All dane bros on Jow Forums. Today you have to do your duty, no more sitting on the computer. Today you have to go out, be a man, and pull yourself together. We are facing a demographic turning point. We are being gradualy replaced by another people group over a span of multible decades. When we are old it will be too late and we will be full of regret. Paludan is the only person running for any parlament in all of the western world who openly acknowledges this and wants to change it. So do this for everything you love in this beautifull country that has been so kind to you.
V for sejr
Go go
Good luck, hope he makes it.
On my way!
My people are not maybe consireded white. But we are still North Europeans god dammed. I will support any North European movements with all my power. Lets make North Europe strong again. I will painfully destroy anyone who goes agains us.
Good luck!
will his party cross 2% or nah
>he thinks voting can save him
Goyim are imposible to save
help us based kike daddy
Imagine living in Demark where even leftist talk about reducing immigration.
are opinion pollings a complete meme, or is there a high likelyhood we're getting a red government?
he probably got the most steam behind him compared to the other very right winged parties, it would be weird if he didn't atleast get 2%
nye borgerlige im not so sure about will get in
no one likes shitskins in denmark, even the left is tired of them, climate change however, that is something most of the left is willing to take to a extreme, extreme taxes on basically all non-vegan food, more tax on fuel, ban gasoline / diesel cars outright and a general increase on the personal and corporate tax
how useful were opinion polling in US?
most opinion votings are done by a private company or DR directly, easily manipulated
Hahahaa this is what i have been saying all my life. Why nobody never listens? Is narcissism more powerful then our existence?
Gather all your family. Sell everyting
Move to sibiria and become a farmer
When posting on Jow Forums dont forget that 90% of people you argue with look like this
Maybe this place once was a good place for a political discussion but nowits all long gone
I understand.Ylilauta is nice as a finnish person. But in drunk state when i talk hours and hours about my sadism i get banned for being a fggot. Hahahaa
it's paladin you dumb nordnigger
This is encouraging. I've often thought that people don't call each other dip often enough.
Ok i have to say this. I dont care what people say to me on the internet. I more meant that people do not listen to me in the real life.
Maybe i am very drunk but i still know what i am talking about. I wont go too deep about it.
Because i don't wanna die.
Smile because tomorrow will be worse.
I'm getting odds 1.4 yes 2.7 no
I did my part. Voted Stram Kurs.
When are the results released?
Reuters reckons the "Centre-left" will win on a welfare platform.
danebros, is there any party left in your country that supports immigration? i read the social democrats are racist too now
By everyone's definition of racism and shiet, no. By ours? too many isn't realistic about our future.
I can always hope so.
7PM UK time the counting begins.
My life is like a movie.
Tell me about Dane! Why does he wear the Claphat?
Are you sami? Otherwise why wouldn't finns be considered white?
Ontopic: Good luck Danmark.
Already done. Voted for him personally.
Oh yes, there are 4 extremely traitorous parties: Radikale Venstre, Socialistisk Folkeparti, Enhedslisten and Alternativet. Combined, they'll get around 25-27% of the votes. So that's pretty fucked up.
>odds 1.4
I placed my bets on Stram Kurs.
But it's a little bit unfair, isn't it?
If I win my bet, I win 160 Kr.
And the government will take a huge chunk of my prize.
If I lose my bet, I lose 400 Kr.
But the government won't step in to cover some of the loses.
It's like a mafia.
Thank you so much. But still. This is a fake world and nothing is real. We use words like noita that are from the ancient mongolian language. Not even mongolians use those kind words anymore. We are more mongolian then mongolians themselves. I am maybe drunk but i still know what is going on.
When are the results announced?
lmao Danes are going for vote for a female socialist PM
Free money is always nice
Polls close in about 6 hours.
I think.
Then they start counting the votes.
Winnings are tax free
That's a relief.
Then I was mistaken about it.
Noita means two things witch and intelligent person who's intelligense is so powerful its dangerous to anyone around them. So in todays words MONIKA.
So if we accept that Rasmus will poll at about 3% tops, will other right-wing parties be gaining ground anyway, like we saw with the SD in Sweden (where AFS polled around 2%)?
Good times create weak people. Bad times incoming.
They might get more, since people are reluctant to admit to be politically incorrect in the polls.
That's the nature of nationalistic parties.
>will other right-wing parties be gaining ground anyway
DF will weaken, because Stram Kurs take their voters.
What happened was the Social-Democrats began to pander to the nationalists, and they managed to steal votes from DF as well.
