They're arresting preachers in Canada...this is scary
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Gigga n i g g a
freedom of religion isn't a thing in Canada?
That's what is scary. It's Canada. They're so similar to us.
Why doesn't he just use the race card? Our police are a bunch of cucks and would back off immediately if he accused them of racism.
They treat Christ as they treat “nazis”
Take the final red-pill bros. Jesus was right.
This is our nation:
Look at the hate on the faces of the foreigner women in NYC from Europe who want to push their LGBT crap.
Jesus is the light and the way. Through him we can overcome the darkness of the world and triumph in the face of evil.
Jesus sure saved those Christians slaughtered by the Red Judaic Bolsheviks
Unless it's Islam or the religion of 9000 genders.
what is happening in that pic??
OP is a nigger
Religions are the ringleaders of degeneracy and devolution. A white nationalist does not need to love a jew named Jesus, he only loves his Volk.
so did guns
guy had speakers and a blowhorn on the first day of pride (for the city)
did he deserve to be physically harassed?: no
more of christians throwing themselves before the lions in a vain attempt to prove they're oppressed
do not tempt THE LORD thy God as ye did in massah
it's comin'
It's artifacts found near Noah's Ark. Medeival pilgrims left markings on them.
Godless European countries are killing their teens!
because this guy doesn't seem like the type to be petty and pull the race card
>Jesus is the light and the way. Through him we can overcome the darkness of the world and triumph in the face of evil.
How is it justified that he's arrested at one of these parades? And this arrest was not necessarily at a parade. Do you have proof?
He did it once and they laughed. It's a weapon only for them. Look at how Kanye was treated. It's not about race. It's about control.
Gee have fun with that attitude on your death bed, Catholic raised Atheist.
>since OP is a complete and utter faggot
Apparently this happened because he went into toronto's faggot neighborhood with a bullhorn and basically started verbally shitposting. These megaphone zealots are very common in toronto and they're pretty entertaining , they get assaulted a lot.
This whole situation is typical dystopian leaf hilarity
Meh, I agree with full and complete freedom of speech and all, but when you get these loud ass niggas artificially amplified past 220dB it starts to become a health hazard.
He was killed by the kikes because he dared to stand up against them
Oh shit. We're building the wall on the wrong border
does pontius pilate sound jewish to you?
Why does that mean I should LARP as them?
Are y ou stupid?
Why would you LARP as a Jew? Are you Jewish?
Are you just dumb?
It' not a health hazzard, it's a form of assault. when you walk outside of 10 dundas and there's that greek twink with the max volume bullhorn screaming in your ear about sodomy I'd say that's grounds to at least knock that shit out of his hands.
If this was America these people would be getting shot and regardless of law or what religious faggots say they would deserve it.
That's what street preaching is, retard. You give the gospel at the center of town on a loudspeaker. It's a historical act.
Anything to justify it, right?
historical street preachers didn't have megaphones you hopeless reject
It happens daily in America, it's a Western tradition to preach in the streets. You're full of lies. How are people going to get saved if you kick Christian people out of the public square? What is wrong with you?
this guy has been pissing people off for years
he was probs arrested for being more provocative + notoriety
aside from dundas and yonge no one wants this guy screaming in their neighbourhood
so uhhh ya nice fake news with the cropped story
>Degeneracy influenced by Marxism
>Marxism influenced by Zionism
It always comes down to religious degeneracy
He was still a kike, if he even existed
Actually they did have tools to amplify their speech.
Right on, brother
Have fun justifying your infringement on basic human rights.
It's scary because this isn't the UK, it's Canada. America is the last nation of hope.
would you allow muslims or jews to scream at you with a megaphone?
yeah it's called blowing it out your ass faggot
How long are you going to lie and divert attention?
John 3:16
Get saved Jesus is the way
Thats funny
He was probs a pedo, too
jesus was a jew and his dad got cucked by god
call it emasculate conception
He was not screaming. He's giving the word. CHRISTIANS reading this, go out and preach. Look how desperate they are to jail us. Listen to these people they want us dead!
Muslim, God created all man and God placed the baby in the womb, it was not sexual it was immaculate conception. Just as He made Adam from clay.
Yes sweaty you are the eternal victim.
Are you retarded Pontius Pilate literally "washed his hands" out of the situation and left it in the hands of the jewish elites who decided to torture Jesus in the most atrocious ways leave him to die on a cross in front of his mother and his dearest friends.
Jesus was a muslim? You've lost me along with yourself
>in the hands of the jewish elites who decided to torture Jesus in the most atrocious ways leave him to die on a cross in front of his mother and his dearest friends.
Reminds me of the times that Jews and Christians were jerking each other as BFFs to destroy European culture and tradition as it once was, enslaving white people and letting Jews establish a global slave trade on the backs of Europeans whos only crime was preserving their heritage and selling them off to Muslims.
This sounds...pretty good. Religion is bad.
When our people are in jail but LGBT get a month, who is the real victim?
He could have done the right thing. His wife even warned him. Plus the Roman soldiers.
I'm saying you're a Muslim.
>literally whataboutism
Hey I can find anti-jewish popes as well
That doesn't change the fact that jews killed Christ
The right thing was not back down and keep announcing his faith, exactly as he did.
