Whiteness CAN'T survive

not on earth anyway, in order to survive we will have to become a new race elsewhere.
i have written this 1000 word essay on the future home for the inheritors of the white race. lets work together to make this a reality!

Attached: MARS ETHNOPLANET.png (1844x1734, 1.47M)

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If NASA seriously approached me to be one of the first people on mars, knowing I would never come back and most likely die there, I would absolutely go. Early explorers to America had the same deal. I get that it's expensive, so they don't want to just send anyone. But that's what they should be doing. Sending masses of people with the hope that one colony will survive. Sign me up.

fuck off kike, the only people allowed on mars will be whites and some stable hapas, once the number reaches a few hundred thousand all migration will be stopped, this will promote th speciation of a new race, with the higher radiation its estimated martians will be so genetically distinct they wont be able to breed with humans in 6000 years, and within a few generations they will be a genetically distinct ethnicity

I can't fucking read the small print from the picture on my screen, but I think you have a great idea, user.
I think SpaceX could very well make this a reality. Elon says it'll be $500k for a ticket to Mars, and that definitely screens out niggers and other subhumans. I'm likely gonna go myself a decade or two after it's established.

Attached: elonnationalsocialist.jpg (211x239, 13K)

I bitch about small print and then I post a pic with small print myself lol. Here's a better one.

Attached: elonnationalsocialism.png (1279x347, 550K)


In order to survive, whites need to become something else, somewhere else. that somewhere else is mars. In order to live on mars, artificial earth conditions are required, making habitation very difficult. Instead, I present that instead whites, will genetically and metabolically modify ourselves to live on mars and become a race of tall, robust, rust skinned people similar in colour to the Martian sand dunes with blood red eyes.

In order to survive on mars WITHOUT a space suit, surprisingly relatively few genetic modifications will be required to deal with lower pressures and lack of oxygen and nearly all changes will be exclusively done to bone marrow.


firstly, peripheral Hematopoietic stem cells will be taken from a mars colonist and engineered to be chemotherapy resistant, along with the following modifications then reinserted into a patient and then subjected to chemotherapy to flush out non engineered bone marrow;

the gene for red blood cell production will be replaced with the gene for hemocyanin production of a horseshoe crab, this results in a doubling of total oxygen carrying capability of blood, because horseshoe crab hemocyanin is cooperative in its ability to bind to oxygen, making it as efficient approximately to hold oxygen as haemoglobin but because it is larger in size it won't clog kidneys and can be cell free floating in blood plasma directly meaning twice as much can be packed into blood, hemocyanin is blue and will tint skin blue as a result. the hemocyanin will be modified to also express the same 16 amino acid sequence allosteric effect as crocodile blood resulting in a more efficient ability of blood to recognise which tissues require oxygen, thereby reducing in-vivo oxygen waste.

miRNA sequences will be produced by the bone marrow to up regulate GLUT5 fructose sugar pumps on heart and brain cells to switch brain and heart cells to use fermentation based anaerobic fructose energy production resulting in a 45% reduction of oxygen consumption, muscles will also be encouraged through miRNA to convert to fast twitch muscle fibres which are also anaerobic, mutant enzymes from Dean Karnazes will be produced in order to remove excess lactate resultant from fructose metabolism.

Together this would result in a person able to breathe in a 2-3% oxygen environment at earth pressure (probably closer to 2% than 3% as hemocyanin is more effect even still than haemoglobin at lower pressures). At mars pressure which is 1% earths, this person could breathe as long as they wore a nasal cannula supplementing 100% oxygen gas.


unfortunately, a normal person can only survive at 6% earths air pressure as this is the Armstrong limit at which the boiling point of water is the same as internal body temperature. in order to survive at 1 % air pressure, the triple point of water in the blood needs to increase, this can be done by increasing the amount of solutes present in the blood namely glycerine, modified humanized insulin from the Alaskan wood frog will be produced by the new marrow which will allow glycerine to enter cells and maintain osmotic gradient at a higher solute level, this will prevent blood, fluids in the lungs, eyes or similar mucous membranes from boiling/drying out.


This glycerine will also act as a cryoprotectant. Temperatures on mars are not an issue most days, as at 100 times thinner air you feel 27 Celsius warmer than the actual ambient temperature.

Radiation levels can be dealt with. Due to the further distance, despite not having an ozone layer, uv-a and uv-b levels are the same or lower than earth at ground level, only uv-c levels are higher. Even so, all types of uv can be shield from, melanocytes will produce astaxanthin which is will result in salmon orange skin and blood red irises, mitoiron claw protein production prevents uv-a damage, and humanized enzymes from Thermococcus gammatolerans will increase DNA repair mechanism efficiency and prevent immune responses and DNA damage/cell death (i.e. sunburns), these enzymes will also increase resistance to intergalactic cosmic rays not shielded by the non-existent magnetic shield on mars. To further increase cancer resistance, naked mole rat Hyaluronan synthase 2 will be produced and HA enzymes will be down regulated.


