So were blacks always poor or were they rich then whitey stole it all?
We Wuz Wealthy N' Sheit
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>What is Africa?
Sheeeit muh fugga muh home valyoo don drop from $200 to $100
They bought into white neighborhoods and whites left. That's what happened.
How much have white people lost to Jewish tricks?
Jews were screwing the negro long before they were screwing the white man - there was a time the white man wouldn't take it, the negro had no social support and had to.
Why do you think white society is beginning to look like negro society? Single moms, drug addiction, and $1000 Nikes. It's because the negro was a test case for what they're doing to us.
Fun Fact: affordable housing programs meant to help American minorities actually prevent them from building equity and using it since they can’t touch the equity for nearly 50 years. If they sell the house, they owe the profit to the city.
If they get foreclosed on however, the (((bank))) gets to sell for market rate and keep all of the money, despite having lent less than half the market value to the original borrower.
they were fucked over by slavery destroying their cultures and families
but the federal government moving blacks in large numbers into US cities after WW2 was perhaps the greatest real estate opportunity in human history. Entire swaths of great American cities were stolen from urban Catholics and handed over to blacks and they squandered this opportunity
All they had to do was live peacefully and productively, but now they're being gentrified out by faggots
Real estate companies have been pulling fuckery over on minorities since the end of WW2
1. Blacks move into neighborhood
2. Neighborhood value drops
3. Blacks are attracted to lower prices
4. Go back to 1.
Repeat ad nauseam
Is it so hard to understand?
Once you understand the status quo that is white america, you will understand the plight of all humans.
Ain't white aint right.
In legal terms, we call this "assuming facts not in evidence." In this case, it looks like they made a basic analytical error - they just looked at the value of property in black areas, looked at property values in non-black areas, and attributed the difference to "racism."
This presumes that property owned by blacks would not have depreciated, that it would have been maintained to the same standards, that factors like crime rates and schools which influence housing values would have been the same, etc.
Those assumptions are screamingly retarded, for reasons familiar to Jow Forums.
Why did they have a culture and families in the early 20th century if slavery is responsible for destroying these things? Why does there appear to be a correlation between the increasing power of the Jew through the 20th century with the destruction of these things?
Why are people trying to blame things on "slavery" that were done long after?
White flight.
>Who the fuck wants to live around around them?
Fact of the matter is they're given their own communities to run themselves and that's what they turn it into.
I ask again
>Who the fuck wants to live around them?
They don't even want to live around each other.
But blame white man.
It can't be their culture of crime and violence, it has to be white mans repression of the black.
found the nigger spic
>racist real estate policies and predatory practices
they're not racist, those fucks try to screw everyone over, Negros are just dumber than average so they are easier to fleece.
i personally believe the effects of slavery, just like the effects of destroying european culture in the 20th century will be felt for hundreds of years in ways that we can't even imagine.
Look into the Reece Nichols lawsuit
As a South African, it always amazes me how gullible yanks are.
In Africa, we know the black man well.
After all, when our ancestors arrived here from Europe all those centuries ago, we found a highly advanced and wealthy society that we Europeans with our muskets and cannons conquered and destroyed.
What else explains how our culture became so wealthy? It was all that knowledge we stole right?
But for one little fact...
In Chicago as mentioned, haven't blacks been in charge of everything for years and years?
So, if they have been victims, aren't they victims of other blacks?
We see it here all the time, blacks love to fuck each other over and no matter how, become the head nigger.
The bigger your pile when other niggers kill you for it, means you win.
>or were they rich then whitey stole it all?
It may be true that niggers missed out on opportunities by being redlined out of white neighborhoods. Because those white neighborhoods went up in value over time.
But if nogs had been allowed into those neighborhoods, they would not have been white neighborhoods. And they would not have gone up in value over time.
So nothing was lost. It would have been exactly analogous to what happened in the public schools.
>Nogs isolated in nig schools with other coons.
>Want to go to hwite schools, git muh educayshun so's ah kin git paid mayne...
>Allowed into hwite schools
>Turn every hwite school they are in, into a fucked-to-death pile of burning shit.
>Wypipo flee.
>Darkies isolated once again in junglebunny schools with other pavement apes.
I have a feeling it wasn't whitey who was orchestrating these (((real estate scams)))
they bought up the buildings and became the absentee landlords and the corner store owners, hiding behind management agents.
Pay attention white people, black people are your canary in the coal mine, and everything was already tested out on them and succeeded.
Signed the contract and got what they paid for
is that a brap or mommy?
Yeah, they put the boot into black communities while pretending to be allies
>i personally believe
shut up you cunt
>its white people's fault i gotta live next to niggers
also fun fact: government mandates homogenizes home prices, which creates distinct lines between ghettos and non-ghettos.
there is a clear economic reason why san fran has a homeless problem.
so while the media on stage is yelling YAASSS QUEEN, they're hiding reality behind the stage curtain.
Can we just admit that lefties are better Nigger killers than right wingers
Right wingers can shoot up a negro church or mosque or do a nice assassination
But damn leftists can cause some nice economical mass "genocide"
>be nigger
>don't pay any property taxes
>county/city sells your property at auction to pay for that tax
>new (usually white) owners allow you to stay if you pay rent
>new owners usually make their money back within a year (or evict you for not paying rent)
White people destroyed their early American city.