Moshiach is coming

Moshiach is coming.

Attached: moshiach.jpg (276x297, 10K)

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Shalom Moshiach!


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A)Most all of these quotes are nonsense
B)The Jews that still study Talmud are the Orthodox, who are more conservative and less degenerate than you are

kek, you don't know me christ killer.
>le eating a babies foreskin is totally not degenerate goyim

Too late. He is here.

also, I've read the talmud. those quotes are extremely accurate.

Check these digits.

>implying Rabbi Yeshua didn't eat foreskins too.

> More conservative and less degenerate

They sit in their study halls all day goofing off while they send their wives to work and scam welfare. They take over neighborhoods and cities and turn them into 'no-go zones'.

They have much more in common with Muslims than Christians. Judeo-Christian is a hoax term because Judaism is far, far closer to Islam than Christianity. Both are sky daddy desert religions.