Jow Forums claims stereotypes are always based in truth...

Jow Forums claims stereotypes are always based in truth, so does that mean this place is full of fat incels that live in their mothers basements?

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There are many "incels" and NEETs on the board, but for good reason.
Imagine giving tax money to ZOG and trying to marry a whore that will fuck Tyrone behind your back.

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That's an insult, not a stereotype.

people insult channers by accusing them of being a stereotypical loser.

>when you believe memes unironically


I’m here to express my hatred of nigger scum, ungrateful roasties, spic invaders and rest. If fatty fatfat and autismo the great want to join in, that’s fine. We can be frens until the eugenic programs fire up.

i'm both of those things.

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Not everybody who goes on /pol is an incel but everybody who is an incel goes on /pol

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A lot of them I'm sure. That doesn't make them wrong though.

The leaf gets it.

is there any truth behind this

yes but i think we have a valid point and women simply need to permit usage of their vaginas

im skinny
aaaaaaaand, i get to live topside with the humans
so, put that in your pipe and smoke it
now if you dont mind, i have to go wash they eyebugers from my lids

>fat incels
It's voluntary
>that live in their mothers basements?
Possibly not their mother's.

I'm the opposite but I'm here to cyberbully the incels

That meme is close to true though. Few exceptions.

Stereotypes are based on observations.
How many Jow Forums posters have you met in real life?

You probably can't even imagine how bad people here can be.
But that's the point, here you will only be judged by the things you have to say, the ideas you are able to bring to the table.

>so does that mean this place is full of fat incels that live in their mothers basements?
I mean all the roasties are out there asking " Where have all the good men gone! " and yea they're not out there.
Good men wouldn't have shit all to do with this rotten disgusting detritus society that talks shit about them at all times.
They're at home. In the basement. They're not leaving.

>East Alpine Germans wearing IOTB shirts

Whats the matter fagboy? Ya can't jerkoff to us fatfucks or somethin?
Time to take your meds and dilate ya filthy faggot.

I'm a fat incel in my own basement
>checkmate libtards