Everyone knows teenagers have hormonal issues and emotionalism

It's a part of growing up.

The Dutch just murdered a sad teenager.

The sadness is just a part of growing up!


Attached: 60bfb680ce6c91028923a0f1d366e868.jpg (338x686, 44K)

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She murdered herself. She stopped eating and drinking. This was nothing more than a suicide.

Doesnt change that the netherlands assisted 6000+ people in suicide in 2016
tf is wrong with that place.

More people die from the common flu each year.

OP: a girl was murdered
You: people died from the flu

Imagine all the doctors who needed organs. How many people actually wanted to be killed?

The girl murdered herself. She committed suiced.

Keep justifying.


>assisted 6000+ people in suicide
as long as there is a replacement scheme in place so the economy doesn't suffer I don't see a problem with that.