

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using a checkout divider is just basic politeness, so of course niggers hate it


Do nuggers in the US really do this? Here everyone uses them, no matter the ethnicity.

I cant wait until we finally ban checkout dividers. Then well finally be a unified nation.

Black fragility at it's finest.

Niggers love complaining about the most innocuous, stupid ass shit that makes no sense to even point out, let alone complain about. A cashier could ask a nigger if they want a bag for their 2 items and the nigger would think it's some kind of underhanded racist attack on them. They also love making up total nonsense to bitch about, like when a bunch of niggers on twitter decided white people don't like hot foods for some reason.

Conveyor belt dividers are just the next flavor of niggers making up a stupid anti-white stereotype.

This is why niggers dont deserve the civilization whites created

400 HUNDRED LIKES?!?!?! WTF omg. Im done with having empathy for the "good" blacks because they end up coping with the fact that their race is the most rachet so they blame us instead of people in their race fuck every nigger


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turn signals also fall into this category.

cant live with us, cant live without us, huh?

Various wild niggers

if this is just comedy it's pretty funny.

why do these bars make these useless goodthinkers mad?

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What's the implied reason? Not wanting some braindead wagie to start scanning items that aren't yours? So petty.

You forced them to be a part of it, they were just dancing around the fire and doing stupid modifications to their face

Cashiers are standing around doing a fairly mindless job all day, making it pretty easy to get groups of items mixed up.

It's polite to put down the little separater to make things easier on everyone.

I Don't even get it. Everyone uses a divider because it’s normal procedure. This is petty even for a nigress.

I use them because people look at me like I'm a nigger when I don't.

We seem that way because we're typically focused on other things and what's on the belt changes when we aren't looking. Eventually you get better at keeping it in short-term memory, but it's tiring after several hours.

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Someone needs to go help your negros liberate themselves!

Blacks love cutting in line at the supermarket.

They're projecting because they think that people might be looking down on them for not using one. Who fucking cares whether you use it or not in today's world. The true huwhite man just puts his groceries on the conveyor in a way that clearly demarcates the boundary of their groceries. The huwhite man is able to do this automatically without thinking because he's a property owner.

Niggers just need to learn how to obey the huwhite man's law. Me and the boys at Intel Israel are gonna cook up an AI system that can automatically generate rules to obey for niggers on screens everywhere at all times on the huwhite man's property. Imagine the whole world as one big plantation. That's why I'm voting for Andrew Yang in 2020.

What the fuck does "glook" mean? I see it used by nigs on twitter but I don't even get a straight answer from google. Help

this. cashiers are fucking retards who give you the wrong amount of change even when they have a computer that tells them the exact amount to give you.

Niggers go to target?

I wouldn’t want my nice white items to touch her filthy nigger shit either. I hate the smell of cocoa butter.

Yesterday a thuggish looking black guy gave me a wallet that he claimed to have found in the store (and then a white woman said it belonged to her so I believe him), but now I feel bad about how shocked I must've looked, although it's not fair to put 100% of the blame on me considering how blacks have gotten their reputation.

>It is petty to place one of those item separators for the implied reason.
No. It's polite. You do it so the next person in line doesn't have to, and they don't have to ask you if you need any extra space for bullshit in your hands or some dumbass reason that people come up with to reserve half the belt. You do it to tell the next person "You can start putting your stuff on the belt, starting here, whenever you want." How is that petty, you dumb motherfucker?

I think they intentionally waste white peoples time every chance they get, but they are also the absolute worst customers in general for any real service industry. Some of them can be very nice and friendly, but a disproportionate amount of them are just the rudest, dumbest, cheapest, and shameless motherfuckers you will ever deal with.

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See that’s what I thought it was common knowledge to use a divider when someone is behind you on the checkout. It ain’t racist it’s the polite thing to do

You say that, but.

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This is one of those "In my mind" LARPs that never actually happens.
Chimp she might be but a social media liar and attention whore is all she is.

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I wonder how many times people like her reread their posts and bask in attention and self-pity. Many such cases!
Once enough white customers have been replaced with Hispanics and Asians, no more dividers for the customer behind.

This whole post is like Chef Boyardee. Cheap and tasteless.

