Gday lads
Daily reminder that we live in a totalitarian state

ABC's Sydney headquarters raided by Australian Federal Police over Afghan Files stories

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck Niggers
Fuck Kikes
Fuck Jannies
Fuck Boomers
Fuck Melbournians

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wtf is a jannie?

Hi newfag

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like I can afford spending my life on this trap infested board to know a reference

Yet here you are, newfag.

i like the feds. fuck abc

lovin the edit, ive been spamming the original on aus/pol/ and just about any board i frequent

the absolute state of this post. remember you arent supposed to deep throat the boot

glowies vs commies.

>you arent supposed to deep throat the boot
I dont have much time for their abc, but its the principle of the matter...
If they can do it to their abc, they can do it to anyone!

Remove vegans when?

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> ABC's Sydney headquarters raided by Australian Federal Police over Afghan Files stories

So why isn't the ABC management traitors currently being dropped in the ocean 100km out to sea from a helicopter?

vegans are their own worst enemy. its only a matter of time they do this to some non-white family owned butcher (who will beat the shit outta them) or get shot on a farm for their antics

we need the AFP to execute the ABC staff

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What am I supposed to do?

>Mass migration of poos, chinks, and other non-whites into my country
>Country doubling down on its African refugee position
>Our two major political parties are really in bed with each other
>Boomers sucking this country dry
>Country slowly becoming another Chinese vassal state

There doesn't seem anything that I can do to stop this garbage.

>tfw I have no mouth, and I must scream.

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well user, you can always kys

Fuck off fag. This is a white only board

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You must take up arms brother

Hello ABC cunts

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Where do I get an AR from?

you can do this not this

you don't in Australia you fucking mongoloid.

'like the feds'
>you aren't supposed to deepthroat the boot.
roight... this isn't plebbit u cunt.

>b-but the principlez
let's not take 50 steps ahead like the outrage artists on twitter and the corperate media. this isn't a matter of freedom of the press *yet*. They're going in, getting some info and trying to find out which cunt amongst their own dogged them out. If a member of gaybc gets put under the hammer then by all means squeel about prinicplzzz.

you sign up to the AFP, then you get an AR for raiding and executing the ABC management.

I want an AR

like I said, sign up to the AFP and they'll give you all sorts of toys.

>no argument
>muh rebbit
>nonsensical post

I want a blowjob.

become some gnarly pest control dude and you can get access to them. did primary producers have access to ARs at some point?

Kys please and post the livestream so we can all enjoy watching.

I hear Triolli is dishing them out.

AFP actually raided the ABC headquarters to confiscate her panties. She's going commando tomorrow morning on the morning edition.

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god i fking hate my state.

On my way to university this morning asian driving speeding in suburban area near a primary school . Hits dog, breaks its leg, does not stop to see if okay keeps driving.

Get to uni notice patches of spit all over the ground up the hallway, asians making disgusting throat spitting noise everywhere.

Bin literally 10m away and asians leave rubbish on the ground. Feet marks on toilet seats and shit/piss all over the floor.

The smell of the asians is disgusting. Get to class, find out we are being set a group assignment but "groups must have at least 50% asian students.

Start working on assignment asian has no idea how to speak English basic engineering or even how to use a computer

Fml. Have to give presentation, asian student fucks it up.

Go to supermarket, asians everywhere putting their hands over all the vegetables and fruits making them smell like they do.

How long till I crack user and go on an asian killing spree?

Imagine the smell

>he doesn't live in QLD

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What's the deal Australia?
I heard today you guys had a mass shooting yesterday? But nothing on NZ news, nothing on pol.
No wonder American libtards keep thinking you guys don't have mass killings when they're never reported. If true this would be your 3rd in the last 12 months I think?

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I know a guy who doesn't need it anymore, barely used.

>How long till I crack user and go on an asian killing spree?
Make sure you get a high score, user.

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> smell

coind and milk

Why is Australia so cucked bros?

it was in Darwin, 4 dead so it doesn't even classify as a mass shooting

fuck man, i definitely remember this shit happening when i was at uni. everything you listed ive seen except an asian hit and run.

we got to preference who we wanted in our groups though so all of our groups just consisted of the BOYS and no insectoids. which uni are you attending? sounds like unsw

How much?
Ill take it!
>Highscore incoming!