In order to deal with perchlorate levels, perchlorate reducing enzymes from Archaeoglobus fulgidus will be produced in blood, salivary glands and goblet cells of the lungs, this will break down perchlorate contamination in food and air, as well as any that gets absorbed into the blood. slight amino acid modifications will be made to sodium-iodide symporter proteins of the Follicular cells in the thyroid to increase iodine affinity and decrease perchlorate affinity to prevent completive inhibition of t3 and t4.


Myostatin inhibiting abzyme antibodies will be produced by the bone marrow, osteoprotegerin will be upregulated also, this solves muscle and bone atrophy respectively.


Taken together as wholistic gene therapy, this procedure will produce a new human race able to survive the CURRENT climate of mars with no equipment or life support systems other than minimal supplementary oxygen. Other than genetically modified lichen to convert the 50% of the 1% earth pressure atmosphere into oxygen no other modifications need to be taken to make mars the perfect Ethnostate for a post-white European orange skinned Martian race. Because of this, mars can be flash colonized by whites without any drastic terraforming measures being taken this reduces the cost of launch, necessary equipment technical requirements greatly. To increase the speed at which such a procedure can be implemented, a non-pathogenic bioengineered strain of malaria could be used to express all the desired proteins as an intracellular symbiont, modified to express the various proteins and RNA sequences whilst in particular cellular host environments and bio-timers i.e. hemocyanin whilst in inside hemopoietic stem cells then produce a haemolytic compound when mature blood cells are released into the blood stream to release said hemocyanin and produce enzymes and siRNA and antibodies when in hepatocytes as part of its life cycle.

This would make mass inoculation of whites possible with a single pin pick, the symbiont would be engineered to only be contagious in a specific set secret artificial conditions and only for a certain amount of time to prevent the spread of the symbiont to non-whites. Once the new Martian race has taken control of mars operations VERY early in the colonization efforts, it becomes impossible for (((them))) to assault the newly created Ethno-planet due to the distances and finances involved and the communication gap anything would have sent from earth, and the fact we would have months to intercept, or breach the hull of anything sent our way.

Because of the cost disparity to defend our new Ethno-planet, we hold the high ground financially, technically and logistically in every aspect separated by millions of miles of vacuum.
Once firmly colonized the polar caps can be nuked or melted through other means, doubling pressure and increasing temperatures, making mars milder and preventing global dust storms by increasing moisture in the atmosphere. After this, a dipole magnetic field will be placed at l1 mars to prevent atmospheric stripping and allow atmospheric build up, current feasibility estimates place the mass of a copper solenoid at ¬50-60 tonnes and total orbital vehicle mass of ¬500 tonnes (same as the ISS space station).

Long live whites, and long live MARS!

My eyes are blue you petrol sniffing abo. My last name is Sheffield. I'm literally whiter than some half chinese, half abo faggot.

hahaha hows that native american and nog admixture going for ya ? you do realise that australia is the whitest country in the new world and european australias have ZERO admixture with nogs or chinks because we had a white australia policy until 1980

>we wuz martians n shiet
ayy lmao

I get the feeling that the Jews would see this and we'd end up with a "diverse" Mars. I wouldn't be surprised if that's in the works already.

>white flight will work this time!

I'm all for space colonies but Mars isn't a great place, and first we should colonize the Moon.

Heroic materialism is dead. Stop trying to run from your problems.

we make sure we get there first, once we are there they can try to diversify all they want but we have 10 months to blow up any nog filled aircrafts

I feel that Mars is something to be colonized later, because right now we're not even allowed to keep out own countries to ourselves so I doubt an entire foreign planet that we can't even reach yet being ours is the right step as of now. And throwing away our ancestral home to the dogs doesn't appeal to me much.

oh boy where do I sign up, faggot?

Spacefags get the rope right after kikes and right before niggers.

because white flight a few kilometers away from nog filled countries is entirelly the same thing as white flight to a new planet, kys user

Pay millions for a ticket to mars, Jews fly it into the sun or just open the doors

i will make a torchat in future posts for people to join, we will plan there

Mars is not a planet

its not millions 300,000 is the number musk is stating

it wont matter who says we arent allowed to keep mars once we are there itll be impossible to invade us without 10 months warning

Well that would cause massive backlash down on Earth, and I don't see a large part of the white population just getting up and moving so we'd lose a large part of our populace/their favor down on Earth, which isn't a good thing for a fledgling colony that will probably need fairly regular shipments of supplies from Earth.


