"Lol dude just marry a Latina, the baby will still come out lookin wh-"

>"Lol dude just marry a Latina, the baby will still come out lookin wh-"

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That whole picture fucking reeks of taco grease. Amazing.

Why does every town nonwhites create look so depressing?

Black women only

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Define "Latina"
is it someone from one of the Latin language groups? That is, French, Italian, Spanish or Romanian?
Or is it a Euphemism for some Central American Mezo brown skin IQ 85 barbarian?

Latinas are specifically Latin American. Hispanic encompasses all Romance language nations.

White make civilization, nonwhites ruin it.

If you marry a Latina, your son will murder Trayvon Martin.


We call this getting Owen Benjamin'd

My wife is mexican, r8 my mutt bros

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I’m gonna say 7/10. (for a halfling)

Posting best Latina

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I love latinas, their anuses smell amazing

Teeth looking like attack on titian lmao

>posting your child on Jow Forums

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>Hispanic encompasses all Romance language nations.
No it doesn't and you are a retard

That’s not her baby retard, it’s her godson.

I could deal with that if the alternative was a very liberal woman, but honestly probably just wouldn't bother to reproduce at all.

This might be the most retarded post today.

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she looks like donkey from shrek

I'm guessing you've never been around female wetbacks your entire life? Only 3% tops look like that, but 99.9% of them are trashy niggertier hoes.

Why do wypipo pretend that Japn don't exist?


gosh darn adorable. dang it you got me

Wtf I’m marrying a Latina now

That’s your wife? Wtf pedo


She fine as hell

Thats fucked up

Pic related

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El Goblina

Bait image


>qt Latina
>cute chubby baby
is this reverse psychology?

Just kidding, i married a costa rican but she looks white and so do our children.

That teeth and chin lmao.

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Not hers anyway.

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Looks comfy

cute kid. don't let Jow Forums memes disparage you.

suburb ghettos on a rough geography filled with rivers and a predominant tropical weather?

Dude wtf, don't post your daughter

I wish she was my animatronic wife

lmao nobody seriously believes impregnating a goblina is anything short of a tragedy if you're white

imagine being stupid/desperate enough to willingly devolve your genetic line irreparably in one generation

>> Thinking it's your baby

Were are her baby earings. I thought all spic moms peirce their baby girls ears.


fuck your little piece of shit kid, and fuck you, faggot

you have failed in life


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Lacks the intelligence to plan out something the way than whites to simple fact that unfortunately our media and education system will not reflect because it's not acceptable to the dumbs

that's cause of the nature there, the houses are still shitholes

unos vatos loco dios mio el hombre

Blacks are hotter than Latinos because blacks are built purely for physical survival and they're damn good at it. Mexicans are mainly build for getting into areas and thriving off of corruption and theft.

look at that little nigger. i bet his first word will be some faggy shit like parkay. that fat fuck likes butter

same country as

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dios mio el jefe

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nigga is that Ana de Armas? Pretty sure that's not her kid

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if we go by the record is first word will likely be coca

Bestiality is a sin. At least most latinas got bleached so they are part human.

>50% in 10 years


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looks like a chink insectoid.

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>unironically posting your child on an Incels anonymous forum page

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I wish I could have white kids but be married to a black bitch.

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correctomundo on both counts

Real funny joke, Ahmed.

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Cute baby

Based True Detective poster

Her mouth kek

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You should consider murder suicide.

3/10 for being sellable to the Epstein resort. Add in some intermittent fasting or well have to knock at least 20% off the original price

Japanese are honorary. The only group to actually compete with Europeans militarily.

>Wears loose fitting clothing
>Is 26 and childless
>Actually has an OKcupid profile
Something isn't right here

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Looks familiar

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I have a white friend who married a hispanic girl who looks about as white as goblins come and his kid came out looking straight-up Indio.

Nah, she's to old for that.

i hope you sleep well knowing that someone jizzed to pic of you daughter

Shes probably 16. Just wait til she grows up and breeds..that ass and hips, already large are gonna explode. She wont be able to afford hair treatments..a gut will form...you know this man...

Didn't you see she's from California. Or mabye she's just really sloppy or stinky down there and is afraid to show anyone.

ayyy lmao

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Do you live in gonzales catan?


Or you can be married to a white woman, a from time to time bang a black bitch like that.

kek. Negroes have the weakest immune systems, and the dumbest group, humans survival has depended on those two things.

They're honorary Aryans. Amerindian mutts have only negatively impacted humanity. Niggers as well. Therefore, in order for humanity to progress, we need to exterminate the sub-races. It's really the humanitarian thing to do.

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>there is one Ana de Armas every corner

That is white enough for me. A 50% beaner is still better than none.

>t. beaner

Looks comfy and survivalist to me.

that's not her kid, it's her nephew I think

HIV and Ebola still relevant so no thanks

you're one of the most retarded person on Jow Forums

We could've had this if not for the war of northern aggression.

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In that picture, she looks like she's in Brazil.

I'm currently making a mutt with a Latina.

At least your mutt came out a girl so she can get a BF as she gets older.

Latino is a term made by americans to define mestizos/castizos. If you're white and from latin america they won't consider you latino from my understanding

What's gonna happen?

didn't we nuke japan? lel