Plz dont abort me

Dont you want to share your world with me user?

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kek. collect a ton of these monstrosities and dump them in the christian threads.

What David Lynch movie stillbirthed this monstrosity?

Little fucker looks happy enough to me.

Hey hey hey!

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this can explain the cyclopean myths

I've thought about it but I've got too much to do

I'm sure he was adopted by a progressive white couple.

A civilised society takes care of all its people


A civilized society would put this thing out of its (and our) misery


Based cyclops, protecting treasures beyond your comprehension

So many anons saying it’s cruel to bring these fuckers into the world because more often than not they indeed look happier than the average user.

He doesn't even have one eye, he has like a slit

What the fuck I thought kids who had that cyclops deformity are stillbirths?

Normally I'm against abortion...but fucking hell man.


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Sure, it's not your fault you're disfigured, got your nappy on already, I'ma gonna feed you, here Comes the Train, chochoooo! You will never understand parental love if you don't had Kids your own.

I used to to this, altough not in a large scale, no one really converted to gnosticism

They LARP the belief user, they aren't moved by being literlly destroyed.

And what could that slit be used for user?

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Honestly was thinking the exact same thing.

christcucks btfo

They usually die within minutes after being born.

Sick cunt. Also that's a shooop. MIGA.

pfffft....this cyclopes dose not even have his magical eye. USELESS! to the trash bin with you

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In the human nigger, the brain is vestigial.
All higher functions are handled in the penis.

Based, niggers need to be aborted.

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for fucks sake you drama queens abortion isn't being banned. the supreme court is going to rule that states have the right to restrict it as they see fit.

so a place like Alabama will have it heavily restricted but a place like New York won't. if somebody wants an abortion they can just travel to an abortion state.

fucking retards have absolutely zero ability to view things relatively, it's like they can only view things in macro terms.

You may see a potato, but I see a canvas for the face of a doctor, lawyer, nurse, sewer dweller, teacher or scientist.

When this fucker dies they are gonna give its cloths to a different kid and that kid may never know it was wearing the pseudo skin of such an abomination

well THERE's your problem

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>some births are monstrous
>therefore we should allow any healthy baby to be killed so the thots can continue slutting around with zero consequences
Nope, not going to work

But no one said that?


That is the obvious implication though. Same with "but what about rape or incest" when those account for a tenth of a percent of overall abortions.

We have an opening on my team if you are interested (OP). BTW the name Cyclops is already taken.

Attached: images.jpg (173x292, 10K) that a second hole

Okay but for black females 28% of births end in abortion and I like those numbers

You gotta poke two holes with scissors in his nose area and he should be fine.

Niggers aren’t “healthy babies” anybody with brown or black skin isn’t.

mate, not gonna lie. If there was a strong likelihood of my child being born with a severe deformity or mental handicap, i'd encourage my wife to abort that shit.

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It should always be legal to abort this kind of thing, what kind of life could it have?

Kek... ohh god......ohhhhhhhh ggggggoddddd

She looks like the love of Christ :)

>[Evolution complete in the distance]

So you want to abort all niggers? I'm fine that.

Created in the image of God!

What IS a "civilized" society? Define it?
That "thing" will contribute nothing for society.
It be better to chunk it off a cliff.

His mother must have cucked his dad with a mole

Abortion for medical reasons (mother and/or child may die, cyclops shit, etc.) should be allowed. (Confirmed) Rape abortions should also be allowed, as the rights of the female were infringed in the first place. But unwarranted abortions (I'm not ready to be a mom/dad) should be met with the rope. I don't see how that isn't a widely adopted common outlook on the matter.

That's horrible. We need to reverse those numbers.

To 82%

It's not like they'll live to be teens let them experience life for a short period then let god take them back

Them are the ones I was telling you lot about yesterday. Where did you get this photo?
They are the ones that abducted me and took me to their UFO
ayy lmao


Pls don't abort me.

