Okay mutts explain yourselves, why the fuck do almost all young white women fucking despise white men on Twitter...

Okay mutts explain yourselves, why the fuck do almost all young white women fucking despise white men on Twitter. Is it like this irl? What the fuck man

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Fuck off Mohammed, you post this shit every day.

the internet is not real life

>on twitter
Answered your own question, Nigel.

They hate white men until they are in physical proximity to white men, then their instincts and biology override their social programming until they are no longer in proximity.

Is there a medical designation for this specific kind of delusion?

Oh fuck women can hear my thoughts this hole time SHIIIT

Literally every day.

the fact that white men are able to demonstrate that they have a vague understanding of the near future, a base understanding of cause and effect, is basically proof of black magic in their mind.

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Stop making this fucking thread

See pic related. Also, he posts this thread multiple times every day. Sage or don't respond.

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They don't, its just virtue signaling for twitter points

>jew mutt hates whites
>bong can't identify jewish mutt thanks to uk education

Women have nigger brain. They can't comprehend the concept of planning, selflessness and loyalty.
Women are niggers of gender.

She needs a camping trip to Morocco.

It's not like that IRL. Most white women date white men. Twitter is full of virtue signalling feminists who think they get bonus points for fucking niggers.

it's trendy and it gets attention and likes which is how your modern woman subsists

No matter how much hate whites get I still wouldnt switch my race lol

This bitch is so dumb that she is offended by thought. NPC programming engaged.

Herschel, Shoshanna...
Honestly JIDF needs new material badly...

Women are the most perverted gender. They have the most fetishes. The jews in Hollywood have only amplified this biological handicap in women to make them sexualized attention slaves

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They are virtue signaling and don't want to be associated with toxic white males.

Hey achmed, hows londonistan?

Have you wrapped a pig in a black bag and fucked it yet?

Oh, fuck, that was your sister right?

Shit sorry man, my bad.

ITT: Cancer replying to cancer

I've never heard a woman talk shit like this irl. Internet makes it very easy to gather people who think like this in one place. (Think Jow Forums)
Alternatively, no one talks shit in public because they'd get hit.

So most of them then?

are we just gonna post every no name loser on twitter when they complain about white people.

>hey guys check this out. BigD0n6_NiGger53 said something about white people on twitter

If only she knew what we really thought.

Big boy

They know if they shit test us enough we'll finally rape them in the butthole like they want.
A game as old as time itself.

>virtue signals instead of posting her counter argument
the tard is strong with this one.

No woman will ever love you, autistic browncel.

Yes it’s like this in real life. White men are just so enamored with hearing themselves speak that they’re unable or unwilling to read a room. They learn nothing because they think they know everything by virtue of being a man and end up being despised by half the women in the women in the country and end up marrying a woman who hasn’t learned that she has value or is transactionally into him. Five years and two kids later, they get divorced she gets everything bc he’s incapable of taking care of himself, nevertheless children, and the process starts all over again with the man just meandering through life like an imbecile, ending up at his deathbed realizing he’s contributed nothing of real value to the world simply because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut, listen, and empathize.

After talking to women this post really just hits me

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mate they all say this shit but usually they are the ones who end up bending over forwards for white guys in the end, mosly for finacial reasons. Non white female in particular fuck whites it's only the jews forcing women into fucking niggers for social political reasons

it's a ploy to get white men angry enough to stand up for their race

>Is there a medical designation for this specific kind of delusion?
yes, it's called having a vagina

right, they are always thinking about dick. pretty gross

>is twitter like this irl
>Are World of Warcraft pro's actually heroes IRL
it's NOT REAL you retard


Because it's popular and they'll get imaginary karma for their "rebel" stance that is perfectly acceptable.

Let white men start tearing these girls new assholes or start ignoring the "racist girl", they'll shut the fuck up quick.

>why the fuck do almost all young white women fucking despise white men
But that's not true at all, you fucking kike.

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>nobody likes black men except black women
>nobody likes black women, period

So true. Clap clap


Twitter cunts are the first to go on the day of the rope

he would just call you a nigger???

nice memery. white men can't even control their wives. There will be no DoTR. Take your autism pills.