Lauren Southern has announced she is retiring from public life
How do you feel about this?
Lauren Southern has announced she is retiring from public life
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Look at all of those beta orbiters standing behind the barrier rope. Pathetic. I wish more men were red pilled on bitches. Is there an evolutionary explanation for why men act like this? I know a lot of guys don't do this, but many men are like this. And that's why e-THOTs like Lauren Southern have fat bank accounts full of Beta Bucks.
If this cunt is going to wear a shirt like that, she better not have a fat roll on the bottom of her gut.
That a singlet you mong
Like she made a garbage magnum opus, realized that her man voice and tiny brain were accelerating her toward the wall at warp speed, and will now attempt to hook a Chad at all costs with the time she has left.
He was doing a good job , lets hope he can keep contributing in the shadows
Well yes they are beta orbiters, and yes there is a barrier separating them from her which is hilarious
But.. what else do you notice about them? Look closer.
come on now this is a work of an intellectual giant
Who can blame her after looking at that picture?
Goodbye curry-burner.
apparently she had a string of black boyfriends in college, and they all dumped her because of how flaky and creepy weird she was
I wonder if this influenced her later politics and hate?
>apparently she had a string of black boyfriends in college
That dude is not Black.
Indian/African same difference
oh no that sucks
i liked her she did the good fight
shes almost as greasy as Jacob Wohl
If she has kids then it's great and she should've done it a long time ago.
>if a single white woman has kids out of wedlock it's great
she's probably starting to see the ceiling and wants to jump off the cock-carousel and settle down for a tradthot lifestyle before being a complete roasty.
Good for her and the sad beta faggot that she's settling down with.
She's slammed the wall pretty hard and is a bit old for kids now.
I imagine her betabux stream has been trickling down now in favor of younger whores for awhile.
She'll probably pop out an autistic goblin or two if she is lucky though.
Don't care at all how she has them, as long as she has them.
She has good genes, we need more of her.
Will she make career in porn? maybe?
>How do you feel about this?
And nothing of value was lost.
I don't know about Jesse Lee Peterson but Elon Musk is not a Zionist.
Jared Taylor is good and Varg is the best, he named the jew in the video to the arabs.
>Lauren Southern has announced she is retiring from public life
>announced she is retiring
I see were you failed in life
Isn’t she only like 22
Made enough money from maga incels now she is out
Don't forget Jesus. Stone cold zionist.
JLP is an unrepentant Zionist how new are you
No idea, physically she looks mid 30s and that is after plastic surgery to look more youthful.
I don't follow him, I just saw that he knows white prestige is bullshit.
>retiring from public life
is she gonna be a basement dweller?
pajit is kike btw
>a woman in her 20s is a bit old for kids now
how you do you think a woman should be to start having kids?
that's a jew? source?
pretty muh this, I think she came to this conclusion already during the filming of the latest documentary.
Good luck to her. Few people would want to stay in the spotlight as a public spittoon for life. She did a great job in her time as a public figure.
If that's her true chronological age she has very unfortunate genes and probably should not reproduce.
more like she realised she is 23 and wants to ride the cock carousal for 7 years
She's 23
Good time to have kids, she should get started immediately.
Post Lauren´s sister
wow. thanks, i needed this. it's shockingly sobering to see just how little there is going on in a woman's head. if she wasn't a jew-friendly young blonde we would never know who she was
That text is a perfect example of why editors exist and why you should not self-publish unless you're in the 0.1% of writers in talent and skill. The text could easily be edited into something palatable, but now it's an eyesore.
go to the wheat fields lauren. find chad he is waiting for you. make white babies and secure the existence. its your true calling.
oh fuck HAHAHA
she was a clown
it could not be made palatable
bravo, you've done a mans job sir
I hope she goes into doing porn
> she was a clown
only in the minds of useless, jealous, alone trannies.
No literally she was a clown, see
I will miss Lauren "Not Cis" Southern (check 0:45 in the video)
She’s going to make Minecraft asmr now
>Mich Enoch - Zionist
What did he mean by this
Very good user
She's done more to save the west than every purity spiraling basement dwelling incel keyboard warrior on pol combined.
I can't understand why memeflaggots seem so concerned with what an ethot does. This just seems to me like smoke to hide something.
This, who even cares about ethots?
remember that time she was standing across the road asking why weren't there any british pubs?
because of course Australia is all about being hyper anglophiles
I don't understand why you're so concerned about a teeny tiny itty bitty little flag
Well because there is a high correlation between fucking dumbass threads and fucking memeflags. You swarm the fucking board with uninteresting and repetitive shit.
who gives a shit? she's an attentionwhoring Jewess.
bro, this isn't thedonald, we don't care about Jews unless their tits are out. I hope her black boyfriend beats her
i dream about black guy manhandling my qt girl slavic ass
>tee hee I'm ready to settle down now
how predictable
whats going on big guy?
Nobody and I mean literally nobody gives a fuck
she already went out with a chad and then left him because he wanted to do politics and she wanted him to get a normal job like a plumber lol
Source on dis
She’s 23, Mohammed. Take your pregnant children back to Syria.