Would an alt-right milita form to challenge the US Government in the event of Trump/Republican candidate losing in...

Would an alt-right milita form to challenge the US Government in the event of Trump/Republican candidate losing in 2020/2024 ?

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The alt right doesn't exist, so no

losing? no.

being robbed or impeached? possibly.

Consequences have never been the same

I should hope so.

We can let communism win.

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Are you a journalist? the alt-right cant do shit

Yes, of course.
We, the Alt-Right(tm) will form a unlawful military militia and take down any political opponent of our great lord and saviour Mr Trump.
Do you also want all of our members' addresses and phone numbers so you can contact them directly?

>in the event of Trump/Republican candidate losing
Fuck no

bump stocks
Red flag laws
Dont like suppressors
Due process 2nd
William Barr
Chuck Canterbury
Amends the NFA
GOA suing
FPC suing

He is losing support from gun owners on the daily, Support him? naah I'm voting against his retarded ass


I dunno...maybe...then again...maybe not

>as a gun owner I will vote trump out of office and vote for his opponent who ran outright on an anti-gun platform

like when Obama gave us binary triggers, bump stocks, pistol braces and made getting a NFA trust to own machine guns and suppressors easier by only having to notify chief LEO instead of asking. And when his ATF director tried to ban green tips he was forced out

You know, all the things Trump wants to get rid of and make us felons over. Yea We didnt need Hillary's SCOTUS picks but I would take Obama back all fucking day for our 2nd Amendment if for nothing else. If we only could turn back time or run his ass again

>but muh party

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>the democrats will protect my guns
lmao retard

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>i would take obama back

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It's time to start a right-wing political party.

Call it the White Party.

What do you think?

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Let me give you another blackpill. There is 200,000 active people on this website as a whole, give or take. That includes Jow Forums and 4channel. The most popular board currently is /v/, second /b/, and third Jow Forums. There is around 80,000 people who browse Jow Forums at a current, give or take some. Now, 80,000 people. In America alone, the population is a staggering 370 million.
Now, let's be honest. Only around 60% of Jow Forums would ACTUALLY BE willing to do something, and that's being generous. And of those 60%, they probably have no idea what national socialism actually is, and are probably only here because they have no where else to go. This is the reality, face it. I am personally willing to die for national socialism, but a lot of people who browse this board can't say the same. Alright, so around 60,000 people are willing to do something, (being generous here). How many of these people have guns? Not many, I have to assume. But even if all 60,000 did have guns, we are multicultural. This board is known for having people of all over the world browse it. So how many people are in America? How many of us could actually meet up? How many of us are WILLING to meet up? Not many. And that goes for every other country. Yes, if there was a civil war about guns, of course hundreds of millions would fight the gobernment. But are they fighting for, and ideology, specifically, per se? No. They are fighting for democracy and the constitution, which is inherently democratic. I hate using this word, but most people are "normies". They don't really care about anything. Many of us used to be one of them, so you understand where I'm coming from. Most of them don't care about their race. Every normie white person thinks their ancestors owned slaves, when only 1.4% of Americans owned slaves. It's dangerous. Our rate of success is lower than you think. This doesn't mean we shouldn't try, though. But these are the facts, unfortunately.

No, because Americans havent got any balls. They keep going on and on and on about their rights to form armed opposition to the president or the government but, at the end of the day, they havent got big enough balls to do it. Pretty sure that if they really needed to protect their rights by using guns against the government, they would have done it a long time ago. You know that too, right?

Meh, 10,000 men with guns can change a lot.

>Now, let's be honest. Only around 60% of Jow Forums would ACTUALLY BE willing to do something

More like .5%

Jow Forums is a containment site, garden and propaganda machine for zionism.

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>Only around 60% of Jow Forums would ACTUALLY BE willing to do something,
Dude, when people watch a TV show, the TV station knows that IF there is anything to complain about, only 1 in every 1000 viewers would actually complain. The same is true of online questionnaires, 1 in a 1000 that can see it will actually fill it in. So by your figures and my percentages, youre likely to have 8 people willing to do it and only 2 of them will be americans.
> I am personally willing to die for national socialism
For the glorious revolution as you lead your men into battle, cannons to the left, cannons to the right, and then the men love you but not like gay love, they make you their leader and you immediately start heil hitlering everyone. OK so you are 17 or 18 years old, dude you do not have what it takes. If you were going to get an army together it takes more than shitposting on Jow Forums

>dude you're not a leader you're 17 or 18 years old
I never claimed to be a leader, but if there was a civil war, yes, I would die for my ideology if it came down to it. Of course I want to survive, but if I die I would die for my ideology.
>start an army
I never claimed I wanted one, and every Jow Forums meet up thread instantly gets "shill fbi glowing in the dark" 50 replies. 60% is generous.

