What would happen if Trump

put his hand on the queen's back in a friendly way as they are walking together?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-05 Trumps, Queen Elizabeth view items from the Royal Collection - YouTube.png (957x538, 1.04M)

he should have groped her like one of Biden's lolis just so we could compare the outrage over someone touching a corpse, to someone molesting children in public.

Queen needs to start lifting weights to work on her posture. Head is way far forward and her shoulders are slumped. No excuse for such weakness. Lift weights.

What would happen if he took her and snap her neck in a instant.

he did, Michelle Obama did too

Britain immediately becomes rightful American clay.

The queen is so old she probably would forgive him. If was a young king that would be a major issue.

I don't get it, though. Why is it so forbidden?

he did.
so did michelle obama.
nothing happened in either case, except the british press went *gasp!!!*


He should seize control of Britain while he is here, people would complain and grumble a bit but ultimately do nothing.