How do we make propertarianism more popular, Jow Forums

How do we make propertarianism more popular, Jow Forums

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Hi Georgy

By dunking on the liberalists

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Is it possible to force sargon into propertarianism?

2012 libertarianism is basically dead now, only libertarians who are left are Alex Nowrasteh types. Far right ppl is now either trad catholics or some esoteric shit, neither of them like "facts and logic" of propertarianism.

Doubt it, he’s already way too invested into classical liberalism. Propertarianism will probably become far more popular in the coming years as liberal/libertarian ideologies become redundant in offering solutions to modern issues. Also get in the prop discord.

Idk, the problem is, when people get disillusioned with liberalism, they won't immediately reach the truth, best case they will start following Fuentes because he is like making a vid every day to push his brand of paleoconservatism + (((catholicism))), worst case - they will support some crazy nonsense like wanting russia to invade unironically.

We don’t necessarily need Propertarianism to be front and centre of the right wing. Many other non-mainstream movements on the right share our same goals and enemies. The moral license other movements fall under doesn’t matter, what matters is that Propertarianism has enough leverage when the time comes for it to be put into law.

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Well, the point is, 100 guys around the anglosphere inst leverage at all, and you even get people in non-mainstream outright hostile to propertarianism because "it is just another libertarianism which isnt spiritual or christian" or whatever

Doolittle discussing the idea of civil war in interviews definitely wasn’t smart optics in my opinion, that said the movement is still in very early stages. Libertarianism hasn’t been around for 40/50 years and has only recently entered its downfall.

extremely weak interview. Low test ideology