*kills the alt-right*

*kills the alt-right*

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fuck off desTINY


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Talk fast and doesn't attack..weak

You must be 18 or older to post on this site.

Looks like an AIDS patient.

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not an argument


>defeats Southern, Fuentes, NoBullshit, JonTron
>doesn't attack

ok kiddo

i'm 27

Is this the guy that wanted to bomb mexico

*Destroys DesTEENY in a Debate*

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Who is he? That 'Fortnite' guy the zoomers like? He should wash his hair and hang that picture properly, it looks scruffy.

Hes also a pedophile


Checked. Nice quads

You lefties are so fucking pathetic. We could beat the shit out of 99% of your heroes. You think you're so tuff. Ha ha ha I pray for the collapse and your inevitable death daily.


>debates JF, Andy Warski, and Tara McCarthy alone
>still wins


hahaha imagine being 27 years old and even knowing who all those youtube faggots jesus christ what a nerd touch a vagina some time

Gets called a Retard by Ryan Dawson, because Destiny knows nothing about politics.

Gets called out by a based black conservative that calls him a cuckold.

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S-source user?

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I don't listen to anyone under 3ft

>if you can’t refute every point he makes in your head you are a brainlet

I'm a fan of the Socratic method, but not when it's used to spend hours throwing small jabs to try to rhetorically beat your opponent. Anyone can do that, and mumble insults under your breath the entire time. He's disingenuous, and he's been handled correctly by plenty of people, the most notable example being Dawson.

oh boy another e-celeb thread.

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well i like debates about politics, few people are doing them in this format.

dating a 21 year old = pedophile

ok buddy

strawmans and bad faith actors aren't worth considering.

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The Alt Hype demolished him.
Destiny just let him drop massive redpills for 30 minutes straight because he couldn't refute them.

That was hardly a debate. Ryan was just explaining reality to him.

Quick reminder

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>his bicep is the size of my wrist

>imagine shilling for a 3 ft tall perma virgin who flies across the world to fuck a 19 year old, and seethes by dming people Game of Thrones spoilers

or anyone with a big baby head and tiny baby body

>kills the alt right
kills another keybaord

>seethes by dming people Game of Thrones spoilers
Was the only based thing he ever did.

fuentes destroyed him twice

The guy is Winning!

>We ready to bust a load.. Get over here bitchboy n'open ya ass inshiet

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"I know this is true because I hear it asserted all the time" hmmmmm


I mean I don't give a shit, but it's still pathetic lmao.

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Maybe more where he gets schooled hard.

Pic Related: Sweatiny

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"Ethical Child Pornography"

Fucken nobody knows who this guy is and even less people care. OP is this guys only audience and even if he has a bigger one it is full of people who don't mix well with society so the message stagnates faster than creek water.


get out newfag.

Didn't this guy confess to having genital warts or herpes of something?!

Talk about poor life decisions

>Anyone can do that
Except for you. And any other rightard Beastiny has ever debated.

Destiny stop posting here You've never won a debate in your life.
Isn't destiny a stripper name

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Poor little guy

Nobody can post 1 debate he lost, because he has embarrassed everyone he debated and destroyed the careers of no bullshit(fatass cuckold) and that other alt right guy everyone already forgot.

Go ahead post just 1 debate , you cant. Also why do you think this right wing youtubers are afraid to debate him?

>get's destroyed by mister metokur, naked ape, martin shkreli and alt-hype
Yeah, he's a fast talking both mental and physical midget.

I can't even recall a debate he has won because I have never given a fuck about he said enough to actually waste my time watching him. I could never take him seriously, he looks like my six year old nephew on "grown up" day when he drew a beard on his face with face paint.

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He's a fucking hack when he doesn't pick low hanging fruit. Just your average soiguzzling psued.


desTINY confirmed.

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All of these, but he changes the title to "discussion" when he gets destroyed. He literally got booty blasted by fucking naked ape and had to rage quit. So much for your little idol huh? :(

Low quality bait

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He looks like Dr. Strange if he had downs

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Literally 5 "debates" were posted. And over 9 different names have been said.

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Read the rest of the thread before you post next time.

