Whats wrong with Eugenics?

Whats wrong with Eugenics and why don't liberals and Christians support it?
Liberals support abortion I don't see why they don't support eugenics?

Attached: eugenicstree-700x450.jpg (700x450, 107K)

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birth control is unnatural and disordered.
abortion is murder
sterilization is unnatural and disordered
if you can find a way to practice eugenics without those three things then have at it, bud

Where the fuck are my glow in the dark trees

but babies being born with no legs and arms(sometimes no brain) is natural to you?

Jews are Eugenicizing white people because it's their competition. Somehow, it's survival of the weakest. Whites now how to fund fucking niggers and spics replacing them in their own countries

also what's "natural" what do you mean by natural?

Because its fucking autistic. On what basis would you make the decision?

Beethovens father was a drunk. So we would have denied him a child?


But some babies are born without a sight and brain.

eugenics assumes that you know better than thousands of years of sexual selection.
you do not.
humans have really weird sexual selection queues that we're not even conscious of. trying to intentionally breed humans for particular traits will inevitably lead to unhealthy offspring because YOU DO NOT KNOW what is important and CANNOT know what will be important.