This isnt your land to build walls, you should listen to the wisdom of native americans

This isnt your land to build walls, you should listen to the wisdom of native americans.

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Indians didnt believe in owning land. They should have.

Why the fuck would listen to a bunch of retards who don't even have a word for barriers. Clearly, they didn't even learn how to build huts.

>wear white mans clothes
>drink his booze
>speak his language
>then turn around and demand things
fuck off

How about a word for 'neck'?

Is there a word for "wheel"?

more losers whining

They were basically forced to do that though

that guy looks the Indian version of andy milonakis

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Then what hold up your huts?

So will all 5 of them that are left March at the same time or in shifts?

"We don't have a word for x" kinda just means your culture is dumb as fuck

What is a prairie nigger reservation for $100?

>no word for wall

well shit, imagine not having any walls. Do they sleep in bushes and caves?

correct. they were forced because it was either assimilation or death.
seeing the jowls on that subhuman in OPs pic, death might have been the better option

Is that a nigger?

Deadwood made me sympathetic to natives so I started reading up on them and they actually tried to fit in with Europeans and assimilate, even bought slaves so Europeans would like them. We really fucked them over, they are only minority group I actually feel bad for.

The word for wall is muro bro

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Maybe if there had been you buffalo niggers wouldn't have gotten steamrolled across an entire continent by a bunch of white guys with muskets

Believing in the racist "noble savage" archetype now?

>our people are so backwards we don't even know what a wall is
Imagine being this cromagnonic.

Imagine if these primitives had to live only with things that their undeveloped language can describe.

how is having an awful vocabulary any kind of legitimate argument?

What did they call the edge of their land when they were leaving it on horseback so they could raid and kill from European settlements?

>there is no word for wall in our english
Kek. The dire fucking state.

Sounds like bullshit.
They dont live in shelters? If you want to build any kind of shelter, you must differentiate between its parts like roof, ceiling, floor, WALLS.

theres definitely a word for surrender though

He’s a fucking faggot. The word for wall in Cherokee is Asoyv. Not faggot tribes have real words.

>illiterate nomadic barbarians who were constantly at war with each other and had no concept of personal ownership suddenly have a say in peace and border policies

Fucking what

>We really fucked them over, they are only minority group I actually feel bad for.
Same, but then they go and pull bullshit like this.

Is there a word for fence? Because that's what Trump is building.

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>no word for "wall" in his language
>his people and culture are virtually wiped out by foreign invaders
I wonder if there's a lesson here?

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That's the darkest injun I've ever seen. Was the mom blacked?

They're just pissed that their tribal villagers didn't listen to their leader when they proposed a wall to keep out the pale faces.

>Imagine being this cromagnonic.
no, no, that's far to advanced

They do it is just everyone's and no one's at the same time.

Your tribe is full of retards, then.
The Sioux have words for walls:
Wall(in house)/ TITAHEPIYA/ dee-dah-hay-pee-yah
Wall/ ACAN GLASKE/ ah-chahn glah-shkay

Acan glaske kin kage . Spayolan kin waglazuzu.
Build the wall. Make the mexicans pay for it.

>"My retarded backward-ass shitvilication never invented anything, not even walls, and because I'm brown and you aren't I have the right to tell you that you shouldn't defend your country from invasion"

Okay then retard

Vae victis.

You're right.

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Based toothpaste

His face actually looks pike a pile of shit with a eyes and a mouth, not even joking

Native here. fuck that lardass

Ching Chong

No word for wall because they have never built even a house.

Yup its everyones land when they look for a spot to crack open a few 30 packs of beer. And its no ones when they are done and leave the cans behind.

ONE tribe doesn’t. ONE fucking tribe.
Or in burger speak all Americans are cousin fucking inbred 56%s and the ones that aren’t are blonde faggots from Cali interested in cuck porn.

Chief Wild Turkey has been drinking again.

Learn English you illiterate fuck.

There are not many words in his primitive tongue for more than primitive shit.
To have a word for walls, you need to grasp the concept of them.
How do you say "nuclear strategic submarine" or "particule accelerator" in amerindian ? Oh wait. There are no word for them, or even for the wheel.

Big woop, there's constant protest in DC.

>"Natives" are one homogeneous tribe
lel, you're about as thorough as the average bleeding heart lib

kek. there's nothing more entertaining than an asshurt burger. keep it comin :)


No, the Tribes DEFINATELY have a concept of land ownership and protecting borders.
Many wars have been fought over this, long before wasicu came to this land.

