ITT we write headlines from the future

Stare into the tea leaves, eviscerate a chicken or shake your magic 8-ball and divine future headlines. White and black pills welcome.

Numbers formally between 44 and 47 removed from curriculum after local outrage

Youngest xerson in the world dies aged just 14

Homocaust memorial defaced; officials 'not looking for culprit'

Attached: tea-leaves.jpg (1300x956, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

2040, Germany
>"racist white supremacist girl, 11, is accused of racial hatred against POC by accusing a black male of rape when he generously offered to have sex with her, a white devil. She is to spend 2 years in youth detention center, where she'll be re-educated until she is a proper citizen in our diverse & multi-cult society"

2079, Sweden:
>"Pictures have emerged of some seemingly white humanoids moving around the forest/mountain outskirts of the Northern Sweden. Many Swedes were alarmed by the pale color of their skin, thinking they were ghosts or demons. A notorious conspiracy theorist claims that they are, in fact, not ghosts, but part of the now forgotten people that once lived in our lands, the white people. Of course, people are obviously skeptical of his claims"

Attached: end times.jpg (1200x630, 741K)

This counts towards your denbts repayment, thanks Stavros

2041, Italy:
>"The race wars are finally over, and we Italians emerged victorious! The future may be rough, but it's ll be ours to make. Long live Salvini, Emperor of the new Roman Empire!"

thanks, hobbit bro.

Today, Womynsday, GayPride Month 14th. There was a bridge collapse. No explanation was given for the collapse investigators are working on it. In other news, Scruffles the dog and his human Basedana have placed first in the Boston Marathon with a time of 22 hours and 11 mins. A new world record!

2188: Walt Disney cryongenically unfrozen and brain added to nearly complete neural A.I. nexus that will eventually composite Earth's Supreme Intelligence (TM Marvel comics).

Last remaining user on Twitter finally banned; 'For someone to be the last meant that someone else was first, which is unacceptable' officials say

Gold reserves at all time low as all 20,000 entrants in regional frisbee golf tournament achieve gold medal (and that's a good thing)

Local CISHET male tests positive for testosterone, was refusing onions rations police reveal


This song destroyed the globohomo

Scientists have now proven that not only was Jesus black, Xir was also transgender.

Revealed for the first time: how Russians hacked our schools to spread fake news about existence of 'Jesus'

Historians have uncovered new books to the bible that clearly prove white men were a mistake by god - first transgender lesbian muslim pope reveals

According to some sources Trump said a thing.

The war in east germany continues as the rebels receive support from Poland in their struggle for independence from germany. The rebels who formed the prussian confedereation are said to have taken headquarters in Königsberg and Danzig and will continue their struggle against the EU-supportive aggressors.

Attached: 6632D329-BFA1-448F-BBB8-651079E72799.png (600x600, 523K)

the techno-Asian alliance of space fascist takes home gold medal in the 2086 olympics after defeating the globohomo emirates of Zion in fortnite remastered

Muhammadlöv Ahmedson, Supreme Imam of the swedish caliphate promises to continue the war against Finland „till no fin is left, if necessary“. The sharia government recently struggled with famine related uprisings after swedish partisans, known as the „wolfes of breivik“ destroyed huge s o y supplies in the capital of Mekkaholm

Attached: ok-tucker.png (408x431, 396K)

The results of the 20th annual Brexit vote has resulted in 11 wins for Leave and 9 for remain! Better luck next year, Remainers!

Ruth Baader Ginsburgh delivered her opinion, arguing for banning white women from giving birth in absence

Attached: 8B0E988A-4495-4650-8899-0CE2CE250CE7.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

3025, Cyber Mueller begins 200th probe into alleged Trump - Russian collusion during 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.

Attached: 1B248AF5-9F17-42EE-8631-492A7D876F12.jpg (538x445, 62K)

>Tensions flair in the 2242 election as Robo-drumph3000 questions the link of the autism vaccine to autism

Local Holocaust survivor Ariel Shekelberg formally announces intent to run for president in 3015 election


- Blacks suffer high casualties in burgeroid CW2
- A President is assassinated (head blown off)
- Many bomb-related terrors attacks throught Europe

>2666 Space Jews finally build third temple on North Pole of Saturn; Titan-stinians riot at border in rage

Disc golf is a great male bonding activity you fucking faggot

I was going to put that it was an olympic gold in there but must have forgotten


In the year 2030, Congress passes the tenth annual Reparations act, awarding African Americans their annual reparations for the upcoming year.

The bill also prohibits the term "African American", as it is deemed to have negative connotations.

The negative connotations being the word 'American' a nation which has not existed for 12 years, not ever existed