LGB (no T)

New trigger project.

Over the past two years, the far left progressives have worked overtime to push society into accepting gender dysphoria as "normal", resulting in the Tanny movement and 72 genders.

This can no longer stand. It is time to disassociate from transforners and therefore disregard the greatest of degenerates.

Going forward, protect "drop the T" shall be executed.

We support LGB... (and that's it)

Spread the message, but beware, progressive rage incoming!

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faggots get the rope too

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Unironically theres alot of infighting in the LGBT community
Im bi and i vehemently hate trannies

Honestly there’s enough resentment within a portion of the fags that if it were played right, it might see some results. Faggos getting resentful they aren’t so fuckin’ celebration-time unique this side of the decade, and genderfluid otherkin attack helicopters are getting all the special attendies now. Not so much attentions for Lil’ Buttfug anymore. You can’t even tell me that’s the case for many.

no better way to shred the leftist message than to watch them eat themselves.

Make the message seem like it's coming from traditional faggots and watch the plugs fly.

BR trannies are hawt.

Fuck off, mate.

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and most trannies hate bi's, LGT anyone? I bet less than twenty anons could argue with each other on twitter and set this thing off

Bisexual masterrace
Trannies are subhuman

what's a good 'T' word for some kind of opportunist who is just looking for a victim pass to an easier life?
"tourist" isn't quite harsh enough


is the blacker one the tranny?

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I think they call them transtrenders or someshit


No, won't stick. How about LGBTS? We'll force them to recognize that being straight is also a sexual preference and people can be proud of that, there's "straight" transexuals too


Can confirm. They even have a name for those who don't support trannies (TERF). Shit's so fucked that even people gets banned from /lgbt/ for making this kind of threads.

Good idea, have to screen to get rid of the shitty uber-nihilists and spergs that would ruin it with posting swastikas and honk memes ect. that’d quench the match before the fire rises.

Not to mention that one event that almost happened clearly triggered a shit ton of people VERY quickly. I fully support this idea.

>it wont stick
>even though plenty of gays and lesbos advocate for literally what OP said

remove the Tagalongs

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Yeah, my fag friends aren't on board with the T. Most of them think the B isn't the same as the L and G. But the T is a fucking freak show.

Accept faggotry to own the libs... sounds like some jewish shit

hmm. even better would be a biting english word for somebody who thinks femininity can be reduced to dessing like a woman. (impostor + misogynist)

>LGB - stop the nonsense
>LGT - stop the hate
>which side are YOU on?

Son of a bitch!


Bifags get the rope too.

This is a pretty good idea. We need to divide the homosexual community. Gays and lesbians already don't consider trans people to be like them. It's only the jews and millennials pushing it. Boomer homosexuals think most modern gays are disgusting creatures. I have a gay uncle and he is always ranting about how distasteful pride parades are and when he found out they were going to start having gay day at children's theme parks like Six Flags, he was absolutely disgusted. He votes republican and started going back to church because of Obama, something he hasn't done in years because he was a gay man and believed those people were against him, now he truly believes that there is good and evil in the world and even though he is a sinner, he wants to be on the side of good. He is absolutely disgusted that society is forcing homosexuality on children.

You don’t have to accept the hog, to get it pissed at the other hog in the pen, by putting the idea in it’s head otherpig is gobbling down it’s own rightful slop.
The left is always ready to eat one another.

And quite frankly, look at me. We’re the Jew now.

bisexuals are gay it should just be lg.

this thread reminds me of pic related

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Fuck you. I support BLT. The BLT wraps at Timmies are unironically delicious.

>LGB (no T)
bump for potential

Not a bad idea to cause infighting, make the argument that how can you be gay if your a transgender man, doesn't that make you straight? I'm sick of these fucking degenerates

Finally Jow Forums is making sense. Talking with old school gay people the T doesn't make sense for sexual preference. And it should be LGBS for straight because B is bi.

>hmm. even better would be a biting english word for somebody who thinks femininity can be reduced to dessing like a woman. (impostor + misogynist)


a gynofauxlogist?

that could work.

Friendly reminder that the acceptance of lgbt in any form whatsoever is what has brought western civilization to such dark times in the first place.


OP here, I think I need to brainstorm this a little more. The idea overall isn't fully baked and all you anons helped to generate a few good ideas.

version 2 to be revealed tomorrow. In tired and I have a job, so I'm going to bed.

>We support LGB... (and that's it)
No we don't

That's because it isn't all about LGBT it's about "intersectionality".

We don't want any of the letters here.

Naw mate being straight is just called being normal

>We support LGB... (and that's it)

Reframe the term by replacing the T with S for Straight.

Not only does it excise the identity nonsense but LGBS becomes a word for simply specifying orientation and loses its power as a subculture rallying cry.

Sure, we can drop the B and G afterwards.

Based faglet

Homosexual Degenerates: Civil War

what? We don't support any of that shit.