Martyrization is the strongest weapon in this world.
Americans are traditionally Protestant. Get a better argument.
>If you're not a christian you're de facto a muslim
and this is what judaic occultism does to your brain
>That doesn't change the fact that jews killed Christ
His own followers and he himself were Jews, retard.
Just because Jews killed other Jews doesn't mean I'm going to start taking the Torah Testament as literal historical fact.
is it legit?
>christians arent raping kids at rapid pace across america because they aren't my specific denomination of babyraper
Did you even look at the mile long article on America
btw is your foreskin still sore from jews ripping it off of you, pedo enabler?
Muslims usually make the argument about immaculate conception. Atheists are too stupid to care enough to look into the Bible.
>His own followers and he himself were Jews, retard.
Sigh.... no, they were semites. Judaism is a cult based around the Talmud and therefore the denial of Jesus Christ as the messiah.
>Just because Jews killed other Jews
No one until around the 1800 talked about people in a racially motivated manner. When there's talk of jews in the bible or any book/talk prior to the 1800 it's ALWAYS about religion.
I think it could be. They were weights that held down the ark and were found in the mountains of Ararat where the Bible says it landed.
The website is poorly designed but the facts are good:
You're so stupid you can't tell the difference between a Catholic and a Protestant.
>Sigh.... no, they were semites. Judaism is a cult based around the Talmud and therefore the denial of Jesus Christ as the messiah.
Nice backpedaling while claiming the Jews killed Jesus. They are both the same exact despicable people in a civil war over whether or not the messiach came, Jew LARPing faggot.
thanks I love this stuff
>n-no true foreskinless mutant
You're so stupid you don't realize nobody gives a fuck what flavor of pedo you are.
>X usually Y according to me so ∴ all Y are X and all Z W so ∴ you are either X or Z if you dont believe W
this is you
Christians are every bit as deceitful as the Jews they LARP as.
Notice how they say Jews killed Jesus.
But the Jews who followed Jesus werent Jews
"So read your Torah and remember the Moses."
Then they'll excuse themselves from the discussion if Catholics are mentioned
But then tell you that Christcuckery Jew LARPing has ran in the family for a thousand years.
Thanks to the Pedo Church, to whom they owe a debt for obliterating native European culture.
Get a basic education. I'm guessing you're a public school product.
>Nice backpedaling while claiming the Jews killed Jesus
The old proto-judaic religion thought that a man who could speak on behalf of God, were to be sent down to earth, which would be the Messiah
Christians accepted Christ as the messiah, muslims accepted Muhhammed, those who didn't accept both, became jews.
How is it so hard to understand for your little brain?
>They are both the same exact despicable people in a civil war over whether or not the messiach came
AHAHAHHA Are you retarded? There's no debate. Jews are still waiting for the messiah, christians aren't.
How can I tell you in a less difficult to understand for you? lmao
>Jews are still waiting for the messiah, christians aren't.
You proved my point.
Christians are Jews.
Nothing else needs be said, Jew LARPer.
don't you have hate speech laws in NYC? these hate preachers should be arrested for disturbing the peace.
>Christians are different than jews
>Ah, you proved my point, christians and jews are the same
LMAO what the fuck are you talking about?
Shoo shoo schlomo
I went to charter schooling and have a pretty great education on history.
Here is a digital library of resources I've compiled, I recommend them to you so maybe even at an 80 IQ genetic disadvantage maybe you can work your way up if you pray real hard, Tyrone.
It's like saying that Shia and Sunni are not both Muslims because they have a disagreement over dynasty.
I've learned so much but Google buries a lot:
You're getting destroyed right now
Muslim confirmed.
Shia and Sunni are both muslims because the definition of being a muslim is to believe that Muhammed is the son of God and therefore the Messiah.
That would be like saying that Protestants and Catholics are not both Christians.
Are you that dumb to not have understood this concept until now or are you fucking with me?
No we have freedom of speech. I feel sorry for how far your nation has fallen.
>can't even recognize a 100% pure Cherusker if he slaps him in the face
the absolute state of golems
Sure bud'
lmao. American christians are the stupidest white people in the world
You go around calling Christian people pedos because of what a bunch of Catholic priests did. Either you're pretending to be a retard or are one. I don't care about your links. I've met retards who can build really complex Lego sets but do not understand other basic ideas.
At last I finally see
Actually he's not. His opponent is saying CHRISTIANS are Jews. Having larger numbers in your retard group doesn't make you right.
>You go around calling Christian people pedos because of what a bunch of leaders of the biggest denomination of Christians in the church that made Europe Christian did
Yes that is exactly what I did, pedo enabler.
Mohammed raped a nine year old and you worship him
The leaders of Christianity all rape 9 year old boys so I dont see your point
Gotta love how you retards flood the threads at the end of them. Thanks for giving me a high reply rate so the topic stays up long enough to give awareness to lurkers what's happening in Canada.
Jews and christians are both jews because they share a couple of books?
Shit, then I guess Muslims are jews too.
Fuck, why are jews fighting other jews in the middle east. Uuuhhmmmmmmmm