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Yes, she hated white people. But did she deserve a cobbin'?
Eli Russell
Adam Long
burn the coal get the corn (in the ass)
Kevin Cooper
Benjamin Diaz
just natural selection getting the damned jackasses out of the white gene pool, Op
Isaiah Bennett
Yes. And I am a hippie.
Camden Morris
She was Jewish, ironically. The very people who agitated for more brown folk are getting cobbed by them.
Aaron Reed
Anyone of us could have saved her
Grayson Lopez
Jace Green
>Anyone of us could have saved her
Why would any one of us do that?
Robert Parker
Did someone mention corn
Jayden Cook
She deserved it any way you look at it. Even by her own standards, she deserved it for being white.
Gabriel Collins
She deserved it, she's not even white.
Ayden Hill
Yes, she deserved everything she got. She was an anti-white whore
Nolan Gutierrez
Nolan Lee
She was cute and I feel bad for her because she was ZOGGED by propaganda. I hope they don't insult her further by letting her killer off easy (they will).
Camden Robinson
it was worth it for the tacos
Evan Smith
haha look at how this whore is dressed. IN PUBLIC. of course she caught the eye of some rapist murderer
Nolan Rogers
Oh he’ll definitely walk. It’s racist to lock up undocumented migrants of color in 2019
Carson Scott
nobody deserves a cobbin, you have to earn it
Robert Richardson
>But did she deserve a cobbin'?
Yes. And nothing of value was lost.
Jeremiah Hernandez
Can I get a quick rundown?
Aiden Green
I assume it's a roastie that got raped and/or murdered?
Nicholas Anderson
Caleb Rodriguez
Would have been so funny to witness it desu
Blake Cruz
But her end was ironic. Her virtue signalling on Twitter made her impervious to think rationally.
Also, her death gave conservatives enough ammo to go after the open borders loony crowd. So in that sense she can be considered a martyr?
John Davis
Her own dad was pretty happy she was dead
Christian Bell
>anti white gurl
>loves niggers and spics
>got raped by illegal
>bonus corn cob in the pooper
>parents pro spics and nigger say its ok to kill a white gurl bro
Zachary Young
Nothing of value was lost. It is good that her parents cannot make anymore like her.
Ryder James
Was it ever found out that the illegal that killed her was involved with her in some capacity? Or he just killed her for no reason?
There must've been some reason.
Gabriel Cox
Her last words "Diversity is our strength!"
Nolan Torres
Yup, Jewish leftist university student who hated whites and defended illegals got abducted in Iowa by an (illegal) immigrant.
>Shoved a full ear of corn up her ass
>Repeatedly raped her
>Murdered her
Her dad is so pozzed he's defending the fucking killer lol.
Jeremiah Adams
demographics are destiny
Owen Torres
Deserve? No, I would say she did not. Did she receive one? Yes. Is it poetic justice that she was violently murdered in about as groteque way possible with the given materials by someone she was supporting? Yes. Do I feel bad? No. Things like this happen everyday, and people like her and her day are trying their hardest to make sure it's coming to a neighborhood near you.
Caleb Garcia
She was a somewhat qt and was one redpill away from starting over. Though upon further review, she actually looked just like her dad and the parents dont seem to care much either.
Wyatt Cox
im thinkin' tacos. sad situation though.
Elijah Sanchez
>Her own dad was pretty happy she was dead
To be fair, leftist university sluts are unbearable to spend time with.
Wyatt Nelson
did they really stick corn in her ass or is that a meme?
Nathan Carter
>Diversity is our strength!
>She spouted as she got pummeled by a nigger cock
Liam Butler
Is the corn part actually true?
Jaxon Ward
You can't be serious...
John Sanders
checked and kek'd
Gabriel Lopez
>full ear of corn up her ass
What does it mean?
Isaiah Cruz
No, she was a beautiful soul. I wish the worst for her murderer.
Italians aren't white.
The killers girlfriend was an alleged friend of Mollie.
Sebastian Rivera
>high privilege background
She was too insulated to be saved. It was necessary for her to pay the toll sadly.
Aiden Russell
no he wasn't involved with her. Supposedly he worked on a farm at some point in time with her family but I'm not sure. Third worlders have a tendency to do shit like this...
Ethan Adams
I wonder if, at any point during her cornification, she reflected on any of that and had the fleeting thought
>I was wrong
Noah Ramirez
And she would have hated you for it
Chase Stewart
Dem tacos tho
Aiden Brooks
Tibbets is a jewish name?
Jose Thomas
The whole damn corn
Andrew Hughes
God I wish i was her.
So hot
Levi Rivera
I hope her whole family gets the day of the cob soon
Adam Adams
Oh, I see.
Ian Garcia
Oh fuck. This is the craziest pepe I've seen.
Josiah Cox
inb4 archive
Austin Martinez
Imagine being her father, somebody who loves taco, and everytime you eat one and see the corn you have flashes of your murdured daughter with a corn cob inserted in the rectum. At every barbecue he will see these big corn cobs and he'll have flashes of them inserted in his daughter anus.
Matthew Foster
>The mother of slain University of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts opened up her home to the teenage son of Mexican immigrants who worked with the man suspected of killing her daughter and left the small town because they feared it was unsafe.
Jordan Morris
With white scorn, you get the corn.
