So why did most christian countries have the death penalty for homosexuality until ~18-20th century and should it be...

So why did most christian countries have the death penalty for homosexuality until ~18-20th century and should it be brought back? I feel like it's a little too harsh maybe just a few years of hard labor instead but I'm open to having my mind changed :)

Attached: Pastor-Steven-Anderson-YouTube-800x430.png (800x430, 406K)

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have sex incel

What are you think doesn’t matter
Defer opinions to god
Kill them

Attached: pastor-maymay.jpg (3000x3000, 1.04M)

I have wondered why some people are so against gays they want to kill them
It makes sense in an evolutionary way that a species would be against that behaviour so the species could continue
But are gays evil? Do they have a higher rate of being paedophiles and people know this subconsciously?

No. Christianity is fucking retarded. Sperging out about gay sex and caring not for race mixing or the mutilation of children.

Abrahamic faggots are a disease.

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>*worships a jew*

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They are pedophiles more and people know that even if they don't like it. I just feel like a death penalty is too much
but I don't really have a proper argument against this so maybe I'm wrong. I would think a anti-gay law would have to consider circumstances a little, In my country a 16 year old is of legal age and if he's being used by a man who's say 50 it would be hard for me to put the 16 year old to death

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he doesnt care about race mixing or circumcisions?
Fuck him

I dont know about circumcision but he clearly doesn't care about race mixing. I mainly meant christfags as a whole. You dont hear anyone standing up for kids rights to not be mutilated and its legal in so many western countries.

People need to abandon this ridiculous idea that semitic religions are good for whites, or for anyone.

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Oh and to avoid confusion the quote in the pic is from Richard Stallman (a kike) nothing to do with the nigger lover in ops pic. I just posted it because it shows where christfag loyalty really is.

We're already killing babies and euthanizing teens. Once both the money and the goodwill runs out for social programs and policing, THEN, we'll see priorities realign properly.

So based

Attached: goyim.png (853x861, 622K)

>t. triggered childless faggot

Attached: steven_anderson_family.jpg (386x483, 154K)

He names the Jew. He even talks of how the Jew is not to be trusted, and how the Jew prays to a false God. Unless hes changed his views recently he is still good in my eyes.

You're being a nigger. The bible is full of quotes you can manipulate if used out of context, so read what is written before you misquote.

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I'm sorry, I didn't realize that he supports race mixing and I wouldn't have made him the image had I known. Christians are usually ambivalent to against race mixing where as atheists are pro to against so maybe we're not the problem :)

>I hope my daughters fuck niggers! Remember goyim were all mixed!

I bet that retarded low IQ fuck mutilated his boys too, as typical amerikike christnigger standards

Christcucks have always been the problem.

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Wow! So jews are the only ones caring about their own group! At last I see time to embrace white genocide!

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because the banks want you to have kids because they need the tax money.

Wooooow you ruined pastor Anderson for me. This dude was funny as fuck what a cuck

>mix bleach and amonia
>blow bubbles in it with a straw

lol i think this video is trying to accelerate the killing off of the dumb people.

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If it takes a picture of someone supporting race mixing to ruin a jew worshipper for you youve got issues.

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What's important to understand about the widespread application of capital punishment to minor offenses in most of history is that, until the 20th century, the rule of law was extremely weak. The rate of prosecution for crimes, even serious offenses, was close to zero due to the government's limited resources and the difficulty in establishing a defendant's guilt in a time when there was no surveillance or forensic science.

The justice system was primarily about prosecuting people that were causing trouble in their community, not about strictly enforcing the law. If a man fucked another man in private, he would almost certainly face no consequences, but if he started flaunting his homosexuality in public and generally making a public nuisance of himself, he'd be taken care of.

He calls out the Jew. You just support racemixing

>So why did most christian countries have the death penalty for homosexuality until ~18-20th century
It's because for millennia mankind was too primitive and had no knowledge of anything but now suddenly in the last century we understand everything and we are most wise.

He literally outright supports nigger mixing.

your entire religion is Jew stories.