Brit/pol/ press F to pay respects to Trump baby blimp

>woman stabs Trump balloon, gets immediately arrested
>video on The Hill link

>info about stabbing of actual people in London which mayor Khan wasn't dealing with when he was planning his hit pieces on President Trump
>Trump praises 'extraordinary' US-UK alliance

>ironically support living memes from the UK

Attached: trump_blimp_down.jpg (660x495, 31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

OP here.
New baker will be needed

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Have Trump's NHS comments re-doomed Brexit?

>>woman stabs Trump balloon, gets immediately arrested
Someone find a stat for how many stabbing there were in London today for a compare:contrast

>tfw no Real FAR-RIGHT | Third Position Party & Movement in Britain nowadays

It's all Tiresome

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They've made no-deal a lot less appealing to many. Maybe that was the intention; we all know he's a zog lapdog and the kike-infested EU do not want a no-deal scenario to play out. So it's possible that Trump and our enemies are in bed together.


she should have just thrown a milkshake on it

They have backup baby blimps... Good job, now release the bitch boy baby blimp horde!

lads what the hell is going on with odds for the by-election on thursday?

Brexit party odds are both shortening and drifting,

Labour will win this by-election


Those who are screaming and shouting that brexit will be the end of us are genetically determined to think like that because they simply can’t plan ahead.

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if they have material for backups why didn't they just make a giant one like they implied they would?

Greetings my fellow Britons.
How about sharing a nice bag of chips (halal please) with some ethnic British food like Chicken Tikka Masala?

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Start buying guns.

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Lib Dem and Green voters will probably revert to Labour. Tory voters will probably tactically vote for BXP. Will be a close run thing

Abandoned Tot's TV house lads, depressing.

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lol you can't even have a knife in fish and chips land

>And [Heidegger joined the Nazi party] because he believed that you cannot have a society where death has no meaning, because life has no meaning. And you cannot have a society which bases itself upon the absence of the religious urge, however you define that urge and whatever system you use. Because if you do the reverse you will end up with a society which has two values beyond subsistence: Shopping and Fornication.

Based and Bowden pilled.

haven't listened to that one yet

What's the deal with that image?
Also, it'd be safer to buy a sword, legalality wise.

Bowden dying practically killed the BNP.

Attached: bowden.gif (300x227, 1.51M)

its waco

has anyone got the image on how to make mustard gas

It’s Waco isn’t it?

Tikka Masala is bloody lovely mate.

Attached: Chicken_tikka_masala.jpg (1500x2250, 528K)


How is this even possible? I thought knife crimes were banned in Britain along with all cutlery above a class three spork.

If you have a clean record getting a Shotgun or Firearm cert isn't really that hard at all. The main problem is money, storage, etc. You spend more on the safe than the guns.

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open up a chemistry book kid

Based and Cravatpilled.

Short version:
Full version (naturally, abit of a mind fuck being Heidegger)

Is Boris going to jail lads?

I often think what he’d be saying and doing today if he were still alive.
The man genuinely changed my life.

Semi-related, but anyone remember this ad?

tikka masala originated in scotland though
it's true blue uk food
get fucked pakis
those greasy drunks can cook your food better than you can

Oh, I thought it was something new.
Wondered why the image quality sucked.
Yeah but pretty much anyone can buy a sword if you can prove a hobby interest and you can just have them on ya wall.

Normal people go to jail, politicians get a fine.

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thanks, i'll download that long one for listening on a walk.

>originated in scotland
From a shitskin immigrant.

Blue Van man live at 7pm GMT (that's 2pm EST for our Atlantically impaired cousins) on Friday.
His plan is to have a kebab (which he will then review) and a few lagers (it is unclear if these will also be reviewed).
Superchats are enabled, but he said he's had enough of answering questions about football and that he wants better questions.
Maybe Jow Forums can think of a more important and more controversial question to ask him about?

Good night lads.

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Still ours.

I'd buy crossbows while you still can. Just saying.

quintessentially british

>Yeah but pretty much anyone can buy a sword if you can prove a hobby interest and you can just have them on ya wall.

