Skin!= Adapted to enviorment

Whites are not adapted to their enviorment they are insects and pests who aren't native to Europe and never will be. This is why Eskimos are brown hell even though they live in Far colder enviorments.

Whites burn east from. Sun

White freeze easier from cold.

Attached: Cold_1.jpg (928x622, 240K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Whites burn east from. Sun
They tan
>White freeze easier from cold.
Not true. Our expando-matic dicks don't fall off from frost bite like your Chimp dicks do.
Instead, they're drawn close to the body to keep 'em nice and warm until needed

Sun light.....

Good thing we whites are smart enough to build adequate shelters and cooling systems so we don't have to adapt.

Jealous, nigger?

You're a fucking retard.

7/10 will get replies

i'm pretty sure all male genitalia does that, if it is cold enough

Need a chad vs beta version of this.

>Cold Adapted Chad
>Seeks out freezing temps just to sleep naked in
>48 degree baths
>Fucks cold adapted natives in his spare time

>Non Adapted Beta
>Requires clothes to live
>Water temp must be exactly 85 degrees or he dies
>Gets frostbite trying to hit on cold adapted women

>Skin adapted to absorb maximum amount of sunlight for Vitamin D due to short days.
>Eyes adapted to see most variants of the color green to locate enemies during summer, and see far during winter without going snow blind.

Cool story, bro.

this thread is a repost from like 2 hours ago.

We just had an ice age ended some ten thousand years ago. If your statement is true there wouldn't be any whites around.

Holy fucking shit you're dumb.

how those being this dumb feel like

>Hey look mar, the strange paki man is posting on Jow Forums again

Blue eyed people came from atlantis. Aka North America. They are adapted to an ocean environment and europe was under a glacier so it never was home.

We're adapted to weather without a lot of sunlight. Dark skinned migrants in Europe have to take Vitamin D supplements because their dark skin isn't adapted to the cloudy weather.

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lmfao when the difference between dying is having pale skin that absorbs more sunlight for stronger bones and not dying, then you can talk about it faggot.

>Tierra del Fuego
I fucking dare you to take some natives from there and bring them up here in the winter, and tell them to swim in the water.
Do you know what will happen? They'll break their fucking skulls diving in because it's ice, dummy. And the nordic countries can be just as bad/worse then here.
There's no physical adaptation that can overcome this type of environment, you either create and maintain equipment and survive, or you don't, and you fucking die in minutes.
Inuits have many words and phrases for freezing to death, and they are about as physically adapted to the cold as any human being ever could be.

I want to see these niggers sleeping naked during the ice age.

I go outside in shorts when it's below zero. It tickles my leg hairs. What are you on about, nigger?

We're not adapted to any enviorement and yet fucked your paki and nigger asses pretty well back in a day, now think for a moment nigger what we would've been able to achieve if we were as adapted as you monkeys

> white people are mutations
> Mutations make the best countries, let's immigrate there.

Whites above humans?

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What is this flag

>White freeze easier from cold.
You are retarded and probably a shitskin.

Shut the fuck up.

Don't ever make this thread again

Don't encourage this brainlet behavior.

go back to jerking off to anime, paco

It doesn’t matter in modern times beauty or practality

Dumb fucking leaf,
You probably as dumb as thus fucking OP here.

I wouldn't be surprised considering of disgusting your fucking has turned. Fuck out of here....

Blue eyed people came from Hyperboria, beyond the Arctic ice wall.

I’m nearly 80% Irish and I tan

Tired if these fucking evolutionary threads.

Take that shit over to >>/his/ or >>/sci/

No they came from this no they came from that. Shut the fuck up, Pol literally has nothing to do with this...

It doesn’t seem to get into your thick nigger skull that attack whites doesn’t make things better, it only causes issues.

For example, New Zealand, that’s only the start of things and it can get ramped up.

Go kys shitskin, inferior little shit

Who are you talking to?
The OP?

Just wait, when the brown fats guy gets here you are going to be fucked.

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Can you all not realise this is a bait slide thread? Jesus....

More like

>Cold Adapted Beta
>His body adapts to where he lives, therefore limiting his possible habitat
>Sleeps naked like a loser, perfect target for predators
>Can't even build the most basic form of shelter, nature decides whether he'll live or die

>Non Adapted Chad
>Doesn't give two shits about the weather, lives where he pleases
>Kills other predators and wears their skins just to be comfy, gives zero fucks
>Uses stone and wood to build a shelter, nature is his bitch

well lets not waste time, pull down your pants jamal

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We are currently being raided by literal faggots if you haven’t noticed all the faggot “pride” threads

Skin color is determined by how much sun someone gets. Not temperature. That’s why darkies in europe have to take vitamin d pills.

