How accurate is this?

How accurate is this?

Attached: states map.png (939x593, 101K)

Remarkably accurate - but Colorado is cringe now.
Commiefornia colonized it.

Attached: hello i am huwhite9.jpg (700x899, 365K)

kys faggot

Most of rurak Virginia is based, but ruled by coastal and Northern Virginia.

South Carolina is wonderful.

Oklahoma is cringe

Pretty accurate but the Carolinas are pretty comfy

North Carolina was Gods country until half the Middle East and New York moved down here. Also SOVA is based. East TN blows dick.

wew lad

Fuck the Twin Cities

Attached: 1559681005405.png (939x593, 85K)

here's a template so you faggots can argue about it

Attached: 1552022025054.png (919x602, 105K)

trailer park white trash fucker

you could do the same for Illinois and Chicago
one whole state ruined by only one city of morons

AKA where most people live you stupid country bumpkin

I live on the beach in Baldwin County.

>Baldwin County
You mean a county that voted over 60% for a literal pedophile?

Kek dude. I live in uptown mpls. It is bayste

Fuck you Ohio is cool

Greek bro back at it!! Now this is a good one kek

Attached: hello i am huwhite11.jpg (600x463, 123K)

Based and buckeyepilled

For Tennessee, color Shelby County red and you'll be g2g