>heterosexual is black and white
what did they mean by this?
Kek, this is getting out of control
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I've seen that before too. (((They))) are trying to say having a normal and healthy sexuality is boring and dull.
as a heterosexual white male, i dont want a fucking flag. leave me out of it
oh ok, i thought it was a reference to the BLACKED phenonemon
Why is purple always considered being gay?
They just forget to include red.
BLACKED is just a cuckhold meme desu
Kinda looks liike pic
Heterosexual isn't automatically "normal and healthy" though. Wanting to fuck a pizza delivery thot with big tits is not normal, but it is still het.
There are a ton of weird fetishes that are still technically heterosexual
ah, that explains why its so popular on /tv/