
>Trump praises 'extraordinary' US-UK alliance

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Think we can do better than this lads

this one

There's always the cokeposter's big tits thread

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using this one desu

>trump balloon btfo

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CAULDRON the fuck are you doing here


Forgot that i'd run out of milk this morning, didnt get any from the shops. Need some for me cereal before toil tomorrow morning. Might have to nightwalk down the tesco.

So the Brexit party released their new policy on British steel. They seem a bit NatSoc now. Nationalist as they want independence, socialist as they want to give workers ownership of their industry and prioritise choice for British steel amongst British contracts. Pretty based so far if you ask me.

haha what a legend

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So what goes on up here in this part of the country? What are they saying?

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drinking and changing tabs when my gf looks over



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She’s (he?) a good egg

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That’s where they build the nuclear subs lad top secret hush hush

All these things are true apart from the bit about Boris

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>BREAKING: Newspaper attacks politician for giving straightforward answers to tedious questions

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I love this so much it’s brilliant

>our beloved NHS
When will this meme end? Everybody I know thinks it's shit.

Is she a tranny?

They build them to compensate for their chode-like region

That’s got to be one of the worst ways to go t b h

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Between this, the braphog thread and the Baathist thread, this is the best.

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>cuks party doesn't last 1 election

and absolutely no one was surprised

Huuuuuunnggggg her waist is so petite

>CUK party
>get CUK'd by the lib dems

pure pottery

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>muh NHS
They are rolling out their big guns, and it will make no difference at all


What sequence of words do i use to convince her to let me go to the pub to drink 3 double vodka and cokes?

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I wanted the fun to last longer t b h

no thank you

Absolute state of those clowns

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Why do all old faggots get that look?

Also I learned my first gay joke about Barrymore. Can't remember the set up but the punchline was something about putting his fags out in the pool

>please Mum I really want to go out

What, bummed to death by troubled funnyman Barrymore? Sounds awright.

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"Going to the pub. Be back later."

Why do you say that about boris?

alri sugartits im off t' pub for a few voddies

>Due to the recent success of Michael Barrymoore appearing in big brother his agent has been innundated with job offers for his services,when asked if he fancied doing panto in Swansea next christmas Barrymoore replied''F-ck off i've already done Aladin

I am rich

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Pathetic excuse of a husband, wife belong in Kitchen and on bed.

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This or don't even tell her just go

It would require like a week long apology


she's not my wife

I don't get it

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If anyone wanted further proof that The Guardian is fake news is the shilling they STILL do for the CUK MPs who have betrayed TWO political parties in the space of a couple of months.

>The other four MPs to quit the party were Luciana Berger, who fronted its slick press launch on London’s South Bank in February
Oh yeah, really slick.

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lads quick be realistic

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You absolutely gutless bow necked shitstain


He’s done Aladdin


Call her a nazi and throw a milkshake over her

The absolute state of desperate minor British grifter celebrities.

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Why are you answerable to a woman who isn't your wife or mother of your children? Hell even if she were you shouldn't have to beg to go for a drink. Go lad or you will forever be pandering to her vagina.

you're just jealous because you can't get a moral wife (tm)

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For me, it’s Russian ASMR videos.

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Who is this hottie?!

I already have a trad wife

>Black bull takes a cuck's members from behind

you are right


trad in the sense that she smells like cow udders and fieldwork

I can’t be bothered to explain, you shouldn’t be here anyway

I don’t think you realise how glorious the third reich parades were.

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she smells like off milk and dirty mud
tess of the derrrrrbadsmells

weak overcomes the strong
read tao te ching

Just have a fag and a brew you poofter.

Where are the non-white cultural representatives?

You're just larping, right? You're not actually the dude from The Spectator are you? God help us if Spectator contributors are coming onto fucking Jow Forums.

>weak overcomes the strong
>read tao te ching
Explain without me having too.

I am right, but then again im shit at relationships and wouldn't even know any local pubs open at this hour.

I suppose i'll have no option because I cant be arsed leaving the house at this time.

>ywn be there


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Anyone know what time Trump is gonna be in Pompey tomorrow?

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>tfw trump won the election
>tfw your ladbrokes account was booming
>tfw all your lefty friends treated you like a prophet
>tfw no-one can ever rob the memories from you

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Grand, empty parades of a paranoid, violent ideology. They're like the Trump protests only with better planning and nice uniforms.

>>tfw all your lefty friends treated you like a prophet
Why would I be friends with people I morally disagree with? And why would I care about their opinion? Left wing people are often poor genetic push overs who seek comfort in groups who don’t necessarily think like them but survive like them. Huddled together. Pick them apart and their true nature comes into play.

Yeah I'm curious about this too.
Unironically considering a drive over.

Life and nature itself is violent. Everything is trying to kill and not be killed. A group of being with consciousness of that are a nation of awake people aware of any threat. Why is this a bad thing?

why do you cunts make the worst brit/pol/s? seriously, why the fuck even make them, you pathetic losers. every once in a while i check on your shitty fucking threads, and i look in horror. I even tell you what content to include. but you stupid sub 80 IQ fucking spastics keep churning these dogshit threads out. you are a joke on this board. you are either too young to be here, or too fucking braindamaged. put the cokeposter multiplier in the equation, and you have a recipe for a headache.
OP thread should contain
>an assortment of daily news, relevant to the board, from a selection of outlets
>all links should be archived first, before posting, so you can include them in your OP thread.
IS IT THAT FUCKING HARD YOU STUPID CUNTS? sort it out you fucking losers

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How many Chukas could a ChUK chuck if a ChUK could chuck Chukas?

thanks for the insight. would you be interested in us exporting some steel toilets to your nation? we could really do with the trade, desssuuu.