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We have been brainwashed to think it’s ok to kill things we are uncomfortable to be around

A civilised society is one that has eliminated the animalistic laws of the jungle and values and protects people for being one of the group, not for their monetary contribution

man did this not God your clinging to life is different from God life is far less valuable to him then it is too you

Civilised does not automatically mean better.

99% of aborted babies are healthy.

>aborted babies

you mean fetuses?

>getting cucked by a spud

How early in a fetus's development can defects be determined to exist?

>God has a plan for all of us.

I'd gladly exchange the two of you for that child.

I'm against abortion and in favor of killing niggers as young as possible.
It's not a contradiction.

Looks American enough to me

>sewer dweller

46th post Best Post

Why is it always the eyes?

eh, it would less of a burden on white society than the majority of healthy niggers

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More like fucked his daughter

How did he fuck

The Love of our Lord suffers the likes of you daily. Me, I'd dump your ass into a boiling bubbling localized phenomena just to see you become discombobulated before you suffer conscious incoherence and then decoherence--only to recombine your infinitesimal sized particulates and restore your spirit to you in order to repeat the very same processees a million billion times.

>it’s ok to kill things we are uncomfortable to be around
It's ok to prevent things from being born that will be a MONUMENTAL COST TO THE PRODUCTIVE TAXPAYING CLASS
Of what good will this potato be?
How will potatoboy help society?
Or will he, like his degenerate mother, be a drain upon our resources?
Pick one: conquering space or babysitting the third world.
>protects people for being one of the group, not for their monetary contribution
YOU spend YOUR money on monstrosities. DO NOT speak for my money, or anyone else's.

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If it has a normal-ish brain function for a nog I don't see the issue here.

He means PEOPLE, You Despicable Piece Of SHIT!

christians suck and are all fake, like the nigger this is replying too, everyone can tell he is not christian with that comment (but probably is a 14 yo little boy doing the internet badass thing).

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RUDE that's just a normal nigger

98% of abortions in the UK are for "social" reasons i.e. career, selfishness

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Yasssss LMAO it's a really great argument that those Xtian rural retards have never heard before

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Well if nobody has wounded you we are going back to sleep.

with his cock i imagine

Just because he’s different doesn’t mean he should die.

What about a fetus that is entirely viable and can survive outside the womb being pulled out except the head and then having his or her brains vacuumed out by a jewish doctor? Can you call it a "baby" then, or does a fetus only undergo that transformation when it has fully exited the womb? In that case does that mean the unborn human dies a fetus but then transforms into a baby's corpse once the vacuumed head is removed from the mother's vagina?

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a successful society eliminates its deadweight

>It's ok to prevent things from being born that will be a MONUMENTAL COST TO THE PRODUCTIVE TAXPAYING CLASS

So 90% of nonwhites and also white women, children, old people, and veterans, should be euthenized? Or only the unborn babies since they can't do anything g to stop it?

Nigger momma makes millikns on deformed babay..... gubmint gives axtra moneys fo diz.
Face it if they all come out like this ....wont be long now bois.

Human. It's a human since it has an unique human DNA.

Touche, faggot. Please abort yourself.

Mfw niggers momma sells eyes for drugs amd sheeeiit.

Mfw black not ....HUMAN SO !

>It's ok to prevent things from being born that will be a MONUMENTAL COST TO THE PRODUCTIVE TAXPAYING CLASS

You're okay to abort every woman then? Women end up being net negative during their lifetime.

If the shared goal of both parties is to REDUCE abortion, then you simply look at the data which demonstrates that states where abortion is heavily restricted have by far the highest rates of abortion. Personally I don't really give a fuck about trumplovers and their degenerate rodent children though.

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Ok but what about the 45 million white american babies who have been vacuumed out by jewish doctors since the 1970s? We could have replaced the entire population of Canada and Australia with them if we wanted to


>torso with a head
>has loving, submissive white wife and two white children

If this guy is better off aborted then im pretty sure so is everyone itt

For teh lulz.

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looks like your average american.

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