>knowing the price of technology that doesn’t exist yet
I hate you fags.

because flying to a planet and making it habitableis easier and more realistic than just telling niggers and kikes to fuck off

>doing things that have literally never even been attempted before is easier than doing things that have been successful hundreds of times throughout history.

Unless he's sitting next to you it would be utterly retarded to get on a ship to mars they will take your money and launch you to your death massive profits could be made

With what? A fledgling colony wouldn't have the military might/populace/production lines to properly maintain a defense for an entire planet. And what about retaliation from Earth? Shooting down presumably civie/scientific craft is going to fly like a brick in the eyes of the population of Earth, and further hurt our efforts down there. If we would want to colonize it as an interplanetary ethnostate, we'd need a home country on Earth to fund/supply it with goods it cannot initially produce itself.

If you don't have the means and the will to kick niggers out of your neighborhood you are never making it to space

>mark of the spartan
faggot spartan ass fucking each other is the symbol of whites LMFAO

until herpes are cured, no one should be let off
earth. to dangerous.

Make no mistake, colonization of Mars should be a goal eventually, but the cart is way, waaaay before the horse on this one.

Literally big sky ski resorts logo user

thats why we would make sure it was a silent invasion, we have a private company and get mars to the point it is independent on earth. then not allow anyone.

we arent making mars habitable we are making humans able to live on mars

This is some of the best larp content in a while. I genuinely laughed out loud. Must suck to be a dying race, you'll be missed when your gone, Hope you livestream your demise.

how is it a larp, i outlined all the genetic modifications required to make a human survive in mars environment

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Mars is one big cuck shed.

>Europe is our homeland.
>Lets move to mars to save the white race.

Am I wrong? Isn't this just giving up the fight for europe?

Won't happen. The Jews control the governments and corporations that have even a snowball's chance in hell of visiting, much less colonizing, Mars.

To turn the tide, the white man has to make his stand on Earth. Period.

Wait, you were not joking?

>If we would want to colonize it as an interplanetary ethnostate, we'd need a home country on Earth to fund/supply it with goods it cannot initially produce itself.
Holy shit, a spacefag who has an IQ higher than his body temp!

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europe is lost, i refuse to let the white race go down with the ship

Here's an idea.. Quit being a faggot and produce some fucking kids. It didn't take long for these birth rates to become so fucked.. End your sub to vice and quit letting the kykes brainwash you in to thinking you're race is on it's way out.. Takes less than a generation to fix.

no u fucking fag we will announce our ethnostate status after we are self sufficient and just have internal policies and hiring processes which make sure that the planet is occupied by white nationalists exclusively

we are not the majority, a few fag having kids wont do shit, and kikes will always kike, this is a FINAL solution to their kikery and nigs

>implying the first human on mars won’t be a negress
Stupid faggot.

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it doesnt matter who it is first if we play this right we only need a few hundred like minded whites who can secretly establish a ethnostate


I just can’t even fathom how stupid you are.
>evil racist nazi sexist homophobes purge fledgling space colony
>no more supply shipments without aforementioned earth based ehtnostate

What’s crazy to me is this was already almost entirely explained to you ITT already. It’s fucked enough you couldn’t come to these conclusions on your own with a good 7 seconds of thinking, but even shoved in your face you don’t get it.

Tell me one thing about space you didn’t learn from Star Trek or Carl Sagan. Go.

And that is why we're doomed to failure.. You're waiting for another Reich to happen and we both damn well know it won't. Warfare has changed and the institutions today won't allow it.. The only option for success is through the bullshit democratic system which we're quickly losing control over. We need a massive culture change and it isn't going to happen by "white man come home" tactics running off inna woods to you cabin with your fucking dogs.

We must reaffirm true Western values in to society and truly get involved in politics at a level we've never done before.. No single "world leader" cuck is going to fix this.. We must recreate our society through morals, gentrification and will.

The nigs can have Earth, we get the rest of the universe.

Earth is perfect dumbfucks. Nobody is going to Mars for the next 300 years


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Whiteness will survive like it always has, by redefining itself and adopting more people as white. The White Hispanics are next. Just wait 20 years. They vote conservative Catholic some of them are white passing, people from spain are already "white"

fucking lmao

Whiteness won't survive anyway. Genetic engineering is going to render all of this bullshit moot within 50 years anyway.

> thats what i fucking said

how do we get more Jow Forumsiticians into LINK, fren?

Imagine the power of the gene drive.

