south korea will be the first east asian nation to surrender to globalism and accept immigrants
Not to worry, they'll crumble from within if they do so and then Best Korea to their North will invade their degenerated southern neighbours and purge the undeserving.
We're not so lucky on this side of the globe.
Fact: All Asian women are crazy for BWC.
No, that will be Japan.
All women prefer tall white males
When given a choice, asian women prefer white guys. That's why Asian countries will allow immigration, but only for white guys.
Not if Europe is destroyed first.
Immigration, but just for white guys :^)
WMAF couples have godly aesthetics. And they "fit" just right if you know what I mean.
The children look like nasty cockroaches
I will bleach Nancy.
Found the roastie.
>What is Singapore
WORK culture keeps away immigrants from japan and SK .
It's looking like Japan, the thing is Japan messed up their economy and they wont let it crash and restructure, the government hands out bailouts like candy, they dont let the bad companies fail. They need immigrants to pay for social services. It they let their economy build properly they wouldn't need any immigrants. Japan has had 30 years of economic recovery and still hasn't fully recovered.
It’s not just dick size the think whites are better looking and charming. Hey don’t kill the messenger chin chins
Yes but Asians really like white men
Globalism is already dead dumb fuck.
You are the minority
roastie status: toasted
>meanwhile in yurop and murica every jamal and jose is becoming the proud father of a white daughter.
Feels good to be moving up. Whites are inferior.
I'm sure South Korea has plenty of Roof Koreans left. I'm not worried for them.