Yes, Nye Borgerlige (New Right) is also a new party, and they're polling a bit higher than /ourparty/. Around 4%.. However, I think there's gonna be a lot of silent voters. Voting for Paludan isn't popular, so it's a taboo. Same happened to Danish People's Party in the 2015 election. They were polling around 17-18%, but ended up getting 21.1% of the votes. And with Stram Kurs/Paludan it's probably even more extreme, since the party is a lot more controversial. I wouldn't be surprised to see SK get around 5-7% of the votes.
Is Rasmus known in Denmark to the average normie?
I suppose having a smaller, and more concentrated population helps spread the word quicker than in Sweden were AFS didn't seem to get much air time.
Oh yes, everybody knows him now. He's been a public figure since mid April, where all the shit happened. He's at least in top 3 of the most mentioned party leaders in the media. They've tried to slander him constantly, but all it did was to give him attention. Perfect.
Yeah, exactly. I've been thinking the same thing. Paludan has been all over the country the past 6 weeks. He's been in almost every town and city, and a ton of people have met him with positive attitudes. He's more popular than the media claims.
Paludan got memed so much that everyone knew who he was even before the media talked about him. They did the same mistake as they did with Trump all the petty little things that journalists does. like use the worst picture from a photo OP every time its about Paludan, making him look like he is making the roman salute, or just silly in a plain silly pose and expression etc.
They really think that bullying people like they did back in highschool will not negatively impact their own image, they think that people don't notice the subtle propaganda. Big mistake.
Can someone please make a female version of Paludan with Snapchat or face app? N-nothing personal desu.
God bless, and good luck Dane'bro. The UK's fucked but you fight! Fight to keep your own lands.
He's not jewish idiot, he wore the jew hat to provoke Muzzies/Antifa
How were your crayons this morning? Did the red ones taste better than the green ones?
epic meme /b/ro you really pwned the libs this time
du er fra /b/? ikke overraskende, du virker som en transvestit
15 årige nybosse
så er du gammel nok til at slikke pik, tillyke
må være paludan selv der sidder bag computeren
er sgu pinligt at du er så dårlig til at læse, men det er også cirka så hjernedod man skal være
If was not drunk i would just have a unlimited existencial crisis about this in my head. But in drunk state i can talk about my non existence. I am not real.
I accidentially voted for Pernille Skipper instead :) my bad
t. alt right zoomer "intellectual"
Jejeje I'm already mixed,
Just don't impregnate muslimas, women carry the culture of a country
>6'1, muscular, handsome
more like a chad nationalist
Just got home from voting Stram Kurs. We now have a poltard in the danish parliament.
Everything i ever did, every sacrifice and all my family members dying never meant nothing. Its all a fake simulation. There is no fair or wrong.
based autistic drunk finn
felt pretty badass walking away after voting them, ngl
He is extremely popular with young people. I have 13 year old cousins with profile pictures of poludan on steam saying that they are voting for him when they are old enough.
He who owns the youth..
Nothing means anything. Its all a black hole.
It felt pretty cheeky yes knowing that 95 percent there would ostratize you
Some schools have banned doing the V for victory sign kek
They are literally figting fire with enriched uranium dioxide
Good luck, Danebros.
thx murica
I even smiled at various muslims there and held the door for a mother and her daughter, if only they knew...
t.zionist boomer
Denmark not as based as Hungary
It's Jacob Haugaard all over again.
Paludan will get voted in because of the memes, but he won't have any impact on anything at all once he is in and nothing will change.
At least vote for a real party and don't throw away your vote for a laugh.
DO IT FAGGOTS (no homo)
fuck off shill, Haugaard was a comedian, Paludan is a serious ethno-nationalist
>den her tråd
t. lars agerbæk
t. thomas brandt
t. niels jensen
t. henrik agersbæk
t. lars hartvig
t. martin orson arboe-rasmussen
t. samuel reinke
t. ebbe nielsen
t. rasmus holm
t. anders hansen
t. ronni bang
I unironically voted for Samira Nawa from Radikale Venstre.
never show your face here again kid
Are you into LGBT rights or why are you so enamoured with that faggot Paludan? .. He is a faggot that can not take a no. When one of his fellow students would not take his dick in his ass, he stalked him for 5 years straight.. So I hope all you dick lovers get a good dose of Paludan faggot dick.
And he'll stalk you for 5 years straight until you leave the country, Ali
Denmark for the Danes* amriite?
(*includes niggers adopted as babies and the 12 tribes of Israel)
Helmuth Nyborg would fuck all you basedniggers girlfriends, kek. Look at this true Chad
Anti-semite nazi!