In need of nose experts

There is an election here today, and one of the candidates to the primeministers office belong to this nose. And I gotta know. Does this nose mean Jew?

Attached: Næsen ved det.jpg (172x240, 9K)

Suspicious dorsum curvature. The lobule is straight enough and the nostrils seem small from what I can tell. It's a tough call without better pics.

Roman IMO

Slightly hard to tell. It's a bit difficult with just the nose alone. Native Americans, Anglos, and Romans tend to have bigger/high bridge noses. The difference I've noticed is whether or not they hook inward. This nose doesn't seem too big, but even that is hard to tell with just this pic and no other feature to scale it to. Since I suppose you live in Denmark, and not goblin country, I recommend you compare it with the rest of your fellow huwites to make the final decision. If considerably different, do NOT take a chance. You'll either get eternal anglo or kike.

Attached: 1547139357589.gif (400x300, 1.34M)

The mascara he's wearing is more concerning.

nostrals don't look very jewish.. would need to see rest of face to judge features

its probably a woman

Looks like the hawk type, but that type can also belong to other groups. Hard to say. Seeing the whole head, especially the hair would help more.

Can't really tell from the nose alone, as that's an aquiline nose (which is a fairly common nose structure among many various ethnicities where Caucasian traits are widespread).

Do not be fooled goyims, this is obviously a bait thread designed to make you hate God's chosen people. Besides a true jewish nose has no pimple, this looks more like a witch's nose.


Attached: Happy merchant.png (600x555, 281K)

looks definetely jewish, post ear lobes

Attached: ach scheiße jetzt geht es wieder los.jpg (749x385, 64K)

Attached: weneedtotalk.png (556x628, 42K)

Looks like a witch

looks like it was broken. a Semitic nose will visibly point down to the lip, a hump is not (((enough)))

Does he have the upper lip?

No that’s Roman , post the ears

Attached: 4444.jpg (941x815, 142K)

Here is the original pic

Attached: Mette-Frederiksen-populisme.jpg (1200x630, 450K)

looks more roman than jewish, jewish noses are clearly curved and the tip goes downwards, not forward or "slightly sloped".

can you be sure though ?

Attached: Napoleon Bonaparte around 20.jpg (510x619, 88K)

She's a CIA asset. Confirmed by nose.

Vote for Paludin.

Nah, not a jew
t. High powered jewdar owner
Its a woman polutician tho, might as well be a jew

more aquatain than kike, but I might be wrong

whats his name?

nvm, she's crypto. Husband is jewish according to name as well, she has ties to robert singer too, a jewish humanitarian activist.

It means that the owner has middle eastern ancestry.

you fools you have to look at name, spouse, social connections and parents
she's a jew according to a real jewdar

stem på rasmus paladin

danernes lys og vestens frelser

Endte med at stemme på Christian Langballe fra DF

show his entire face moron only then I can be sure 100%. right now he doesn't seem to look like one.


Only a retard would think that looks anything like a jew nose
>t. married into a jewish family

I've never met a Jew in my entire life. I don't know better.

Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between aquiline noses and jewish ones. Aquiline have a sharper angle, jew noses are rounder.

hvem er den lækreste kandidat jeg tror bare jeg stemmer på hende

nej, for det er sgu da Pernille Skipper. Puha hun måtte godt stå nogen foran mig smurt ind i kokosolie.
Men hun skal sgu ikke styre mit arbejdsliv og min okonomi.

Election in Kazakhstan this weekend. This guy Tokayev will win. Is he a jew? Asking for a friend.

Attached: 1529070709948.jpg (800x450, 122K)

If it looks like an upside down 7, it's a Roman nose.
If it looks like a 6, it's a Jewish nose.

That's a man