Nothing that coordinated. I can see unorganised violence potentially happening if Trump loses. More like protests than a rebellion though.

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Shloppy job mossad

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reject the MSM label "alt-right".
it's contrived by liberals to label anyone who objects to their insanity.

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>Forming a militia that is easily disposed off
>Not recording how all these senators and congressmen/women profit of their racketeering practices and assassinating them
Do I really need to do your work for you Mister ABC agency man?

Glows with the power of the sun this nigger.

Heres the thing.

As long as people have smart phones, money and high levels of quality in life nothing will happen.

Change/ revolution happens when the quality of life is shit and no one has anything left to lose.

There is no risk of harm or death on a regular basis for 99% of people and that makes people docile.

If you want people to react or fight, go cut the power for a city and see how quick people change.

Sort of like labeling people 'DUH LIBS' but different because of hypocrisy.

It's really quite cool!

Trump won't get reelected unless it's against Clinton or MAYBE Biden. ...and nobody will contest the result. Trump has already maxed out his rally attending activist crowd. He got elected by those who were fed up with the status quo.

Well... maybe the country has jobs but not the Appalachian states that he depended on. We told him "it's the jobs." He didn't deliver.

Maybe there's someone more radical out there but I think it's more about sacking Congress than electing a president. ....and Trump really didn't do anything awful during his term. He''ll probably be remembered well, once the bitterness of betrayal is purged.

>Would an alt-right militia form
This will never happen, unless there is a full on civil war going down (which will also never happen)

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Sloppy job Mossad

If a democrat candidate wins we should start a Russion collusion witchhunt

You're paragraphs are single sentences, you dweeb.

>Do you also want all of our members' addresses and phone numbers so you can contact them directly?

No that's ok we already have that.

Lol there are plenty of militias already formed, Trump or no Trump.

Check out southern dingos “pro white right”.

Lone walkers are what’s needed. Disrupting the system as often you can’t get away with. The being of a revolution starts with inconvenienceing people. Hopefully those podnats keep bribing people to our side. The best thing that can happen is a Democrat being voted in and a subsequent crack down on whites along with a recession. People need to be inconvenienced first.

Wolves* but whatever

But he wont lose and it will be the radicalized left going batshit.

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>militia form
No. But, there will be open insurrection come 2020 no matter who wins.

This. Also. I doubt it. If Trump loses it’s because he hasn’t DONE WALL.

Why do you think "alt-right" wouldn't respect a democratic election???
Is that you tumblr?

>using violence to contest an election

This guy gets it. Armed struggle is the second to last stage of a revolution. First though the people need to be inconvenienced. Whites are soft and weak willed at the moment. I’m not going to give direct strategies but do what you can to agitate the normies. If you could say get republicans and democrats commies and libeterarians to fight and protest each other we’d be in a much better position. If you can get commerce slowed down or make it so people can’t get to work we’d be in a better position. The French took 3 decades of being cucked by their government and the eu and what set them off a slight tax on gas. If something like that happened in America we would lose our grip on Europe and far right people could start agitating there too.

Most Militia men tend to be either Libertarians or hardcore Christian Conservatives, it's already hard enough finding Alt-Righters in the wild, forming a militia group with then at this stage would be difficult. Plus, any sort of remotely white nationalist militia group is likely to get honey potted by Feds, so many wouldn't join to begin with.

With or without Trump the government on its way to being challenged. The longer they ignore the law and the constitution the higher the likelihood. Whether it's an insane progressive, or an Israel loving Neocon, they have been subverting our rights too long.

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>I would die for my ideology.
I doubt you even know what your ideology even is.
You'll forget allll about it once you take the blackpill and get your new jewPhone and PS5 to forget all about what made you angry in the first place.

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It's too easy to spot the glowniggers these days

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Uhm, no

So many recent posts like this just seem like feds fishing for information. Fuck it! I'll answer anyway, I don't see many of us as instigators. We are more likely to be people who have figured out that shit will eventually hit the fan and we are quietly gathering supplies preparing for when that eventually happens.

Yes, I, a fellow Alt Rightist will bomb inncocent women and children. Who else in this alt right movement would bomb inocent women and children? Please post your full name and address so we can contact each other.

>alt-right milita form
where have you been when 2016 election clownery happened? entire world couldn't stop laughing at this travesty for several months until they finally elected drumpfster and went back to their homes to watch netflix

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Yes the Alt-right™ is going to form an Epic™ Terrorism™ this coming election.

You are fully justified in legally prosecuting, or outright preemptive killing everyone in this thread, because they are all radicalized™ soldiers waiting to carry out Alt-right™ White-nationalism™ White™ Terrorism™.