One of my favorite alt-right Youtubers by far. Blackpilled has some good shit. AmRen is a classic. JF cucked out...

One of my favorite alt-right Youtubers by far. Blackpilled has some good shit. AmRen is a classic. JF cucked out. Sargon has been cucked for a while now.

Anyone else you all might recommend? Sam Harris is good for his critiques of Islam and his interview with Charles Murray was excellent.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You just listed everyone who influenced me over the last two years (except basedgon - I could always tell he has a low iq).

Way of the World
Morgoth's Review
No White Guilt
Mark Collett

Hype is on point but unfortunately the more I learn the more my friends tell me I'm insane. I'm just not good at convincing others.

Stop watching these Federal agents. Read a book.

The TRS youtube channel has good clips from their shows.

I try to keep up with the Murdoch Murdoch mirror channels but they get banned all the time so I just started using

Also, Sam Harris is cringe and bluepilled. He's a neoliberal and his critique of Islam is that it's not neoliberal enough. Stop listening to him.

I'm looking for some intellectual podcasts that are moderate to conservative. If you Google intellectual podcasts nothing comes up but (((npr))) shit bitching about white privilege. But I'm also not interested in any rush Limbaugh btr ghost type shit where some fat retard screans at me about how we're all going to get ebola or whatever. I want actual intellectuals having conversations.

I recommend:

The Art of Manliness:

Harvard lunch club:

Walk-Ins Welcome w/ Bridget Phetasy:

The financial anecdote podcast:

The daily signal:

Tim Ferris:

Problematic Women (female Republicans):

Cultured thug.

literally autistic and gay
chinese exboyfriend
unironic anime foot fetish
former ancap
civic nationalist

How did JF cuck out?

Alt-Hyp is overrated as fuck. I've been following him since he was confederalsocialist like 10 years ago. hes a faggot who use to be a gay prostitute and even has a cam-stripping video somewhere. I didn't hold it against him when he was a WN but now hes gone back to civic-nationalism, after already having dumped WN and come back once before, so fuck his gay ass.

also, his 'European-revolution' theory is complete horseshit and I called him out on it multiple times in the comments, yet never received any response

You only convince people who have next to no prior knowledge of the subject (haven't been subverted), or if they highly respect you. And in both of those situations, you don't even need to know all the mounds of facts and evidence. A simple emotional argument backed up by 1 single statistic or two will do it.

Don't waste your time arguing otherwise. People don't change their minds in the face of evidence, they get defensive, because NOBODY likes to realize that they've been lied to this whole time. They literally can't process it, and will forget your entire arguments the next day. If you're debating a person 1 on 1 with people listening in, you're not going to convince the person you're arguing with, but, you CAN convince the people who are listening in. The most effective way to do this is, sadly, by mocking your opponent and getting the group to laugh at him. It's absolutely DEVESTATING, because nobody wants to be on the side of the person who's being laughed at, even if they are right. Same reason why people think they are smart and politically informed when watching shit like Colbert. It's not because he's right, it's because the audience feels like they are "in the know" and are able to laugh at the sillyness of Trump despite it being nothing but falsehoods.

Note that this won't work on people who are like you who care about the actual facts and real arguments. But that's like .1% of the population.

people will think this is a kike meme, but its not. There used to be a video floating of Ryan jacking off on camera. I've seen it a couple times years ago. (i've followed him seince 2010). I wish I could find it again, because it would be Jow Forums gold

>also, his 'European-revolution' theory is complete horseshit and I called him out on it multiple times in the comments, yet never received any response

This man brought me into the movement! Ryan if you are out there, thank you and don't stop! Your videos helped me redpill my gf and friend.
Best way to redpill using Alt Hype:
Start out with his videos about history like the one about India and the Congo and then move onto the race stuff.

hes literally the only 'altright' eceleb i respect

he basically suggests that the industrial revolution was concentrated in England due to some eugenic effect which raised IQ and lowered crime. I pointed out this made no sense given the fact that the White British have similar IQ and crime rates to Finish people and other Europeans.

So before this Eugenic effect did the British have lower IQ than the rest of Europe? Did their IQ get diluted since the Industrial revolution and now coincidently matches with the European average?