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you have a loicense to post that?

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New Clive template

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4 people is usually what defines it as a mass murder though.

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I wanna immigrate. Is there room for one more?


>forgot about qanda on monday night
>remembered halfway though the episode
>took one look at the panel
>refused to open iview

also isnt jimmy barnes a fuckin kiwi?

up muh wat?

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Who /sydney/ here?



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It completely distracts the left from calling for a new gun ban after Darwin.
Smart move by the Feds.


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Sorry, seppo

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You should've voted Labor.

They raided newscorp too

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4 dead? Were they all killshots?
Wtf has become of media they won't report this but are all over a faggot kid being bullied at school.

NSW is outta control maaaan, im really REALLY loving this small government

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I didn't realize how many chinese we had until I went to asian country and it was exactly the same as here.

About time those commie subversionist fuckwits get what is coming to them.

Defund the ABC.

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>Where do I get an AR from?
Get pistol license.
Buy AR made without stock on it.

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Nah. They only attack those that can't fight back. In the 80s they threw red paint, tomato sauce and blood over women wearing fur coats, never over men wearing motorcycle colours.
It killed the fur trade in Australia, ended the professional hunting of foxes and probably helped a few natives onto the endanger species list as a result.
They got to feel smug about being real communists and thats all that mattered


Oh, exploitable

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Read more Harlan Ellison.

Fuck newscorp
2 Holt Street, Sydney for those interested. There's an armed guard carrying a glock covert and a bulletproof desk at front entrance. Numerous glowniggers inside.

Or, so I've heard.

the REAL story of chernobyl.

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>ended the professional hunting of foxes

i wanna know more about this, you'd have to be subhuman to not support this initiative

>tfw you'll never make a fur coat from wild cats

would probably give it to my dad for his birthday though, he hates cats way more than me

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Guy supposedly had bikie links so they'll class it as gang violence and ignore it when discussing how "successful" our gun laws are.

Become a movie armourer or dealer in any state.
Become a firearms instructor in Queensland.
Become a professional culler with contracts to prove it and a helicopter to shoot from.
Then buy one from Warwicks. 10k.

Or be a Leb and get issued one a t the mosque along with your drugs and sales territory.

Why would you want to go to uni?

I used to think I fucked up when all my friends went off to Uni after school and I had to go find some tradie job.

Now, 10 years on, I'm a supervisor and make more money than those fags, we didn't have anywhere near the amount of Asians, and quite regularly joked about how fucked they are.
Now those old friends who I barely talk to are all complete lefty faggots and are up to their eyeballs in debt.

I don't get why student in high school are so heavily pushed to go to Uni.

>wtf is a jannie?
A low level board moderator, often employed to "clean up" shitposts and duplicate spam threads. Bulk of Jannies are mongoloid retards could couldn't tell satire from a genuine threat to public safety.

Maybe if you are lucky you to can be a Jow Forums jannie, but only if your IQ is low doubles.

Nioce oc, user

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>our gun laws are super effective
>except when someone gets around them

>Or be a Leb and get issued one a t the mosque along with your drugs and sales territory.
So long as its cheaper than 10 fucking k


jannie is the arch-nemesis of outlaws and true cobbers everywhere

like my muff?

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Take this cunt to the infirmary for a few tinnies

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m8 some days, i throw dogs bones. If he does live in SA how great can his life really be?!.

Illegal here as its considered a military style weapon.
Also requires attorney general to allow importation, which isn't happening.

because i was 18 and didnt know what i was doing? i mean you explained why in the last line of your post

Uni and housing are two great scams our government uses to inflate muh GDP so they can look good in front of international kike bankers
>Look at all the debt we generated for you, Rabbi! Aren't we good goys? Please give more credit!

Fairfax had the Glownigger director of communications.
Newscorp is controlled by (((Murdock))).

Just don't feed the pidgeons mate.

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Doug was awesome

Without a stock it is just a semi auto pistol.
Not even concealable.


Hey afp... lets have a proper investigation (not a royal commission) into port arthur. Free martin bryant you faggots.