Why do they always look like that?
Soyboy goes after stone toss
Hatespeech is freespeech
>why yes I do punch nazis, how did you know?
Guy's brilliant
for the same reason that people who actually produce goods for the economy vote conservative, and people who don't vote liberal; if he didn't look like the personification of estradiol, he'd spend more of his time actually being productive.
>Let's face it: if you hate stonetoss b/c of how its "hate-filled propaganda", then make your own comic
they don't want their own shit. they want to tear down the shit that already exists.
So I can say "You need to be hanged, Nigger" to a black person and expect no consequences?
I bet he could fuck you up in a fist-fight, drumpftards!
>black person
>expect no consequences
no, there are consequences to speaking to black people
should you be allowed to say whatever you want, as long as you are on your property or a public space? yes.
his sausage fingers when clenched together would make a very soft fist that would hardly hurt anyone