First person to step on mars will be a proud gay black queen. Jews will never let you escape. Fight or hide, there is no escape.

it doesnt matter who is there first once we infiltrate mars we can take over and will never have to make any concessions again

Mars is too magnificent a mission for National Affirmative Action $oy Administration to achieve. Elon von Braun knows only white men can fulfill such a challenge.

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It really isn't.
Do you seriously fucking think that we're going to accomplish space travel within the next 50 years? Mass modification of humans is going to happen well before we come anywhere close to colonizing anywhere else.

Uhh dude we need 9.8 meters per second squared to breed and develop healthy organs as we grow.

It would be easier to colonize Antartica.

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mass modification of humans will absolutely not happen in 50 years

wrong, mice have shown its possible to grow and develop normally in zero g 0.38 G IS MORE THAN ENOUGH

nogs and kikes will inevitably be forced in, and we will be invaded, mars is the ONLY option

Pic related is proof of whites resisting for 500 years. Who says Whites can't survive surrounded by millions of little goblins? The problem is Americans love to interbreed and they think all Whites act the same way.

-Retain power
-Keep wealth
-Don't mix

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look at the state of those countries u fucking retard

I've thought about this a lot and It'd be easier to create artificial floating islands or undersea civilizations and wait out the destruction of all the other races without us around. We just need access to hover technology and sheild technology to make it feasible. Heck an undersea and sky based homeland with shield tech would let us survive most possible scenarios that would wipe out the rest of the planet. We wouldn't even have to lift a finger to kill. Yes ultimately it'd be beneficial to have either stargate technology or teraform another world or moon or even asteroid, but before we are able to do that there is more work to be done. Perhaps theres some lost notes by Nikola Tesla to rediscover. Or perhaps ancient technology of Atlantis if we ever find the ruins. There's always hope.

An underwater city is probably the most feasible. Hard to detect and lots of untapped resources under the ocean floor. Hard to build, however, and even the slightest crack under high pressure could be devastating. If you can create a self sufficient sky base it might be just easier to go to the moon or mars or something.

she couldn't make it in her own country. to much of an ugly mutt... she fits right in the USA

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Yeah I figure the secret is in discovering shield technology. I postulate any sort of shield would be able to protect from water pressure and also I think the flipside of it could allow for defying gravity.

Either way whether a meteor or supervolcano, it'd let us survive to reclaim the planet.

absolute larp, im talking about making mild genetic tweaks and no habitats are needed on mars, everything u have state is completely speculative, all technology for mars already exists

I prefer O'Neill cylinder type of habitat as proposed bu Jeff Bezos


We can completely simulate Earth's environment there but it's harder to build.

In my opinion this should be of highest priority. For those of you who followed on The Adam and Eve Story book, Earth will probably experience a massive catastrophe/flood in the coming decades so we need civilization outside of home planet.

>colonizing other planets easier than coming up with technology to survive on other parts of the planet
if you're doing genetic tweaks you may as well give people the ability to breathe underwater on Earth. But your plan requires genetic modification either way which I think is unnecessary and risky .

>go to a planet we already nuked to death
Retard, just kill the non whites already.

Bump for interest.

think how much easier it will be to build from mars considering the lower gravity and thinner atmosphere and close proximity to the asteroid belt

Why would anyone who moved to Mars continue to serve the Earth sphere and not rebel/create their own 1776 demanding rights/recognition? Would they turn out like Australia ( former prisoners? ) or would it turn out like Canada/UK?

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thats the point, we wont be serving earth, we will cut all ties with earth and live on a perfectly homogeneous planet

a planet without niggers like you

Well here is the thing Earth is not united. If a white ethnostate is established on Mars by purging the nog and kike colonists yes America might be pissed and cut off all supplies. But the Martian Republic can cozy up and ally with the Chinese, or Russians or whoever else. Honestly all earth whites are inferior to Martian whites and Martian whites should exterminate earth whites anyway.

Unfortunately it would be best to mix. Hear me out. The modern world has throw us a curve ball in the form of contraception and abortion. Southern populations have higher testosterone and reproduce more often. Unfortunately with these added features it's actually beneficial to find a new balance. Niggers will never do well in a northern climate though, they often lack vitamin D and under perform as a result. So in essence we have to mix and then adapt again. Light skin and high testosterone in a northern climate is favorable now. If we could get the high test of the niggers without any added features that would most favorable. Option 3 is we just wait for the s-o-y boys to die out.

Shut the fuck up memeflag kike
Your shill factory will be marked for rods of God to rain hellfire and destruction down upon you.

holy fuck i got cancer reading that kill yourself u race mixing kike

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