It's just another one of his bullshit made-up theories, hes had dozens over the years

Richard Spencer and the TRS network always have good takes

>jared taylor will never read you bedtime stories
why even live?

The alt-right is a fucking joke. I'm glad they're being deplatformed, physically assaulted on the streets, and tracked down like the ratfuckers they are.

>Alt right
Just stfu...
Do not use the term alt right ever again if you don't know what it is means.

the funny thing is every time Jared Taylor does an interview in Japan, they picture him as a literal neo-nazi, but the interviewers end up just agreeing with him, and saying that "we just know that in Japan. this is common sense," or something rather. I think stately southern white man speaking impeccable Japanese, down to even the pauses and body language, is pretty charismatic to them as well.

epic flaglarp dude, very epic indeed

>therefore his videos about race and jews are bad

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I mean, since like 50% of Jow Forums will tell you alt-right doesn’t mean anything/is a kike/cia fabrication, etc., seems to me alt-right is whatever the left says it is. Sargon is assuredly considered alt-right my many of those faggots, so .... deal with it.

i mean it kind of did. I remember being here in 2015/2016, and then out of nowhere the term "alt-right" became something over the span of a week, because 500 news articles and interviews came out on it. Out of the blue Richard Spencer was declared our leader, when 95% of us have never even heard of him. It was severely astroturfed by Spencer wanting an audience and to play fuhrer for a year, and the media wanting an easy centralized reddit tier bullseye, when that's now how anonymous image boards work at all.

If you can't tell what is alt right and what isn't then you clearly haven't been around long enough or if you were than you weren't paying attention.

Vertigopolitix but YT banned them for being too fucking good.

Sargon explicitly hated the altright and got suspended from twitter for spamming gay porn at them. He has no more controversial opinion than "sjws are dumb," which everyone's known for years.

Adam green no more news
Sean last
Thulean perspective
America first with nick fuentes

i saw a video he posted just a few days ago called >>the case for europa
it got banned almost immediately. Anyone know where i can find a copy? it's been completely scrubbed from everywhere i've looked

fuck off with your shitty copypasta

Did anyone watch the star wars video before it got taken down?

It would probably make sense that there are basically dedicated working class areas (embodiments of the norf meme), and a segregated upperclass. I dont have definite proof, but ive heard that since there have been more social programs and mixing, the quality of the average Brit has gone down
Remember, we would have to get data for the white british only, and that you would have to account for the tens of millions of britons who emigrated to the US and elsewhere
>finnish and other peoples
Everyone knows that the finns in general are timid and nords are pretty low crime due to their environmental pressures

Spencer would call Sargon 'alt-right writ large'. Ie, alt-right plus alt-lite. But it's noteworthy that the alt-lite is getting destroyed - neither hot nor cold I guess.

Spencer ridiculed his cuck ass in a debate.
>but what is huwhite?
Sargon was never alt right. Watching the alt lite faggots crumble is pretty entertaining tho.

That sounds like the average Jow Forumsack though.

no idea I only hatewatch leftist youtubers

Alt hype is shit
JF- good
Amren- good
Blackpilled -never listened
Sam harris- it was amazing watching sam harris go fucking crazy over trump. He gave up all his credibility to attack orange man.
Sargon- I like him, but don't really watch his stuff

>Way of the World
>Morgoth's Review
>No White Guilt
>Mark Collett


Ryan is really good, I look forward to his new videos it's like Christmas when a new one drops. The latest one was copyright striked immediately but hopefully he'll have an edit re-upped soon.

If you like the more data orientated science stuff then I found Jordan Petersons lectures from the UofT to be just as interesting. Maps of meaning is good but the thing that really got me hooked was the 'Personality and its transformation' 2017 lecture series filmed out of the UofT

The real meat of those lectures is lecture 14-22 where he dives into personality measurement with the big 5 model, and then goes over IQ and creativity. And how that maps roughly onto the brain. It's all based in very good science, if you like the IQ and race stuff you'll almost certainly love these lectures.

The 'Intellectual Dark Web' is also a hot bed of good content, which is loosely Peterson, Dave Rubin who is an ex-lefty turned libertarian, Joe Rogan, Eric Weinstein, Ben Shapiro among others. A lot of the debates between these guys are really good. There's a 4 part debate between Harris and Peterson which was very good.

