Whites are not adapted to their enviorment they are insects and pests who aren't native to Europe and never will be. This is why Eskimos are brown hell even though they live in Far colder enviorments.
>Whites burn east from. Sun They tan >White freeze easier from cold. Not true. Our expando-matic dicks don't fall off from frost bite like your Chimp dicks do. Instead, they're drawn close to the body to keep 'em nice and warm until needed
Eli Cox
Sun light.....
Landon Smith
Good thing we whites are smart enough to build adequate shelters and cooling systems so we don't have to adapt.
Jealous, nigger?
Aaron Williams
You're a fucking retard.
Nicholas Lee
7/10 will get replies
Charles Foster
i'm pretty sure all male genitalia does that, if it is cold enough
Angel Russell
Need a chad vs beta version of this.
>Cold Adapted Chad >Seeks out freezing temps just to sleep naked in >48 degree baths >Fucks cold adapted natives in his spare time
>Non Adapted Beta >Requires clothes to live >Water temp must be exactly 85 degrees or he dies >Gets frostbite trying to hit on cold adapted women
Camden Harris
>Skin adapted to absorb maximum amount of sunlight for Vitamin D due to short days. >Eyes adapted to see most variants of the color green to locate enemies during summer, and see far during winter without going snow blind.