Eskimos/Inuits are brown because of the extreme sun exposure. Europeans were white because of lack of sun in cold climates and too much tree coverage.

People always looked at me crazy when I would let my dog out like that.

Dude it's over
Don't feed this troll.




Can niggers survive in the cold? Or swim, for that matter?

Stop bumping this fucking bait thread memeflag.

Your probably the OP larping and changing VPN.

which of those three can drink milk without getting the shits?

Yeah the grower not a shower dick mechanics are a clear-cut sign of a species that evolved in cold climate.

Also has the added advantage of Being a harder errection thats more pleasurable for the females as opposed to the soft semi-flaccid dicks niggers have

>Whites burn east from. Sun
>White freeze easier from cold.
We´re NOT from this shithole planet.
We WERE actual Kangz.

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Eskimos are brown because they live in an ice desert with strong uva radiation and sunlight reflection from the snow.

How do you know so much about black peoples erections?

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i finally have a validation for my grower not a shower

is this setup for us to say that white peoples adaptation was the ability to build an environment that suits them? that our intelligence allows us to invent and adapt to every environment faster than nature? that this inventive nature brought with it the fruits of thriving civilizations that spanned the world, feeding less advanced cultures starved of innovation?

Every heard about this thing called internetz?
Girls talk, especially when they think they´re amongst themselves.

Argument found to be invalid (pic related).

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esl anime nigger confirmed

>best looking abo, still only a 4

how would you know? are you a nigger or just a faggot?

whatever you say nigger

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Are gurls, in your circle, especially prone to taking black dicks? What's the sample size we're talking about?

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>a thread about some shitskin opinion.
>OP Post is 1
>No response

Your a idiot leaf

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People of color should show their superiority by sleeping and swimming naked in the cold.


the so-called white race are the progenitors of Esau

Inuits are dark skinned because they did not need to adapt, their lifestyle and diet of seal and fish provides them enough vitamin D. Europeans also handle the cold much better than any others, its become a bit of a meme on Twitter and Facebook. While the lack of melanin is a curse in tropical and equatorial climates, in the north it is necessary to receive vitamin D.


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At least we're civilized enough to build houses and plumb them with cold AND hot water and wear, oh I dunno, fuckin clothes?

so we dont belong anywhere right ? good to know ;)

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White skin works better against nuclear weapons; the difference between life and death from thermal radiation.

It's also suited for environments with lots of cloud cover, i.e., Europe.

Eskimos live in areas with little cloud cover.

It's little to do with the cold and more to do with Vitamin D.

Imagine not using your brain to survive.

If that abbo roastie were a cup of coffee, I´d give it back because I didn´t order a cup of milk with a teaspoon of coffee in it.

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This is bullshit. I love swimming naked in ice cold lakes and rivers and I'm as white as you can get. It's refreshing.

based german metaphors ftw

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the white race is the progenitor of everything

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We love the freezing temperatures though.

That abbo is 15/16 white anyway...

Mediterranean blood kicked arse.

the only attractive abbos are the ones with clearly white features. as demonstrated by your pic

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Stop taking this user bait.
He hasn't respond to you all.
So this is a slide thread.

My last girlfriend told me that she enjoyed my dick not only because it's big but because it gets rock fucking hard. Based. I couldn't imagine having a semi during sex...sounds awful.


>Whites are not from Europe
Where are they from then? Outer space?

Do you people even think about the stupid shit you write?

cute and bleached

>We wuz everythang hick hick


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nice flag shlomo

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he then wraps himself in a blanket, jumps into a sauna, and puts his clothes on after drying.

The abo stays undressed and dries with nothing but time and kills Nessy.

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That's not how vit d works. White skin is maladaptive because it burns easily and burned skin can't produce vit d. Also you can't get vit d whilst wearing pounds of clothes because you're too cold.

Reminder that humans and animals can get vit d by eating animals' organs, especially fish. It's not all about the sun.

the fucking second one. my sides


It is true though that migrants in Nordic countries have to take supplements for melanin deficiencies.

get ready for slavery, esau. your childish tactics doesn't work on the hopeful elect

That's a light skinned pajeeta you fuck.

Get off my planet loser. I'll live in Europe since it's mine. You can disappear in peace, clown.

Keefers, stop. Go back to streaming vidya for /v/, man.

you will never belong paki, fuck off.

White skin was likely not an adaption. As others have pointed out, there are others who live in colder environments that do not have white skin.

More likely is that white skin was a mutation that occurred and was selected for as a preference for attractiveness reasons. Considering that white (fair) skin is seen as a preferable trait throughout the world (and during times when the west did not dominate anything) this may be something that is very deep in the human mind as a preference.