Do they have a word for Penicillin in his language? Or email? Or airplane?

Cherry picked Native

those ignorant indians got nothin on me
cause its evolution baby

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One tribe too many. It's a shame we didn't just kill them all and instead condemned them to a fate worse than death: having to live in Oklahoma

I call bullshit.
Any tribe who didn't have a concept of borders would have been conquered by another tribe long before the white man came.

>no word for walls

That's because they never discovered bricks

why is that shitskin culturally appropriating white culture by wearing clothes designed by white people? shouldn't that fatso be dressed in a cowhide?

Wait. I’m not the only person who remembers this guy? 2005 feels like yesterday.

stfu squatemalan

>no word for wall

One more thing the savages can’t do

OH my fuck how have you not gotten any yous I laughed so hard my coworker told me to shut the fuck up

>There is no word for wall in our language.
Is there a word for 'conquered'? Also, pic related, in all fields.

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Everyone is forced into the life they lead.

Apparently there's a word for Big Mac though.

The Tohono O'Odham traditionally lived in domed huts made of sticks, so naturally their word for "wall" is the same as their word for "house."

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>No word for wall

And how did that work out for you?

I guess there isn't a word for diet in their language as well.

>his people didn't know how to build walls
>lost all their land to invaders because of it
Learn from history.

What a shitty tribe.
Lakota have different words for walls in dwellings and walls not part of dwellings.

Pretty sure the Pawnee do as well, since they farmed and built fences and stone walls for their crops.

"gevcud," to be beaten

Paco, you're retarded, your ancestors literally enslaved, murdered and raped the women of all the cuck tribes inside their territory which they expanded across all of central Mexico

Surge of several hundred thousand people walking through the Rez should cure that attitude.

jose if you walked into native territory back in the day and your hair wasnt braided like theirs youd get an arrow to the neck

And it did wonders for them.

I am prepared to trade him the finest beaded necklace from my Etsy shop and a 1.5 of Jack Daniels to look the other way

how'd that work o---
seems I'm covered

I got peas on my head
but don't call me peahead

i am slightly less tree nigger than i am white. this is a lie. Indians did have a word for "barrier".

untrue. we would kill each other over flint. I collect arrowheads i find i fields. We would conquer and take slaves. We would dash infants heads on rocks. I am derived from one of the nicer indian tribes that never formally fought against whites in any capacity worth mentioning. We lost everything when the confederacy lost.

In short, i wouldnt take this fat nigger very seriously. He is either retarded or lying for money. He looks like a pablano or navao and if that is the case he is 80% beaner at minimum.

And whose fault is that? "Durr hurr we have no concept of land" white European men don't fuck around with resources, unlike those subhumans, but were compassionate enough to let them live

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No word for Diet either apparently.

And you wonder why you're on the reservation from time to time, don't ya Chief?

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Kek. Underrated. Lulz.

>there's no wall in our language
Talk about the most flagrant and asinine way to virtue signal to your fellow commies.

This guy needs to be taught his own language if he truly believes there's no word for "wall" in his native language.

He's not Cherokee, he's tohono o'odham, a notoriously disgusting tribe, even by indian standards.

The impression I get from wiki is these fools were mostly hunter-gatherers with little fields dependent on monsoon season, who spent their days trading rape and murder with the Apache. Their claim to fame is woven baskets.

>He didn't get the memo.

Sit down, Chief. This is going to be a bit of a rough one. When the boomers die, the only regard whites will have for you is that of novel vestige of a defeated, and savage, and stupid, unevolved people. The fable of a connected, wise, spiritual adversary worthy of respect did not translate across generations. Beat that casino for all its worth, loser.

Maybe the loud mouthes don't represent all of them. Just like how the far leftists don't represent all white peoples.

Natives had borders between tribes, even in Amazonian Forest, they did had war for territory and arrested invasors, some were punished with anthropophagy.

>"gevcud," to be beaten

Yeah, because they didn't have a word for 'wall.'

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That's why socialism produces shitholes. Everyone shares the privileges, no one shares the responsibilities unless forced.

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Didn't tents have walls?

Any American Indian with a lick of brains assimilated during the 1950's if not sooner. At that time the government was paying you to move to the city, training you for a trade, and guaranteeing a job.

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Old Indian saying goes: "people who dont know what is wall, live in shitty house"

Post tacos or GTFO