Huge redpill on niggers

Wtf is wrong with niggers. If you have the time watch this whole thing (sure its pedo bait).

The nigs always ruining everything.

First girl to leave is the high IQ nazi type who's averse to the chaos (german probably). Then the nig starts doing all the crazy shit...waking them up all the time, farting in their face, causing mayhem along with the other nigs. Even the jew girl who befriends the nig gets fed up.

No wonder they hate whitey. Even children are race realists before its beaten out of them.

Attached: nignog.png (1303x810, 1.24M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>job loicence

>comments disabled

kek. sounds like shes just doing what comes natural

kek the memes are real

It's exactly this kind of racist, uncalled for bullshit that gives /Pol and white people a bad name. You know people from the media come here and report on stuff like this, right?

every time you post a thread you're an ambassador of the right-wing, please try to be more responsible from now on.

shut uo u faggot nigger

Hey it's the leaf from the Jow Forums humor threads.

Why does America have such a high prison rape rate?

Go be a leaf somewhere else.

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Oh I remember this yeah. Kids having fun and then comes the negro to ruin everything.


>ambassador of the right-wing
As ambassador of the right-wing I hereby declare war on niggers, kikes, and you, user.

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Mama Mia look at the pasta.

Awesome, clicking randomly through the video it looks like one tries to 'acid attack' another. Goes so far to make a batch of the 'acid'. Females are great

m8 wut

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Getting rid of the joke name

This seems like borderline child abuse.

its a long video but the nigger causes at least 2 girls to leave. clearly completely undisciplined at home. all the white girls agreeing staying up past 12 is degeneracy, but the nig wants to go nuts until 3-4 in the morning keeping everyone awake.

Yeah, children shouldn't be left around niggers.

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42:15 for ultimate western degeneracy

Ur so smart

This really activates my fatherly instincts. I just want to go in there and patent the fuck out of those kids.

You rage you lose

I lost

lol, but everyone get jack of her shit and start ignoring her at the end. She locks herself in the bathroom for a few hrs and nobody cares

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>Huge redpill on niggers
Tiny sample size. Can't really endorse this title.

Sherry cooking and cleaning up, revealing the massive wife upside already at 12 years old.

>patent the fuck out of those kids.
You want to do what with those children?

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parent chris, parent... you sick fuck

shes basically hitler. demoralized by her low IQ brethren who revel in the chaos. correctly telling the nigger that her cooking sucks which the nigger ends up throwing away.

Ladies and gentlemen: THE LEAF has spoken.

Attached: leaf blower.jpg (600x400, 104K)

Give me timestamp

>causing mayhem along with the other nigs
I've spotted only one nig and one arab, everyone else was white

To be fair, I think they made a calculated pick with the tall black girl. She's physically more mature than the others. I'm pretty sure they could've easily found a less abrasive and less in-your-face black girl if they wanted to. The other blackish girl seems nice enough.

I'm halway through, and Charley is such a peacekeeper, bless her heart.

I think the other one is arab, could be a quadroon though. She's too young to tell and I didn't get good angles.

10 fucking ads

Ok I just saw pic related.
Definitely sub-saharan admixture. Looks like something between quadroon and mulatto.

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Too bad they didn't include the full rapist story/stories ("every time he raped her, she enjoyed it!"), would've been an interesting psychological study for sure. An edited 50-minute show leaves so much stuff out, it's a pity because it would be really interesting to analyze the raw footage and interactions and get a good read on the different personalities.

if theyre brown theyre nigs. i think one of them is mixed and one is italian or arab

>Why does America have such a high prison rape rate?
Because prisons in mmurica are private own buisnesses and they care about profits not resocialisation.

I'd wife Charli, she's great

Is this the new pasta?

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At 49:34 you can see up the girls panties

Fucking nederlanders

Make your predictions for the male version with less diversity...

> she keeps telling us what to do

These 2 niggers, I swear

Blond girl that cooks is genuinely GOD-tier, bless her parents

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7 minutes in and they've already created a state system, taken into account everyone's complaints and held the most unruly boy accountable for his behaviour.

That was fun. It reminded me also of my childhood when I spent a lot of time in the summers with my cousins and their friends, most of them female. Yep, that's what 12-year-old girls are like all right. Drama and tears. Also reminds me of why we used to think girls were annoying as shit.

>muh optics

monarchy wins again

Please don’t make this pasta a thing, it’s really not funny

Unfortunately it already is a thing. I've seen it many times over the last couple of weeks. It stops being a thing only when newfags stop biting on it.


They have same year of birth as me and grew up in the same area. Makes me really nostalgic. Also sad that these kids are being replaced with Pakis, Indians and Africans.

Didn't take me long to want to tie up Michael, put him in a sack and throw him in the sea.


summer is here so now you'll have more newfags swallowing

Here you go nigger

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unlike to the girl video comments are not disabled.
Makes me think

the girls one was probably posted on tv

>before its beaten out of them.
It never is beaten out. It can only be directed in the other way, usually towards self--causing all sort of mental illness.

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More like they gave one schmuck all the responsibility(michael) then proceeded to destroy the place and avoid doing anything that wasnt bullying or fun

The song at the end is horrific, why are 12 year old girls singing about being a whore and boobs

wow the difference between the two and degeneracy levels is striking

Its from this

Trigger warning: butt stuff

>patent the fuck out of those kids.
holly hebrew batman.

So how is my kid doing?

That's how you know it's a good unintentional redpill

Anger feels good now. When we win, I have no idea what I'll do.

it's a comical cheerleader chant. And they sang about not being a whore.

Anyway, 12-year-old girls will talk about boobs and related stuff between themselves regardless.

girls won this one, by a wide margin I'd say. the only problem girls were the two dark ones.

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I disagree completely.

how? the boys trashed the place far more. they were also less cooperative.

>Used to
Fucking normie

>9 million views
>comments disabled
I kinda feel bad because I know of black kids that are trying to get out the shit living of their families and actually study and try to make change

If white countries are racist for niggers, they can go back to Africa.

That's the only place they won't experience racism.


>that symbol


What an absolute clusterfuck. Just a reminder not to put much faith in humanity because that's the foundation right there. If there was no supervision at all and no way to remove yourself from the situation, I guarantee at least one of the boys would've got killed within a month at the latest.


Fucking pedos ruin everything. I would have loved to have seen the comments before they were taken down.

Mexicans created the modern world, if it wasn't for them niggers would still live in mudhuts and whites would be living in those straw sheds. Mexicans actually founded Rome and ruled it through it's prime

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