Brody Long
yes, traitors get the cob first
Liam Campbell
Wtf. The guy shoved a whole corn up her ass? What. The. Fuck.
I hope the maniac spends the rest of his life behind prison bars or dies a tragic and painful death himself.
Josiah Cook
yeah she did, fuck that roastie bitch....with a corncob
Oliver James
...and every time he remembers this, he smiles, a tear is shed and he says: "Sigh, I love Diversity."
Samuel King
And people think the corn detail is unbelievable....
Isaiah Sanders
She experienced the most pleasure a white women could ever have
Being on all fours while receiving a massive vagina splitting BCC (Big Corn Cob)
Ayden Rodriguez
Doubt it that's deep to him. He looks like a "pass the corn" guy to me.
Carter Ortiz
Nolan Roberts
Adam Hernandez
>Showing midriff
>Toal paid
Hudson Sanders
I honestly hope he murders all of them.
Nolan Sanders
I was like her in college as well. Now I'm a fundamentalist Christian and believe in "nations" in the biblical sense. You guys just plain cruel.
Kevin Hughes
Aaron Scott
can someone give me a quick rundown on why corn is related to how this girl died
Lucas Watson
Carson Gray
Luke Rogers
Boioioing! Dick is diamonds. I want to lick the brown butter off that Aztek love wand
Nathan Thompson
The opposite of shitting in the street
Isaac Evans
>can someone give me a quick rundown on why corn is related to how this girl died
Justin Peterson
Why are evangelicals so obsessed with Jews?
Caleb Wright
Context clues dummy
She got COBBED in the ass, just like her mother always hoped she would
Justin Moore
She go what she was promoting.
Chase Fisher
wew laddie
Parker Green
Nope she would have been blaming white patriarchy the whole time for making that poor undocumented illegal alien do it.
Nicholas Thomas
A self hating white whore finally got to experience true diversity and toxic masculinity when she was found murdered with a corn cob inside her.
Luke Scott
What's perhaps most interesting about the physiology of the woman being raped is how her intense fear and instincts to survive will wrench shut her anal sphincters and make flatulence nearly impossible. Ask any Gastroenterology specialist at Harvard Medical School: if a woman does not consent to sex, you may hear expulsion of air from the vaginal cavity but never flatus. Evolution has crafted the smooth muscle tissues of women's sphincters anticipating the likelihood of an errant or non-consensual phallus or finger attempting penetration. Only thirty years ago, it was common for physicians to prescribe phallic vaginal stimulation to patients who needed help expelling their sulfurous and methanous digestive byproducts. The "Baltzar Wand" was a Swedish device invented to help physicians and staff probe and exercise the vagina to expel "air" trapped in the intestines, but only under the patient's transparent willingness to receive this intimate treatment. A simple tool, the Baltzar Wand consists of a phallus on the end of a meter-long wooden dowel, about the width of a quarter. So long as your female patient is consenting, a few minutes of rapid thrusting will release a noisy torrent of pent-up flatus and provide a great relief. With the patient supine and her feet in stirrups, there's many techniques for applying pressure with the Baltzar Wand, with some caregivers jutting upwards towards the patient's abdomen, like they were churning a strange type of butter. Others opt for more downward direction, jabbing the wand into the hind of her pelvis like they were chopping ice or maybe playing the Canadian sport of Curling. But for any of these antiquated procedures to work, the woman must completely consent or else she'll emit nary a peep! This seemingly trivial fact of human biology has powerful implications for police investigating sexual assault, because reports of flatulence during any sexual act may mean something unusual is afoot, but it's most certainly not rape.
Cooper Richardson
All we have is a post by an user claiming to be from the coroner's office saying so. But it's juicy, so it is spread. No proof (yet)
Chase Perez
Guys, I think I may have found the crime scene.
Ian Cox
Alexander Nelson
Did you forget about Celia Barquín Arozamena? This is our land, and we're taking it back thanks in part to Republican Iowa farmers. Also, you're not white and Anglo supremacy doesn't like you either.
James Barnes
not that i want to be white anyway. i don t want to be in the same group as germanistan and swedishcucks
Dylan Robinson
Traitors deserve more before they transition to the next life. She and her family deserved everything they got and more.
Caleb Nguyen
Sebastian Hernandez
You're white Luigi
Matthew Ortiz
>saving an emotionally retarded white woman
Jonathan Anderson
>Nope she would have been blaming white patriarchy the whole time for making that poor undocumented illegal alien do it.
Wish I could find the article written by a charity mutt that felt so bad for the 12 guys raping her on a Haitian rooftop, cause 'white privilege'.
Hunter Lee
Traitors before enemies, Jimjam.
Gavin Morris
>saving women
Luis King
It couldn't have happened to a more deserving person and family. Let it be a warning to everyone else.
Jonathan Lopez
They knew some of the same people, but I don't think they knew each other. She was just jogging and he was driving by her and got a sexual emergency so he obducted her and raped and killed her. Her family has since let in an illegal immigrant I think both of them knew into their own home to live to virtue signal to the world how progressive they are
Brayden Wright
Quick rundown: A local TV station reported on the corncob cornholin' shortly after the body was found. A few places online also picked it up. Soon, the TV station just stopped reporting on the corn cob and all online stories were scrubbed of that detail.
Chase White
So did he really shove a cobb up her butt? Or was that rumors started for the lulz?