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try not using one of those, the subhuman retard behind the register will ring it up for the person in front of you even if they watched you put it down and both customers have one or two items. never fucking fails. use the rails

Bitch, I'm not paying for your coco butter

The one time I remember having a black coworker in a blue collar job, it was indeed like bitching and complaining was his professional sport. He got fired for failing a drug test.

negress says this but she'll start a fist fight with the cashier if they accidentally scan something that isn't theirs

>The huwhite man is able to do this automatically without thinking because he's a property owner.
Larping nigger/spic detected. We build fences and walls to keep you out. The divider on the grocery conveyor is the same concept. Stay on your side. Also, you have to go back.

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>body wash

Blacks naturally see any random objects as ‘sticks’

imagine a nigger free land.

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>jus tooo thangs
Low balance snap/ebt.

The sticks are for the cashier. We use them here and it's 150% white where I live. It's just simple politeness so there is minimal chance for any confusion.

black people on the majority are open horrendous racists and anybody who doesnt realize it or plays ignorant to the full extent of how bad it is, are sheltered idiots. the pathetic white people clapping them on get the helicopter first. i love seeing white guilt tweets from people from fucking Maine and shit, where theyve been around maybe a few black people their entire lives lecturing people about whiteness and racism.

>there's no one behind me

Then who was stick?

I dream about it every night user, and most days.... then I wake up or open my eyes and I'm right back here, in hell. Oh well.

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Blacks are so fucking fragile, wtf. I'm not even white and shit like this makes me sympathetic to white nationalists lol.

It helps the cashier you stupid faggot


Here in Canada when you put that little stick people say "thank you". Whats her problem? Hope its fake.

not stealing car radios can be included into this behavioral system as well

They are outdared farm equipment. They serve no purpose.

You are a nigger if you don't

You’ve got to remember 95% of twitter is just trolls trolling each other and you should believe nothing on there, the other 5% are boomer ceos that unironically think anyone on there is real and journalists circle jerking each other


imagine needing a fucking stick to figure out what belongs to who, jesus christ americans are actually retarded

>It's polite
Niggers don't understand.

I mean you guys do the same with Jews, spics, and blacks too

I dont put anything on the belt until the person in front of me is done.

Wouldn't hesitate to bring back slavery, given the chance.

Suck dog dick for not understanding the process.

Nigger detected. Civilized human beings actually understand that the purpose of the separators is so that the cashier doesn't get your items mixed up with someone else. Niggers have such ASTRONOMICAL chips on their shoulders, though, that they just automatically assume everything is a horrible, racist slight against them. All manner of politeness and decorum is just completely unbeknownst to them. It's like how they truly can't comprehend people might find their loud music obnoxious, for example, or how they genuinely can't understand why police are called on them when they commit a crime--surely, it's just "racism".

this. its for the benefit of the wagie, not to keep yourself away from aids niggers (thats what .45 acp is for)

In Canada people say thank you if you rape their wife. Or even if you do something they DON'T want.

Niggers are so untitled it's ridiculous

niggers are the worst fucking drivers, they all drive like they are running away from the police 24/7

Niggers deserve a jew death.

'body wash' image the smell

>trained to place a separator incase another customer comes, for convenience to the customer
Go get some more foodstamps you unskilled mutt

and old mexican ladies

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My butt smells. I bet it wishes it didn't because my pussy STINKS.

I swear everyday I say to myself is there any thing else niggers can say or do to piss me the fuck off. This is a good example that niggers were created to be an inconvenience to people. Literally every race hates niggers except for the jews who extort them for money.

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Using anything for its intended purpose is racist

>I'm only getting this thing, not what's in the next basket

When in line at the store and someone comes up behind me I'll put the divider down for them
It's always met with a "thank you"

Is that all? Sometimes I get my butt sucked for doing that.

That's why I'm looking for property with a lot of acreage in the pacific northwest.

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OMG White people are such nerdy fucking fags.

If there is a space between groups of items then its obvious one group of shit is with one person and the other group of shit is with the other

I’m just over here trying to figure out what her Twitter handle is supposed to translate to

I've had many experiences where the cashier is not certain who's item is who's without a divider. If you just put the divider down then you don't have to waste anyone's time.

>A white woman shooting somebody
There is still some hope

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>nobody behind her
>complains about the divider in front of her
Nigger logic

It's a courtesy to the wagie running the register and a polite gesture to the person behind you in line. Not that I would expect a common nigger woman to understand anything about basic manners.

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>only fired once
Well, at least there's hope.

Found the nigger

>Thinking putting down a separator is racist is equal to undermining your nation
You horseshoe-fags are truly fucking delusional.

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That's quite literally what they're for.