People always say that “degeneracy will destroy civilization,” but is there any historical proof that this is true? I look around and I see degenerate behavior, and I hate it; despite how I feel about it, will it *actually* destroy society as we know it?
Research the Weimer Republic and how Adolf Hitler was democratically elected.
Yeah, and how do we know it's the primary cause rather than a symptom that exacerbates the disease?
Hitler was not democratically elected, he took power after a national emergency.
Absolutley. Why do you think they push promiscuity, porn, junk food, etc.? It makes people weak little fucks that are easily conquerable because not only are they too weak to fight for anything, they don't even have the will to fight.
Are a bunch of trannies, gays, communists obsessed with weed etc. going to fight for the west? Of course not, they're actively destroying it with their degeneracy.
That’s true too, degeneracy could be what happens when certain demographic and economic conditions are in place. It could be those conditions that are responsible for societal collapse, with degeneracy being a mere symptom.
Camille Paglia has a lot of talks about this topic. Shortly before the fall of many civilizations, there is a push toward androgyny and a loss of faith in a civilization’s culture.
Actually he was never elected and did not take power on the year of his highest support (~30%) but was appointed chancellor by the monarch. The Reichstag building burnt down months later and he blamed it on commies to assume emergency powers. No one really knows if he had it burned but it's fishy.