Why, Brits?

>Every summer at least 10 brits die from balconing* in my island

*Balconing is basically getting drunk as fuck and jumping to an hotel pool from 3rd+ floor

>For about 12 years in a row, they keep coming and dying every fucking summer

>mfw I see smashed bloody corpses when i go to work at the hotel

Why the fuck have all the retards from england have to come to my city to suicide?

Is this natural selection? In that case please, kill them in your own fucking country

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Put up a sign or something. You know, pictures of 10 smashed and bloodied corpses and saying: "THESE PEOPLE BALCONIED. YOU TOO WILL DIE IF YOU TRY TO JUMP INTO THE POOL FROM A BALCONY"

Good riddance less trash in the country, just drop the corpses in the ocean when you're done.

this problem solves itself
just let it happen

before my brother moved to a diff part of florida? he and wifey lived right near where stupid college kids did spring break. well, they had a thing of jumping from balcony ACROSS to opposing balcony? so... kid goes SPLAT from buncha stories up. i mean go figure right? later the SAME DAY? another kid goes SPLAT.
fuck it. Its entertainment, in a way. you cant fix stupid.

get a load of this (((building inspector)))

Do us all a favour by reducing air fares from Britain, building more balconies in Spain and just to be sure can you please empty all pools.

they could atleast put spike topped fences around the pools to make it more entertaining for the spectators.

>Is this natural selection?
Pretty much. Looks like fun though.

Czech and Poles are even worse. They'll go to Croatian seaside and try to swim/kayak to an island that's 40km, only to be fished out of the water, half decomposed two weeks later. Or while en route they'll stop here for some mountaineering despite having 0 experience, immediately go off trail and get lost because who could have imagined that it gets dark at night and that tees and flip flops aren't the ideal choice of clothing when mountain scaling

gravity can fix it

>Every summer at least 10 brits die from balconing* in my island

Why are you complaining? Did you have to personally clean up after their deaths? 10 Brits a year is nothing. Those are rookie numbers; you need to pump those numbers up if you want to get payback for the failure of the Spanish Armada’s invasion of England, or for the Brit’s occupation of Gibraltar. Ply them with more cheap booze, higher floors to jump from, and shallower pools to land in..

And you don't set up cameras and post the footage here why?

Idk why I kekked like that, I guess I'm retarded.

i love this board

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Put a sign up that says anyone who jumps and misses the pool is double gay.

no backsies

gonna need them vids hombre

Keep it going. We really need the natural selection

this. liveleak or bestgore that shit. all you need is a well positioned gopro and a battery pack.

The leaf is correct for once.

Chill out cunt, let the lads have fun

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It's Darwin at work.

Replace the pool with a manure pit.

Because they do it in hotels, and in some
cases with kids and families arround.

They also throw furniture, tvs and shit off the balcony, luckily for the past few years, the hotels have improved its safety measures for preventing throwing dangerous shit off the balconys. But anyways, they still manage to throw some bullshit to the main courtyard,

Cuz its illegal, but mostly because i dont wanna get fired and fined

Pics of smashed corpses or it never happened.

Obtain video records and become a pol legend.

I am truly sorry, Juan. We behave attrociously when on holiday.

Lots of white trash go to spain / ibiza

>no webm

r-selected people doing what r-selected people do.

take the webm where the chink jumps of a tall bridge and show to every brit guest

you know the one, where the chink hits his face in a concrete corner, the water immediately turns red, his friends drag his body out of the water to find his head split open in the middle, brain completely exposed but still fixed inside his cranium, both eyes dangling to either side, the man conscious, breathing and speaking

that should do it, I have never jumped any height above two feet since

Brits are the americans of europe

most bongs are 1/3rd native briton, which is the equivalent of basically a nigger in any country were mixing with natives results in darker skinned babies

If you are not supposed to get drunk and jump off the balcony then

1.why are you serving alcohol
2.putting the balcony temptingly close to the pool

t.5 balc champ Majorca

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P much

>visit spain
>hotel has a tv
>everything is in Spanish wtf
>In the pool it goes


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Put up a sign at the diving board that reads: diving board for whites only. Colored people use balconies.