Even reasonable people open to evidence still recoil a lot from the race and IQ stuff, or even just IQ. But it's starting to finally move into mainsteam, Harris interviewed Murray on his podcast and they went over the Bell Curve and how it's actually good science and peoples reactions to it were bad.

Ryan is distancing himself from white nationalism and has cleaned up his channel which helps a lot when it comes to how palatable his content is.

Sargons position is 'I should be free to do what I want, because what I want is to do harmless memes'. That's why no one likes him, he can be as alt rightvas he wants in private; but he sees free speech restrictions as a way of putting down the individual when really they are a codified set of laws and regulations aimed at defanging whites. No one needs a man to stand up and say "I want the freedom to make rape jokes!" what is needed is for someone to stand up and say "I demand the freedom to be pissed off at my races ethnic cleansing!"

yea surely it has to be good if we have a thread about it every day right
it's not like people are pushing this youtube channel

For long form political/news commentary Captain Ahab has recently started doing some podcasts on YT. Look up "a briefing with Ahab"

Does anyone have his latest video?

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Is this a fucking joke? Sam Harris is a neoconservative kike zionist monster who has no value to the human race. JF is 100x more based than fucking Sam "I will never platform white supremacists" Harris.

I like Alt-Hype but he cucked out of white nationalism.

The best youtubers, in order, are:

The People's Square (Eric Striker and Borzoi)
Morgoth's Review
Laura Towler
Sean Last
James Allsup
Mark Collett
Millennial Woes
Critical Condition
Beauty and the Beta podcast

Although Strike and Mike on the TRS network is better than all of those. Most things with Mike Enoch or Eric Striker are better than most of those.

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WN has no practical implementability in the colonial counties such as US
Just be a cultural nationalist


>The 'Intellectual Dark Web' is also a hot bed of good content

Wait. Alt hype is no longer white nationalist? That sucks, when did that happen and why?

Seconding this.

I recommend this one

He recently uploaded a video about star wars, but it got taken down because if Disney copyright. Do anyone I'd tou have a copy of it?

Asha Logos is decent, not many videos but theyre certainly well made. Subverted history is the only thing that he talks about that I havent seen elsewhere, or made as clearly, and its worth watching.

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Squatting SlavTV
Nick Fuentes

Those are my favorites

Fag in drag gets the rope.

She can get my dick

>Alt Hype fucked a chinaman

Well I wouldn't be that surprised but I'd still like evidence of that claim. Everything else you've said is true, though. He once said that he'd rather fuck a goat than a black man though.

The video will be made available within a few hours. Copyright claims like the one applied to his video turn off after 48 hours.

>Why did he give up white nationalism

Literally because Irish are shitlibs and this sent him into an existential crisis over the natural cuckiness of our race.

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I like these ones:

>Well I wouldn't be that surprised but I'd still like evidence of that claim.

He. He's a dude in drag. You can tell pretty easily.

>Irish are shitlibs.
D-does he not know that the Irish literally spent a century getting their teeth pulled by us? The reason Irish politics are so fucked and why they are cucks isn't genetic. It's because we spent the last hundred years killing them, blowing their shit up and in general unilaterally teabagging them for fun. They are cucked because the moment you act uncucked you get compared to the British imperialism. What a waste of a white nationalist. Tragic.

It. It gets the rope and so do you. Strange fruits swinging in the trees.

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im waiting for it too, apparently it will be up in a day or so becuase it was an automatic copyright claim. but if not hopefull he will put it on bitchute.

Check the alternative hyptohesis yotuube community for more info

>One of my favorite alt-ri
stopped reading there

>Irish are cucked because of British Imperialism

I guess, the main problem Faulk has though is with the Irish diaspora. He also said something about the Irish considering a black person in Ireland more Irish than him. This is comically not true, the Irish diaspora is central to Irish identity.

>Apparently it will be up in a day

11:00 am Est. 12:30am tomorrow for a Radelaide user like myself so I'll have to watch it tomorrow.

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Oh and King LARP is pretty funny.

I like to just have him on in the background while I revise. Remember Vrill is stored in the balls.