Imagine being an egalitarian in 2019, how fucking retarded do you have to be bros?

this was great, just had to keep admitting ignorance than afterwards said he'd read more about topics before having certain guests on.

Fucking amazing.


What's hilarious to me is destiny obviously doesn't believe the own shit he says. Only his retard fans think he's actually genuine. He's just filling a demand. A huge demand I might add, for a debator on the left that doesn't sound like a total retard. He doesn't even do that well.

He get's so mentally mogged by martin it's not even funny. He went in straight up beta boy mode and submitted in the first 10 minutes. Absolute mental midget.

wait the alt-right got bfto'd by a manlet?

fuentes beat the living shit out of him multiple times lol

Destiny debates, loses, but then says "i won!" and retards like you take him at his word. It's sad

He loses when he debates people who have the facts. Look at the thread shill. Debating random retards from his discord doesn't count.

>Only his retard fans think he's actually genuine. He's just filling a demand
his redditors are desperate for an authority figure to tell them how to think.

>mister metokur

>naked ape
Literally who?

>martin shkreli
Getting butt blasted by wu-tang in prison.

Disavowed his extreme views, largely because of his debate with Destiny.

Meanwhile Destiny is still popular, still killing it, and still banging solid 9s. Shkreli's millions could even get him above 6.5 hipster pussy.

>obviously doesn't believe the own shit he says. Only his retard fans think he's actually genuine. He's just filling a demand.
that's like 95% of rightwing pundits though

>gets ass annihilated by Metokur

You haven't even watched the debates have you? You literally just attacked the person and not the argument, typical leftist retard.

those e-thots will abandon him the second they get a few hundred consecutive viewers every night. Have you been paying attention to how Twitch works.

I watched all of them, I'm wondering if you have. In the Shkreli "debate" for instance, Shkreli started it off sperging out about Destiny's use of the word autism. After he calmed down they basically shot the shit for a while until Destiny had to go and Shkreli's like "please call me again, senpai." He actually sounded like he wanted Destiny to be his friend, lol.

Lily Pichu has a million subs and Destiny still ravages that ass.

>Who would win

the entire intellectual might of the Alt-right.... or one 30 year old gaymer?

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>Gets rekt to bits by JonTron
Top oof

>gets btfo by Dick Masterson repeatedly
>doesn't make nearly half what he makes
>manlet's biggest claim to fame is being a shit Star Craft player and fucking kids
>Masterson literally founded his own successful SEO company and worked on fighter guidance at JPL
What a fucking pathetic faggot.

>ugly sickly Jew boy who hasn’t grown anywhere but his nose since age 10

>posting this ironically just to make us hate leftists more

Dude we get it, leftists are pathetic, can we talk about more serious shit?

*kills his best friend*

>>gets btfo by Dick Masterson repeatedly
LOLOLOL Dick admitted he lost that debate.

>Gets destroyed by Nick Fuentes in front of 30k people

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Can these threads be banned by mods, no one asks for more Destiny

>Disavowed his extreme views, largely because of his debate with Destiny

You're getting so worked up defending a nihilistic violent pedophile manlet. Examine the direction your life is taking.

Who’s this faggot?

Nobody posted the gun debate with jon lott

>Are there any rational arguments for not fucking fucking your daughter?

From four weeks ago, still just as "Extreme".
He's defeated an evolutionary biologist before, I didn't think some sickly kike and his pilpul would change any of his views.

keep dreaming faggot

>What if having more cp could reduce young victims of sexual abuse?

Nick Fuentes is sincere and direct about his values on top of being naturally quick witted. Plus he's funny and just trying to have a good time.

Destiny is just fast talking and full of impudent rage. He does the same screaming "PAH-HA" fake laugh whenever he loses an argument too.

>He get's so mentally mogged by martin it's not even funny. He went in straight up beta boy mode and submitted in the first 10 minutes. Absolute mental midget.
I mean yeah, he talks fast but there is no substance to him at all. Destiny doesn't even understand have the shit he reads, he just parrots it.

literally who

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Fuentes' speech at the American Renaissance Conference was actually pretty good. Guy is very sharp for his age.


Brittany Venti

destiny walked away with a bleeding asshole

imagine not only supporting a pro-pedo streamer, but donating to him

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