Are you Chris-Chan?

I'm mixed on bi because bi ppl are usually pretty chill but you have no loyalty

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Not to the the left, we should stress that trans identify as straight so it must be added for inclusion, to show that they're not gay

If we are trying to cause infighting we shouldn’t try to push LGBS (straight) as that will confuse the message and give us away....we should focus on breaking up the T as their is a lot of animosity towards the T’s for being mentally ill and riding the coattails of LGB. If done right this could work.

This shouldn't be a trigger/troll project it should be a serious effort adopted by the gay community. Tranny-shit has ruined their community, the trannies are erasing gay and lesbian identities and fighting against the work they've put in. If the gay community is smart and self-pesrvening they will realize the toxic effect the trannies have.

In fact, the acronym was adopted just for the Ts.. It was just "gay" before but in order to associate trannies with them it became LGBTQAetc etc. Gays need to stand up to them, to big pharma pushing them too.

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What? Why would anyone want the Ls. Oh. Right. Dogs.

this is good, real good

Trannie are you okay? You okay? You okay Trannie?

This works since TS also stands for transexual, we can virtue signal the S in there and make feminists lose their minds. Make sure the clown world knows TS includes straight and they're proud of it.


But the gay community isn't smart

bifags are actually worse quite a lot of the time. They have sex like faggots and act like they are chads for doing so, and they transfer STDs and stufff from fags to straights via women.

Obviously....but this is about turning the gay mafia against the mentally ill trannys.

eventually we’ll only be left with lesbians who we’ll then presumably rape (well, the hot ones, that is). good plan.

This is interdasting.

Because men who transition to women still like women? They just call themselves lesbians ( like that faggot Riley Dennis) because they really believe they’re women.

LGBT ( T stands for toxic?)

pick one

good plan

No need to do anything: the trannies will all off themselves anyways.

Alas, although I'm defending them as the only effective tool against the tranny-demon-hoardes. The gays are our only hope.

That's a good meme to push. Drop the T. T is Toxic.

I know right?

Look at these digits responding to me though, 66, 77, 88. Kek is with us brothers.


Asking for a friend.

Trannys consider themselves to be lesbians....I know it’s fucking retarded.


How did getting fucked in the ass by a man lesbian?

I think this would work

I fully back this, trannies are in a league of their own

Trannies don't even fit the theme of the other three letters. The rest of them are sexualities. Transgenderism is something else entirely.


>ITT whitoids being faggots and faglovers

All faggots deserve Gods punishment and I pray everyday more muslims reach Europes shores.

Yeah, Let's Go Blues! LGB! LGB!

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If I was a bored left wing journalist id come here, make a thread like this, screenshot it and then do a headline like "now online trolls are trying to get the T out of LGBT"

It's funny because it's true

daily reminder that Bi-sexual refers to 2 genders...not more.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Support based TERFs and gender critical feminists. Drop the T.


Nice I just got myself a new side job

But I like wearing dresses?!

I support T because they fuck up the LBG and feminists so much that I am happy seeing them do their thing. They're mentally ill, but useful

Bisexual refers to 2 sexes. Gender refers to the performative aspects of sex stereotypes and is not needed. The slow replacement of the word sex with gender is what caused this issue. Gendercult trannies can get fucked.

Fight this shit by using the word "sex" instead of the bullshit term "gender". If someone asks your gender, tell them you have a sex. Or ask them to describe what they mean by gender. When they say male or female, correct them and explain that those words refer to sex. Refusing to play the gender game is the only way to win. You dont have a gender. You have a sex and a personality.

Burn a fag flag at a faggot festival this Summer.
Make sure to wear a ski mask.
Know the local police response times.
Scope the place out first.
Know what you're going to be yelling as the flag burns.*
Have your escape routes planned.
Do it when the police aren't nearby.
Consider leaving your phone behind if you're worried about being tracked.
Work quickly and safely.

And don't forget to bring a gun in case you're put into a self-defense situation and need to defend your free speech and prop comedy act.

If you need a fag flag, drive around a rich neighborhood until you find a house flying the flag.
Wear a ski mask to prevent an CCTV's getting your face.
Park your car far away and walk over to the house to get the flag in the dead of night.

*"This flag is being burned in solidarity for all the children who have been sexually and mentally abused by the faggot community."

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Everybody hates trannies (because it's jewish). The T is going to kill faggotry and that's a good thing.

This. They latched themselves onto an existing movement to legitimize their mental illness. And they've now completely taken it over, and are trying to make "sex-based sexuality" offensive and transphobic.

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Why don't you gender SJW attack the Hispanic language for only recognizing 2 genders.

Drop it all for S. We all know, and can prove, being a fag is a choice. It's a mixture of an overly sexual personality and abandonment issues (especially bi who are cock hungry slags). Murder all faggots on sight

Hallelujah, murder all the fags for christ

Same here

Preach, bi are as bad as trannies

Yeah, extreme mental illness