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Nick Fuentes is pretty much the only E-celeb shit I partake in.
I suppose I'm biased because I'm Catholic and a 99 zoomer.

VertigoPolitix was good. You can find his content on bitchute. Bit autistic, but good for the newly redpilled.

I follow Lauren Rose but she doesn't really post anything. She's based.

Blonde in the belly of the beast makes decent content.
Good for redpilling women.

As cringe as murdochmurdoch can be at times, I really don't care. Those guys make me feel less alone.

Black Pigeon Speaks
Ryan Dawson
Matt Christiansen
No Bullshit
Jimmy Dore (liberal but fun to listen to)

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Why listen to a bunch of people who don't even understand how the world works?

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haha JF is a fucking moron, but framegame had some good pieces on his show. althype is good for somethings but he is a fag, thinks hitler was gay and no longer supports white nationalism because he didn't make headway fast enough. ultimately, these ecelebs are gigantic faggots. sure, they might give you some pertinent information at times, but eventually all these faggots end up in a neverending spiral of attention whoring, drama and faggotry. read books nigger

Btw evidence of Irish diaspora being central to Irish identity can be seen in songs/art, etc. E.g.

Shame his channel was removed. My guess is he had a Bitchute backup, I'll have to check later.

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Why doesn't she debate the alt right?


based controlled opposition

She's not a debater thats why, she makes entertainment. Not everything is a debate to be ''won''

you need nu frens

He is on bitchute yeah. I think they nuked him because he did a video which was basically fifteen minutes of him laughing at the Christchurch turkey shoot and a bit on magic vrill powers.

so.. tim pool ?

I've started watching Contrapoints and Peter coffin as of last month, they put up some entertaining content but their videos just drip with hypocrisy and they don't fully understand the views on the other side. Contrapoints wants to seem like a good goy radical that believes everything shes doing is richeous. She see violence as a means of persuasion only if it's for her views because she seem to see people who don't agree with her not as people (watch Sargons 2017 interview with her for more on that topic). Coffin is such a "muh gommunism" sellout it's hilarious, he shills the fuck out of his anti capitalism message and links literally everything to it like the retards that yell "muh Jews" at everything on here while selling shirts and using techniques that corporate media uses to keep you hooked on their shit.

Another 'Tuber for me to report and get deplatformed. Thanks for bringing this one to my attention, OP!

I'm glad that we live in a world in which conservatives are too low-IQ with their LARPs and their Bibles to form competing tech platforms.

I second Blonde.

>ITT: a bunch of shit tier e-celebs shill their YouTube channels
sage faggot OP is sage

>JF is better than Althype

Brainlet detected

I frankly never understood his reaction. He literally went from one month making videos about the JQ and duscussing how ethnonationalism was a basic human instinct to throwing it all in the burn barrel because Irish didn't accept him as Irish while they elected a fucking gay pajeet as their PM.

That's black pilling for sure but if he would just take the 30,000 foot view and realize white people have been gaslit and propagandized by decades of media and social engineering, he get his shut straightened out.

Cuck philosophy

Dumb fucking zoomers and their e-celebs. This shit should be banned from Jow Forums. Only thing /v/ did right.

Most of the stuff mentioned is good, but everyone should listen to Guerilla Radio with Augustus Sol Invictus, and Cultured Thug

Also the Kommandant is a great morale booster

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Fuck off brainlet, this is a major way in which ideas are disseminated and we want to push those that push our ideas

Fuck off zoom zoom, go back. Idiots like you identifying with these retards. You're falling for it hook line and sinker.

JF is a complete joke, how many thousands of women has he slayed?

This. Asha logos is top tier

>I'm glad I live in a world where my "revolutionary" ideology has the full backing of the state, and corporate + financial complex such that all competeing platforms are hamstrung when they dont parrot "my" neo-liberal hr policy doctrine

Hurr durr people talking about my politics bad bcus bcus nmbcus zoom zoom

If they're allowed on 2019 youtube they got nothing interesting to say.

>sam harris
>born into jew money
>so bad at debating that the only debate he has ever won was against juden peterstein

Don't listen to any women or neocons.

cannot stress this one enough. The guy is fucking great and knows a lot, and his journey from being a lolberg to full on authoritarian is interesting

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Truediltom is great and his video/audio editing is top notch