Yeah but they have to be old, new ones are blunt and made with shitty alloys so any attempt to sharpen ruins them.

webm of the stabbing




Attached: wojak.png (680x701, 55K)

Yeah crossbows rock.
>new ones are built and made with shitty allows
Don't buy from meme suppliers liek Cold Steel.

I heard you like loicenses, so we put a loicense inside your loicense, pal.

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Crossbows are cool but by the time you reload one the civil war would of ended.

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Sup masterbrew

Sounds great.
You’d like this.

Derp, just now do I realise I forgot to post the link.

God, I'm a mong.

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How long until brew comes out as a remainer?

That's a meme.
If you buy a crossbow from a reputable smith they'll include a crank for fast reload, only takes a 10 seconds with practice, if that.

The kid rising at the end looking at the packet is meme material.

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Not if you're fit, strong and have a draw string. Reload is about 20-30 seconds.
Its obviously not a gun, but 100% viable for defence, hunting, or scaring the ever loving shit out of people.

ease of transport.

I don't remember the advert but I remember the fucking jingle.
Do they still sell em?

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Better off having a crossbow and also mastering a bow if that's the route you want to take, the reload time of a CB even if it's 10 seconds is no good for any hostile situation.

The former foreign secretary has launched an appeal against the summons issued to him over allegations of misconduct in a public office. Mr Johnson faces a private prosecution over accusations he lied with his repeated claim that the UK sends £350 million a week to the EU. Last week, the MP was summonsed to court by district judge Margot Coleman, who said she was satisfied it was a ‘proper case.’ Mr Johnson has now launched a judicial review application in the Administrative Court. His lawyers will argue that the summons issued to him was unlawful. They are also set to say that criminal proceedings against him should be suspended until the judicial review is determined.

Read more:

he sold out quite a bit, didn't he.

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I remember them coming back in around 2013. Dunno if they were discontinued again, though. They're still around in France.

>no good for any hostile situation.

Like when mummy doesn’t cook you tendies

Bows are harder to maintain than crossbows and are worse for rapid response, even if you can sustain your output of arrows.

Totally agree, a regular Bow is a must too.
Bows and Xbows can still be bought without licence as far as i'm aware, I fully expect that to change as the inevitable looms into sight.

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why are you awake anons

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I miss him, bros.


nonce alert

Why are you?

I know that feel bro
Yeah no licence required for now at least, you can't hunt with them though.

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Yeah, why Xbow hunting is outlawed, i'll never understand.

Boris johnson

i work nights

Last time there were 700 votes that won the seat.
Very close.

My sleeping cycle got all fucked up because of mood swings
And youre still an anonytrip
Michael Gove

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Animal Welfare groups, the same bunch of cunts that recently changed the law so you can't shoot pest birds even if they are destroying a farmers crops or are a health risk.

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Fuck Gove.

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Do your restaurants give you knives? Do you have a cutlery at home? completely serious question

Self employed.
I make an effort to earn less than personal allowance so that I don't pay income tax which means my life is very chill.
I don't believe in the pension meme because it's a pyramid scheme that is going to collapse before we're old.

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Boris 'kick all the pakis out' Johnson has my support


stop being retarded

What if he goes to jail?

Yes for fucks sake.

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look man, the US has its own flavor of insanity, but we’re not the ones with our police departments posting photos of seized butter knives

On no America might supply cheap drugs for the cash strapped NHS!
Fucking retards I swear


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Do restaurants supply you with foreskins?

Yeah you can, you can buy guns too. (Difference between UK and US is we have the balls to use them)

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Trump's fucking savage.

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Actually quite based user
Good for you

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The Scotland thing is only one person's claim - there have been others across Britain who claimed to invent it.

Anyway, it's bloody delish. As are most curries.

you and the loicinces m8

>Less than 60k attended could be as low as 25k
>210,000 pre printed placards and signs left unused and now dumped.
>Protest leaders gutted.
>Trump baby balloon got popped
>They completely missed Trump as he was driven by in his Beast limo which made it even funnier.
>Every speaker looked insane.
>Leftists and commies attacking anyone that was even remotely pro Assad(countering the pro FSA contingent),pro Trump,Pro brexit or questioning climate change including old men being beaten and harassed by masked thugs and fat landwhale "women".

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